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Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:43 pm
by Anomi
Hello to all my friends that suffer from this humiliating issue. :oops:
Background about myself:
I'm 31 years old woman and since the age of 7 I've been suffering from bad breath. My breath fills rooms very quickly, it can be changed due to what I ate before. I noticed that coffee makes it more stinky that usual. As a child (6 yo and above) I suffered from throat inflammations and needed LOTS of antibiotics courses over and over again (till I was 16 yo). I remenber my mom asking me at the age of 7/8 if I stepped on a dog's poop after I was talking. She didn't think it was her dautgher's mouth, neither do I.
Anyway, I alway had lots og gases, cramping stomach till the anus and bad taste. My nose was full of mucus all the time till, and even when my mouth was closed the smell came out from my nose and filled little rooms within 5 to 10 minutes and 30 minutes larger.
Moreover, I was able to smell it sometimes, oh god, I feel sorry for my colleagues for being so polite and nice to me. I felt that I couldn't breath while I was driving in my own car because I felt there is no oxygen in the car after breating there for 2-3 minutes, of course its the same in the office, I open all the windowns to allow the air to circulate as much as possible. The air from my mouth is so hot, and my body temperature is only 36.6 °.
As I grew up ive noticed that Humus, dairy, Coke, beans, garlic, onion, Pizza, ketchup, pasta, meat, cofee, alcohol, tomato sauce, rice, sugar, soda, poultry and so on are worsen the smell. I tried to eliminates dairy and gluten, tried to eat only whole rice and dark green vegtebales, I tried many diets that help my stomach a bit but not the smell. To mask the smell I used to chew chewing-gums (about 20 sugar free per day). This leaded to more gases and stmachaces. Also, my feces and gases are very stink as well and sometimes it felt the same smell as the breath. Most of the time after I eat I feel reflux and it's symptoms.
As a baby (1 yo) my mother discoverd that I had digest issue with some of the fruits. I read about SIBO - the rare type of hydrogene sulfide and the DNA tests that some of our members shared here.
Due to this I tried to get help and consulted with naturopath 1 month ago. She claims I suffer from very bad dysbiosis, Sibo and leaky gut. She mixed 2 different diets - the low FODMAP and the low sulfur one. In addition she recommended that I will order probiotics and digest enzimes.
The delivery was arrived yesterday. I take 1 pill from each before every meal. So far, it's been only 1 day but my office is not stink anymore, people dont cover their noses, people dont cough after I walk by them. On the other had I feel that the smell is still there but reduced by 80-90%. Again its been only 1 day, so I do expect for more progress. Also im waiting for Molybdenum and B6 to arrive.

For the past month I dont eat meat, dairy, gluten, beans, rice, fruits, soda ect.. the diet is very stirct (the mixed 2 diets) but the relif was only minor (about 5%). With the pills I feel the the air that comes out from my nose is fresh and cool unlike before. No steaky mucus, but still PND. I do feel warm breath from my mouth, but I can tell for sure it was significally reduced (its very easy today to smell ourselfs in the masks).

Jimi, I'm not sure if I can share here links/ the name of the products. I ordered them from a very popular site and they are from 2 different companies.
I know it's too soon 1 day, but I wish people to have a huge relief as I had today. The fecal breath is a nightmare, its humiliating, we are alone, we chose to isolate ourself, and we don't deserve that!
Im not sure whether its sibo / gen defficient / leaky gut / sulfur sensitive or something else. Our life is tough, I always suspect others of making fun of me, I cannot go out with friends or to dates, I cannot eat what I want whenever I want because I know that no gum in the world could mask this smell.
I really hope for all of us to find at least the relief that we all expect to have, if not the cure itself. I promise to update you all and you can PM me whenever you want.

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:33 pm
by marija
I have exactly the same symptoms from the age of I am 43 and I have not recovered yet.can you tell me what you are using?
Sorry for my English😔..

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:43 pm
by KL123
In essence, NOTHING actually works to cure the problem (especially if the BB is genetic related).

All what we have is various remedies to cover up and mask the problem on temporary basis.

It's then a matter of what works the longest for you.

Some people reported that Aloe Vera Gel Juice works for them.
Others reported that antibiotics provide temporary relief.
Some say, Kelp and Zinc work.
Some say Prebiotic that has more than 100 Billion cfus, it may work.
Everyone has a different story from going to vegan diet, water only diet, choline free diet, apple cider vinegar, to sex free life to masturbation only to turning gay --- but nothing worked to cure the BB for good.

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:17 pm
by marija
Kl123 if you are a pessimist, don't pass your bad experience or negativity to others ... the hope last dies, doesn't it?

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:00 pm
by KL123
marija wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:17 pm Kl123 if you are a pessimist, don't pass your bad experience or negativity to others ... the hope last dies, doesn't it?
Hope is always there and I always tell people not to lose hope; however, be my guest if you want to waste money that I was trying to tell you.

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:11 pm
by Jaim618
Anomi wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:43 pm Hello to all my friends that suffer from this humiliating issue. :oops:
Background about myself:
I'm 31 years old woman and since the age of 7 I've been suffering from bad breath. My breath fills rooms very quickly, it can be changed due to what I ate before. I noticed that coffee makes it more stinky that usual. As a child (6 yo and above) I suffered from throat inflammations and needed LOTS of antibiotics courses over and over again (till I was 16 yo). I remenber my mom asking me at the age of 7/8 if I stepped on a dog's poop after I was talking. She didn't think it was her dautgher's mouth, neither do I.
Anyway, I alway had lots og gases, cramping stomach till the anus and bad taste. My nose was full of mucus all the time till, and even when my mouth was closed the smell came out from my nose and filled little rooms within 5 to 10 minutes and 30 minutes larger.
Moreover, I was able to smell it sometimes, oh god, I feel sorry for my colleagues for being so polite and nice to me. I felt that I couldn't breath while I was driving in my own car because I felt there is no oxygen in the car after breating there for 2-3 minutes, of course its the same in the office, I open all the windowns to allow the air to circulate as much as possible. The air from my mouth is so hot, and my body temperature is only 36.6 °.
As I grew up ive noticed that Humus, dairy, Coke, beans, garlic, onion, Pizza, ketchup, pasta, meat, cofee, alcohol, tomato sauce, rice, sugar, soda, poultry and so on are worsen the smell. I tried to eliminates dairy and gluten, tried to eat only whole rice and dark green vegtebales, I tried many diets that help my stomach a bit but not the smell. To mask the smell I used to chew chewing-gums (about 20 sugar free per day). This leaded to more gases and stmachaces. Also, my feces and gases are very stink as well and sometimes it felt the same smell as the breath. Most of the time after I eat I feel reflux and it's symptoms.
As a baby (1 yo) my mother discoverd that I had digest issue with some of the fruits. I read about SIBO - the rare type of hydrogene sulfide and the DNA tests that some of our members shared here.
Due to this I tried to get help and consulted with naturopath 1 month ago. She claims I suffer from very bad dysbiosis, Sibo and leaky gut. She mixed 2 different diets - the low FODMAP and the low sulfur one. In addition she recommended that I will order probiotics and digest enzimes.
The delivery was arrived yesterday. I take 1 pill from each before every meal. So far, it's been only 1 day but my office is not stink anymore, people dont cover their noses, people dont cough after I walk by them. On the other had I feel that the smell is still there but reduced by 80-90%. Again its been only 1 day, so I do expect for more progress. Also im waiting for Molybdenum and B6 to arrive.

For the past month I dont eat meat, dairy, gluten, beans, rice, fruits, soda ect.. the diet is very stirct (the mixed 2 diets) but the relif was only minor (about 5%). With the pills I feel the the air that comes out from my nose is fresh and cool unlike before. No steaky mucus, but still PND. I do feel warm breath from my mouth, but I can tell for sure it was significally reduced (its very easy today to smell ourselfs in the masks).

Jimi, I'm not sure if I can share here links/ the name of the products. I ordered them from a very popular site and they are from 2 different companies.
I know it's too soon 1 day, but I wish people to have a huge relief as I had today. The fecal breath is a nightmare, its humiliating, we are alone, we chose to isolate ourself, and we don't deserve that!
Im not sure whether its sibo / gen defficient / leaky gut / sulfur sensitive or something else. Our life is tough, I always suspect others of making fun of me, I cannot go out with friends or to dates, I cannot eat what I want whenever I want because I know that no gum in the world could mask this smell.
I really hope for all of us to find at least the relief that we all expect to have, if not the cure itself. I promise to update you all and you can PM me whenever you want.
Please share the products so we can cross reference with our own products

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:56 pm
by Emanuela hoxha
KL123 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:00 pm
marija wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:17 pm Kl123 if you are a pessimist, don't pass your bad experience or negativity to others ... the hope last dies, doesn't it?
Hope is always there and I always tell people not to lose hope; however, be my guest if you want to waste money that I was trying to tell you.
I dont think is genetic also , maybe it can be but i think its just e health problems and its not the same for everyone thats why its very difficult to find a cure that works for everyone , because each case is different so dont say it has no cure because every illnes has a cure , our problem is that doctor dont care and science also for this problem because people do not complain because of the shame they feel thats the reason why the cure its not made for human and the other reason is because every case is different so it can not be a cure for everyone , what i belive is that this problem its still curable because many people have testimony of themself that ate cured now but normally they have following a diet and supplements so they are free from it , i think we have to search more and work more on this thats all , i have made a huge progress and when i am finally free i will reveal anything i know, so dont lose hope guys

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:59 pm
by Anomi
Hi friends!
The relief is more noticable in my stomach rather than the smell now. The smell was relieved due to the diet and the combination of Glutamine and the Digestive enzymes. Now I can eat almost everything without feeling cramps in my stomach, but the smell is still very strong because I can't stick to the strict diet. Also, I lost too many kgs and was very weak.
Afterwards, I tried also NAC, d-Limonene, HCL, molybendum and Glutathione. Non of them helped no matter the combination I took. Regarding the NAC, please be careful - I had several blood clots on the legs as if I was hurt by something.
Please send me pm I will share the products name for whom is intrested. I do reccomend on the digestive enzymes and the Glutamine.
Also, I eat now variable food including small amounts of sugar (fruits), and then I got vaginal infection due to the change in the flora. This is interesting because the only change I made was the diet. So I suspect that the food is the solution (our body is very sensitive I guess), but I can't base my diet on vegetables alone - I become very weak and sick.
Now the smell is still very strong no matter what supplement I take or eat. I returned to stink the whole office and feel very bad with that.
I have no clue how to proceed from this point and keep imagining how it feels to speak to someone without feeling blame.
I'm only 31 yo, I want to sit with my friends and not being shy to open my mouth or to breath from my nose. We did nothing wrong that we deserve this curse!

Also, my mom is having gastritis these days, and some days her breath is bad, but only from the mouth, so it's from her stomach, no doubt on that.

Do you have any idea how or what else can I try? It's linked to food, I'm almost sure, but it's so crucial to avoid the regular food that our body needs and desires.

I wish are all the bests, let's help each other.🤗

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:08 am
by Emanuela hoxha
Hello have you checked you parasite you have to do a parasite test to see if you have parasite , because i had them and they contributed in my bb for a long time , i took a cure for them and my bb is reduced a lot , so check them

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:35 pm
by Anomi
How did you test it?
And what was the cure?:)

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:44 pm
by Emanuela hoxha
Well ita a normal fece test , but you will do it for parasite its very simple everyone does it , i took flagyl for 15 days but its hard for them to disappear thats ehy after 4 month i took another type of medicine perscribe for my doctor , and now i am following a herbal cure and i see my self improving every day so first of all you have ti see if you have parasite and what type of parasite you have , than the doctor with give you a medicine ,

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:32 pm
by juliang86
Anomi wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 6:59 pm Hi friends!
The relief is more noticable in my stomach rather than the smell now. The smell was relieved due to the diet and the combination of Glutamine and the Digestive enzymes. Now I can eat almost everything without feeling cramps in my stomach, but the smell is still very strong because I can't stick to the strict diet. Also, I lost too many kgs and was very weak.
Afterwards, I tried also NAC, d-Limonene, HCL, molybendum and Glutathione. Non of them helped no matter the combination I took. Regarding the NAC, please be careful - I had several blood clots on the legs as if I was hurt by something.
Please send me pm I will share the products name for whom is intrested. I do reccomend on the digestive enzymes and the Glutamine.
Also, I eat now variable food including small amounts of sugar (fruits), and then I got vaginal infection due to the change in the flora. This is interesting because the only change I made was the diet. So I suspect that the food is the solution (our body is very sensitive I guess), but I can't base my diet on vegetables alone - I become very weak and sick.
Now the smell is still very strong no matter what supplement I take or eat. I returned to stink the whole office and feel very bad with that.
I have no clue how to proceed from this point and keep imagining how it feels to speak to someone without feeling blame.
I'm only 31 yo, I want to sit with my friends and not being shy to open my mouth or to breath from my nose. We did nothing wrong that we deserve this curse!

Also, my mom is having gastritis these days, and some days her breath is bad, but only from the mouth, so it's from her stomach, no doubt on that.

Do you have any idea how or what else can I try? It's linked to food, I'm almost sure, but it's so crucial to avoid the regular food that our body needs and desires.

I wish are all the bests, let's help each other.🤗
You complain about your problem, but you don't want to do an easy thing as sticking to a diet? You need willpower if you want to solve your problem! You noticed that the diet helped a lot, but despite that you would rather go to the office and fill it with smell. You need more self love!
You had a hint with your diet! so continue with that! Besides, it's a lie that a vegetarian diet leaves you without energy! you have to learn how to eat good, if you do it well, it can give you loads of energy!

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:37 pm
by juliang86
Why don't you try a vegan diet? I recommend you to see the "Games Changers" documentary on netflix

Re: Are digest enzymes our relief / cure?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:01 pm
by StillHopeful
A vegan diet is not suitable for everyone, it's also very restrictive.