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Biofilm Disruption Study

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Posts: 35
Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2019 12:55 pm

Biofilm Disruption Study

Post by Pleasehelp »

Hello all
Quick introduction: I have fecal breath, which started as morning breath in college, (now 38) then became more and more frequent until I could no longer control it with toothpastes, mouthwash, and of course antibiotics (I tried metronizadole, which briefly worked, chlorhexidine, same, etc). Now it is room filling and very frequent. I do get tonsil stones like once a week, but they smell like concentrated morning breath, not fecal. It is worse when I am breathing hard or yelling, but bad even if I'm not (nasal and mouth).
Like you I have seen periodontists (gums measured, are fine,) two dentists (got a cracked filling replaced, do NOT recommend, as my crown always smells when flossing because it collects food on sides, it is nearly impossible to get a tight fit and artificial material attracts bacteria), a Gastro doc, who said bc I have no other symptoms, would not test me for anything else, but did note tonsil stones, two ENTs (one offered to take my tonsils out, but again, I dont think they are the problem, upon further research, and reading the posts here). I also saw an ID doc, who was the only one that knew about anaroebic bacteria, but couldn't offer much more except to advise against antibiotics.
I have been reading the forum for a long time, and recently read a study about how to disrupt the biofilm that settles on the tonsils (but I'm sure this is similar to the biofilm on the back of our tongue and throat). I think the tongue biofilm is my issue, because like many of you, it gets better for a bit with different treatments, then becomes resistant.
Anyways, I thought it was a good article, and I'm going to try to write to a couple of the scientists and see what they advise. I've done this before, but only heard back from two: one was an assistant to a dental researcher who basically said its complex and were working on it, and the other was the head of an NYUZ department, who advised the half water, half hydrogen peroxide mouthwash, which does help with interdental smell when flossing, but not tongue, in my opinion. Here is the article: ... po=12.2549

There is some interesting info, and the big take aways were using a very stiff brush to break up microfilm and vinegar as a nontoxic tool. I know this is common knowledge for a lot of us, but maybe not all. Also, I think it's always good to have names of people doing these studies to follow their work. Like you all, I have done an ENORMOUS amount of research, and I think I have an impenetrable biofilm in my mouth. I do recall reading another users posts about using diluted bleach, but their study was funded by Chlorox, and bleach cant be good for you....

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Joined: Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:02 am

Re: Biofilm Disruption Study

Post by mauricio »

Have you tried fasting and how long for if yes.
bb free)
Posts: 35
Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2019 12:55 pm

Re: Biofilm Disruption Study

Post by Pleasehelp »

I've cut out dairy and most sugar, but I have not fasted. I eat very little meat, mostly chicken and eggs.
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