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you wont believe this

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:33 am
by cant believe it
right then where do i start, a bit about myself before what ever happened happened to me. i was a handsome very popular professional athlete, i was a lady killer, always with a different woman and never settled down. then one morning when i woke up i could smell the most foul smell coming out of my mouth so i went to the doctors. they said it was most likely allergies so gave me antihistamines. then what happened is my nasal passage became incredibly dry and sore it was like i had a pineapple stuck in my nose. so i kept seeing the doctors and they kept giving me different anti histamines and corticosteriods. anyway incredibly long incredibly painful story short i couldnt get rid of the foul taste from my mouth or disgusting smell. i was a professional sportsman i couldnt keep on training and breathing all over my partners and coaches so it ended my career, i went from being the most popular guy to "self isolating, i couldnt bare to be around any one any more.

i started filling my time with drink and drugs, although i had foul breath i was still a handsome guy so i still could get women interested sometimes so i just slept with hundreds and hundreds of women even though i couldnt bring myself to kiss them or even look in their direction while talking . i then met a very lovely woman who was amazing she never mentioned it although she knew how much pain it brought me, she would say "stop letting it bother you so much" but not only did i have chronic halitosis i had chronic halatophobia seemed the more i feared it the worse it got the worse it got the more i feared it in a never ending cycle. the drink and drug use escalated. i had money (still do) so i could do what ever i wanted when ever i wanted although living in absolute mayhem, and unhappiness. i couldnt be near people the smell to me is so foul i couldnt bring myself to be near people and when i was i held my breath and tried so hard to never breath on anyone, i never slept facing towards my girlfriend i i was always so embarrassed. just locked myself away for years and had nothing to do with anyone. stopped talking to my family went into absolute isolation. i said to my girlfriend i needed to move away as i couldnt cope being near anyone i asked her if she would move with me but she couldnt leave her entire family to move away and live with me so we broke off and i moved away to south east asia where i could be by myself and live an incredibly luxurious lifestyle for 1 quarter of the price in the west.

now we are about 10 years on from the start. i was still doing alot of drugs watching a lot of porn nothing was ever enough. i lived in a gated community mansion and had maids and so forth and so on. one of my maids was a really sweet girl and i had decided not to have children becuase i didnt want to pass on what ever i had to them i thought my life had been way to cruel and way too painful to dare risking giving this to a child. anyway i slept with my maid (as you do) she got pregnant and she is from a christian family her father is the pastor of the local church. i used to laugh at them (when you hear to where this ends up you will realise i stop laughing) i thought all Christianity was for low iq people that couldnt think for themselves. so she was pregnant i asked her to abort due to me not wanting to pass my problem over to the baby. she didnt speak english and didnt understand and wouldnt abort anyway shes a good good woman. so she gave birth to the most perfect little mixed race asian white baby you have ever seen. i thought instantly you are gping to be picked on by your friends as having the dad with terrible breath. i was a professional fighter so anyone that mentioned it to me i would beat up no questions and that was how i worked back then. i was involved in a lot of organized crime and what goes with being a professional fighter door work security body guard.

any way fast forward 3 years we are married (i cant say happily as i never experienced one moment of happiness since this curse started i say curse because you are about to hear what i know so far) we were in bed and i had chronic insomnia for years and years i didnt sleep more than 2-3 hrs a night ever, medical canabis had just been made legal in thailand ( i loved all drug use my entire life but i hated canabis so i avoided it like the plague) i seen a doc and he said would i give medical cannabis a try, i said "oh no no im not taking that stuff i had a real bad experience with it when i was a child, i cant stomach the stuff" he said well its known to be a great help for people that suffer with chronic insomnia as you do why not just take a couple of drops and see how it goes. i took 2-3 drops and i got what felt like the first night of real sleep i had ever had, i detest canabis but if it can make me feel like a human again id do anything. so every night id take a couple of drops of canabis oil. one night i took a little bit more than i usually took and my wife for no reason at all looked at me and said " you know you are over the devil dont you?" this is where the story takes a u-turn. i said will you stop going on about jesuis and god and bother someone else she saiid "god has asked me to help you and wants you to know you are over thatn the devil and god loves you" then what happened can not be explained as anything other than super natural

i swear this to be absolutely true. im a serious guy and i swear to god this is what happened. i had some kind of spirit take control of me i started seeing ghosts and it went absolutely crazy it made me scream and shout and go absolutely insane, i had no control over what was happening at all, i just closed my eyes and what i seen was this, i seen a blood red image of my old best friend in neon lights and it said to me "never thought you would take weed and pray to god did you you c@nt" he is a gypsy and his wife always like me and i slept with her then he married her 2 weeks later. i at that moment broke down like i had been shot it felt like the entire weight of the world had been taken from my shoulders and i got the first little bit of relief i ever experienced from this horrible thing. so the possesion lasted around 30-60 mins and at the end i couldnt believe it. i was so mind blown i couldnt stop crying. my wife said "what happened what the hell happened. you have a ghost living in your head but now its gone" i said thats what has been causing the bad breath she said "what bad breath?" she could never smell it on me, she said you have never had bad breath once in the entire time iv known you. she said you have been tricked. someone has cursed you. so as a person that didnt believe in spirits curses black magic god jesus or anything this was quite the shock. this was june 13th last year the first time it happened.

well now iv finally got to what has been causing the disgusting taste in my mouth and foul smell, i sound like a complete lunatic im sure but i have actually recorded it many times since as i wanted to show the world that its real. there is a video where im sat there and blood just comes out of my nose and one video where i turn bright purple in 2 seconds with rage. one video where i vomit black and red vomit. iv got a demonic possession. i didnt believe in demonic at all .so i started looking into it. the canabis made it so my mind could relax and be open for once and shut my ego down so i could listen while someone told me about god and jesus and then that made it so the possession came out to stop me listening any more. so let me tell you a list of things that can be a sign of if you have a demonic possession becuase if just one of you here has it too and it can help you it will save a life because my life was unbearable. im going to ask a mod on here or someone with respect as a member to message me and il be happy to show them who i am personally and il show them the videos, im not going to release the videos to the public because i dont want to be famous as being the guy with the demonic possesion or the guy with the bad breath problem but if i were to release these videos i have no doubt they would make me famous as there isnt an actor in the entire world that could pull off what happens when it happens.

so here are a list of things to look for with demonic possesion have a look through the check list here and see if anything matches your personality ... ent-630442

i ticked pretty much every single box. if this can answer just one persons problems like it has mine its worth it. i swear this is all true guys, im a very wealthy man i drive super cars and live in masions i have no need to lie at all im not after anyones money but if i can help just one person with this thwen it is worth telling my story on here

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:42 am
by cant believe it
if any prominent member would like to message me im very happy to have them verify me as a genuine person and im happy to show them videos

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:55 am
by cant believe it
iv been watching this board for way more than 10 years but i never took too much notice as all it ever was misery and no one ever found any kind of real cure, i remember the vit c pills from that teleshopping place. and therabreath iv tried it all, i forgot to mention i had 3 major sinus operations had polyps removed and adenodes (think that was the name) reduced and sinus opened all to no avail. i still even now i feel like my tongu is covered in slime my teeth feel like they are fury like iv not brushed them for 3 weeks although i was brushing 30 times a day, seems like the more you brush the worse it gets, with my nose it turned out i had not had any kind of discharge through my nasal passage at all for years but since this started happening its all loosened up and now my nose is no longer sore. one more thing very strange it made it so i didnt dream, io stopped dreaming completely but now since it all started i do dream again and rememvber what its like to dream one more thing food tastes much nice now. somehting is happeneing and its a good thing thats all i know

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:58 am
by cant believe it
iv damaged my teeth due to over brushing, it used to drive me mad if i didnt brush my teeth every 30 mins id carry my tooth brush around with me and was always so embarrased if anyone seen me brushing my teeth. all my friends and family know how devastating this has been for me, now i know the problem and the enemy is spiritual (something i wouldnt have believed in a million years) atleast now i can go into battle with it

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 5:18 am
by Gingin
This is an incredible story. I would like to see those videos pls. I am a believer in God and know that demonic holds happen all the time. But never thought there would be a connection between bb and demonic spirits. I’m happy that you have experienced this and hope that you are now free of bb. Are you?

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:41 pm
by gotshot26
Loved reading this. Have been on the boards for fifteen years. I'd like to see the video. Please send me a PM.

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:52 pm
by mauricio

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:18 pm
by KL123
mauricio wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:52 pm Image
lol ahhaa ... seriously, I had the same reaction.

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:24 pm
by Jimi Stein
so to shorten the story, when the demon left you he took also his bad breath with him?

Re: you wont believe this

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:35 am
by KL123
Why the demons that get into us, don't have a bigger dick or something? Why do they have bad breath instead? one might wonder ....