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Fed up!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:04 am
by Jaim618
Hi everyone! I am new to this site. I am 43 and have been suffering since I’m about 12. I always have a bad taste, mouth feels hot and clamy, white coating. Wherever I go I get reactions. It’s gotten worse as I get older. I’ve had my tonsils recently removed, although it’s gotten rid of my tonsil stones, I still have bad breath. I also now notice major phlegm feeling in back of my throat now that my tonsils are out (never had that before)
I’ve had an endoscopy and everything was normal. Minimal reflux. One ENT told me I was fine and second one said I had LPR. My gen prac has no idea how to help me. My dentist says my mouth is perfect.
I’ve tried nose sprays, reflux meds, oil pulling, rinsing with bleach (just for 2 days- just read about it on this site) I’ve tried the breathing technique but I have no clue how to do it right so I must look like an idiot lol
I floss, water pik, tongue scrape, rinse- I do this a minimum of 2x a day.
I’ve tried ACV, probiotics, tongue laser
NOTHING works!!! I don’t think I am a room filler and I don’t think it comes out of my nose. I’m not sure which type of BB I fall under. My father, uncle, niece, son, and twin sister have BB but different smells.
I am watching what I eat but can’t tell what makes it worse since it’s is pretty much always bad! The day after drinking alcohol my mouth feels like I’ve licked 1000 envelopes.
I am recently single. My husband never cared about my breath but now that I’m dating it’s a nightmare. I see people close to their significant others and feel like I will never be able to do that.
I’ve been told to get allergy tested as a last resort but I can’t see how that would help.
Could this be genetic makeup and simply have no cure?
Looking for any ideas!!

Re: Fed up!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:26 am
by StillHoping
did you by any chance take antibiotics at some point? Seems like a lot of us with these symptoms, began after antibiotics

Re: Fed up!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 12:40 am
by Jaim618
I’m sure I did at some point. But I can’t pinpoint it.

Re: Fed up!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 2:33 am
by space
I have the same mucus in throat, what helps me is to properly choose what I eat (no super smelly, as anything smelly will also makes the mucus smelly and will stay there for at least 36 hours in my case). Also watch out for food (or food triggers for more mucus production) dairy, junk food chips, chocolate, spicy, citrus, mint, tomatoes, pineapple, vinegar (the LPR, pepsin related food protocol). In the past, the doctor also said mine was gerd because I complained about the mucus in throat, but I dont have any traditional symptoms of gerd, Im thinking now that it is silent pepsin related reflux (which might also be related to sibo). But thats only for the mucus part, I already have bb even before that, and a family member also has bb but maybe milder than mine. So please look at those two things: 1) smelly foods (I have lists of them in my post), and 2) mucus aggravators (I also have a list of it, except for the pepsin related reflux). Also make sure you dont have gum issues, and also check your elimination (bowel movement, 1 bm in 3 days, thats every other 2 days, is still normal). Also, if you can find a milder mint free or flavor free toothpaste that will also help. This wont cure you, but will lessen the smell significantly if you dont have any other cause of bb.

Re: Fed up!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 10:43 am
by Jaim618
I have cut out most of those foods already. But I will look at your lists. I have BM issues for sure! Spoke to Dr about it. Thank you for your advise!