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Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:56 pm
by Life_Goes_On
Hello, everyone. I haven’t been to this site in a long time so I just want to make this post quick because I don’t plan to stay here long but I will say this, I found the cure for many of you. I’ve been doing research on the cure for bad breath for so long and I’ve personally been through the dentist many times, I’ve been to the doctor many times on this matter, I’ve been tested many times, I’ve had a few surgeries and procedures completed, I went through endless amounts of prescribed/over-the-counter medication, many days of suffering and many days were wasted over this bad breath problem. So I know exactly how all of you have felt or currently feel and that is why I am obligated to helping you. If you want to see my past post then here they are.

Post 1: viewtopic.php?t=6614

Post 2: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6687

However, this cure will not help everyone. I want to recommend everyone to go to their dentist and fix up any issues in their mouth from cavities, to impacted wisdom teeth, to bleeding gums, to any infections that exist within the mouth. Then once you’ve got your mouth fixed and you still feel like you have bad breath then I’m here to help you.

But before I can help you, you must have a good dental hygiene system in place. I recommend using an electric tooth brush, string floss(not a floss pick), mouth wash and a stainless steel tongue scraper. Make sure you brush all of your teeth (outer side & Inner side) especially the ones in the back. Also, make sure to brush your tongue thoroughly especially the back of your tongue. And of course, always floss especially the teeth that are hard to reach in the back and make sure you’re flossing correctly, your dentist will tell you how to properly floss. And lastly gargle with mouthwash. This all might seem simple but if you’re not cleaning your entire mouth correctly then of course you’re going to have bad breath, this is the same for anyone regardless of if they struggle with chronic bad breath or not. Oh and another important note, I recommend replacing your tongue scraper and your tooth brush or tooth brush head at least every two weeks to a month. I replace mine every week, it’s just a habit I picked up over the years. If you want to know my dental hygiene setup, I use an Oral B - Electric Tooth Brush | Glide - Cool Mint - String Floss | Colgate - Baking Soda & Peroxide Whitening - Tooth Paste | Stainless Steele - Tongue Scraper | Closys - Gentle Mint - Mouthwash |

So for those of you who have been checked out good by your dentist and have implemented a good dental hygiene system and feel you’re still suffering from chronic bad breath then I can now help you. Now I want to note for those of you suffering from bad smells from the nose or bad smells from the throat like tonsil stones then I can’t help you and I’m sorry I can’t help you because I’ve never experienced either of the two problems. However, for those you suffering from chronic bad breath from the mouth, I have the cure. But before I tell you the cure, you must understand that the smell is not coming from the mouth but instead the smell is coming from your body odor, so let me explain.

You’re suffering from Bad Breath Halitophobia. And the reason is because we’ve all got those disgusting looks from other people, or heard other people say something stinks as they hold their nose. Automatically, we’ve all came to the conclusion that it’s our breath because we would never assume we have a body odor. Especially, after you took a shower and did your regular body hygiene you’ve been doing all your life and applied that expensive new fragrance so why would your body hygiene be a problem now after all these years. The problem has to be from the mouth. And I’m here to tell you, no it’s not the mouth but it’s indeed your body odor.

I guarantee you, for most of you, if you can find the reason why your body odor smells then you will be cured. And you’re not going to realize your body odor smells because you’re use to your body odor, which is weird but look at it like this. After you put your cologne on in the morning, and if you’ve been using that same cologne for a year, then you go to work and someone says to you, that cologne you have on smells good but you realize, you yourself can no longer smell the cologne and that’s because your nose has grown natural to the smell. However, other people who are not always around you will notice the smell because of course their nose are not use to your body odor.

Now listen up, it doesn’t matter if you wash yourself with the worlds freshest soap and it does not matter if you put on the worlds most expensive cologne/perfume, those good smells can still be overshadowed by a bad smell. And bad body odor can travel far and has a large radius. Some of you thought it was your bad breath that stunk up rooms but in actuality it’s your body odor. I know this for a fact because there were times when I thought I had bad breath and didn’t even open my mouth and people around would still say it smells bad in here.

So you might ask what are some things that might cause bad odor. First you must locate the areas in your home that are prone to bad smells, Your bathroom(s), your kitchen sink and refrigerator, your dirty clothes basket/area, your trash cans, your shoe rack, etc. And in my case, my three biggest areas of concern in my home were my refrigerator because I often bought fresh food like vegetables, fruit and meat that usually go bad in less than a week, my bathroom and my shoe rack.

In fact, my biggest bad odor came from my feet. And if you don’t know bad foot odor is known to be the worst odor a human can emit. And one day I was going through my daily shoes and put them each in my face and I remember saying damn as for one of my shoes the odor was coming out the shoe but had I not put that shoe close in my face I would not have known that was an issue. And it makes sense because my feet sweat a lot, that sweat infused with my shoes overtime and I never realized the bad smell that came from it because my nose has grown natural to it. I even had to throw a few shoes away because even after buying shoe spray and sprayed some of my shoes, it wasn’t enough as some of the shoes had completely been consumed and infused with a bad smell all around. So now what I do is I always spray my shoes after I come home and before I leave home. And I always make sure the area where I put my shoes has a fragrance next to it. I’ll explain why fragrance is important in my next paragraph. Also, I buy specialty socks that help contain sweaty feet and odors which also helps a lot. And it doesn’t matter if you wash your feet daily like I do, if your feet sweats actively then you must do all you can do to neutralize the odor. And if you don’t neutralize your bad foot odor, even though you don’t realize it, others will and again bad foot odor is one of the worse body odors emitted by a human so other people will be disgusted by it. And it doesn’t necessarily smell like feet to others, it can smell like cheese gone bad so they’re not going to automatically know it’s your feet, they’re just going to react to you in general for smelling bad. And bad foot odor can each a large radius or stink a room depending on how bad your situation is.

My other big bad odor location of concern was my bathroom, even though my bathroom is clean, that is not enough. Your bathroom has to have fragrances at all times and you have to actively replenish those fragrances whenever they get low. Don’t be like me, and automatically assume that if a bathroom is clean, it also smells good. All those bad odors from doing the number 1 and 2 everyday will accumulate overtime and of course you won’t smell it because your nose has grown use to the smells but believe me those smells are still there if you don’t have those bad odors neutralized. So what i now do to neutralize those bad odors is I always have a wall plug fragrance plugged in in my bathroom(and also in every other room for that matter), I have one of those stand still cone fragrance things on top of my toilet and most importantly I now and will always make sure my toilet tank has one of those Clorox - Toilet Bowl Cleaner -Blue & Bleach tablets inside. This is the most crucial thing every toilet needs because again it doesn’t matter if the toilet is clean or not, there can still be an odor emitted from the toilet bowl and that odor needs to be neutralized. If you do not neutralize that odor, it doesn’t matter if you get a shower or put on the worlds best smelling cologne, your going to smell bad because that bad odor is going to stick to you and overshadow all of your good odors and when you leave your home and your not going to realize your bad odor smell because you’re use to it but when you come across other people, they won’t be use that smell and they’re going to smell it and react to it when they’re around you, trust me.

Then next, my kitchens refrigerator was another one of my big areas of concern for bad odors. This was the easiest to solve, the only thing in my refrigerator now is water bottles. I no longer buy fresh fruit and vegetables from the grocery store nor do I buy fresh meat from my local deli because fresh food goes bad fast. Originally, I never realized how fast fresh food goes bad, I thought it would last for at least two weeks but even that’s too long. And I’m the type of guy, I’m a mood eater. I can’t eat food because it’s there, I have to eat it because I’m craving it or in the mood for it. And most times I would buy all this fresh food and not even eat. So the fresh food would eventually cause an odor and I would get use to it. This type of bad odor can also cling to you and you will also not realize it. Specially, certain green vegetables can develope a real bad smell quickly. So to combat this smell, at one point, I was buying food weekly and then after a week I would throw absolutely everything left away then replenish everything and eventually I got tired of doing this and now Ive just decided to spend the extra dollar and go out to eat everyday. Maybe I could have adjusted my refrigerator to a different temperature or maybe separated foods appropriately but honestly I’d rather just spend the extra dollar then to deal with all of that again.

But going back to the point, my home smells completely like lavender. Every room or location has a fragrance device especially in bad odor prone locations like my shoe rack area, my bathroom and my dirty Landry closet, these areas have multiple fragrance devices in order to neutralize the odors I can’t eliminate. And some of you may do this to your home already and this may still not be enough to neutralize or eliminate your bad body odor. I know this for a fact because I use to work in a casino and everyday I smelt like a human cigar leaving work and the funny thing is I don’t even smoke. And like most odors my nose eventually got use to the smell, not realizing how bad I really smelt from all of the smoke. And if you work in jobs that have strong odors then the only way you can eliminate that odor is to either never take those clothes you used to work in, into your home and always take a shower before you go home, if you can’t do that then the only way to remove the bad odor is to find a different job.

But I don’t want to spend too much time on this so I will tell you, make sure you either eliminate or neutralize every bad odor in your home first. And this will be tough, you have to use your mind and not your nose to identity every possible bad odor location because for some bad odor locations in your home you probably are use to the smell. Also, try washing your clothes more often. Instead of doing your laundry weekly, I would recommend try doing it every few days. Especially, your towels. Wet towels have one of the worse smells, I personally put my wet towels in a concealed basket and leave on my patio outside until I’m ready to wash them.

Oh and I also forgot to mention make sure your car is clean and also has a fresh fragrance within it all times because those smells that stick to you will be present in your car even after you left your car. Many people think it’s their breath that stinks up the car when really your car just stinks from the accumulation of odors not being neutralized, just like your toilet bowl.

Now once you’ve been cleared by your dentist, obtained a good dental hygiene and either eliminated or neutralized every bad odor in your home, and outside your home that include your car and your workplace then you will be cured not of chronic bad breath but you will be cured of your bad body odor and then you’ll be one step closer to being cured of halitophobia because you’ve most likely never had bad breath to begin with.

And you will still suffer halitophobia, the idea that every time someone does something, that you will feel they’re automatically reacting to you as if you have bad breath. You have to learn to distinguish a natural occurrence from a negative thought. And the number one way to cure your halitophobia is to not think about it all the time, stop searching for a cure for a problem that doesn’t exist and reading negative stories, especially stories that are encouraging people to take certain products that are detrimental to your health that promises to cure you. You can’t continue to let the idea of having chronic bad breath destroy your life, for me this problem has ruined an entire decade of my life that I can never get back but now I’m going to live my life again, I hope you all do the same. Good luck!

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:24 pm
by Gluten-free
You are right about body odor, also. But they all related, it comes because of candida. Yes, home odor can also attach to your cloth. Like, I can't poop without taking a shower my whole body will smell. That is sign of parasite and candida. I don't have halitophobia I really have a digestion problem.

Foot odor is also a candida problem.

Today, I surrender for sure I gave in. I tried a water fasted, I couldn't hold on. I gave in and go to eat some cookies.

I recognize that I need to do a 90 day sugar detox. I can't fast to detox. I will for sure do a Keto diet and take candida supplements. I already lost 3 years of my life. I was whole 2019 in my house. I can't allow a sugar addiction to robe my 2020 also. No more.

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:31 pm
by Life_Goes_On
@Gluten-Free Let me ask you this, have you ever been tested for candidiasis or are you assuming you have candidiasis based on your own self diagnoses?

I use to be paranoid like you which caused me to waste thousands and probably tens of thousands on pointless appointments, surgeries, procedures, medications, products, etc. I say that because I use to believe I had candidiasis within myself so I took a stool test and a endoscopy and I had no signs of parasites, viruses, or bacteria. I took a throat culture or saliva test and it showed no signs of bacteria or fungus that can cause infection. I had a dentist check my mouth for oral thrush and I was cleared. Also, candidiasis on the feet is a visual skin fungus and I’ve had my feet examined thoroughly by a Podiatrist which included X-rays mainly because I had surgery to remove a plantar fibrosis mass from the bottom of my right foot.

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:34 am
by Gluten-free
You are right they didn't find anything. I did a stool test and throat control. but I still pass out gas when I sit without knowing it. If I eat patato and fruits.

I still have bb. I don't know; What it's going on. But I will do my sugar detox. This is my last try. I am really tired.

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:31 pm
by Life_Goes_On
@Gluten-Free I use to have to pass gas throughout the entire day consistently and it was very annoying especially considering I work around people so what helps me is I’ve modified my diet and changed my eating structure. So I modified my diet by completely eliminating all Pork, Dairy, Red Meats and Seafood from my diet. And then I changed my eating structure by implementing the intermittent fasting. So I only eat twice a day, two big meals. One meal at 1pm and the second meal at 9pm. The first meal is usually a healthy meal, then the second meal is always unhealthy, so this is the time when I consume my sugar. Therefore, I can get it out my system before work the next day. And to guarantee it’s out my system before work, I workout in the morning. Like yourself I tried avoiding sugar but that only made it worse so now I try to balance everything out.

I would recommend modifying your diet and changing your eating structure to whatever helps you in your day-to-day life. Do a little research as there are many different methods that are available. I believe the fart smell can stick to your body odor, your clothes and your environment. That may be what’s causing your bad body odor but I doubt you have bad breath.

Do you have air fresheners all throughout your home and inside your car at all times? Also, have you been to the dentist and been cleared?

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:37 pm
by Gluten-free
Yes I went to the dentist. My bad breath is not fresh but it is not foul. But I have a odor. Yes of course I will change my diet. I tried several way. But, now I will try one extreme thing to see. If I can detox. I really need to detox. I can eat meat without a problem.

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:47 pm
by Celine
This must be the dumbest post I've read in a long time! So you have bad breath just because your toilet or kitchen is not clean and smells. Seriously? 🤦‍♀️

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:37 pm
by Life_Goes_On
@Gluten-Free How do you know you have bad breath?

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 11:38 pm
by hopelessboy
I don't want to be rude , but thank you for wasting 15mins of my life.

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:31 am
by Gluten-free
Life_Goes_On wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:37 pm @Gluten-Free How do you know you have bad breath?
I don't claim it anymore. I'm tired of this site also. It relate to bb everyday. I will focus on another things. Change my vibe for healing to take place. Your believe and faith is very important for your freedom.

Re: Life_Goes_On Cure Found

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:03 am
by Life_Goes_On
Gluten-free wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:31 am
I don't claim it anymore. I'm tired of this site also. It relate to bb everyday. I will focus on another things. Change my vibe for healing to take place. Your believe and faith is very important for your freedom.
I agree and I hope you become free of whatever is plaguing you and your life. Good luck in your journey my friend