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Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride helping?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:57 am
by optimismishere
To find a solution for the junk that's stuck in my tonsils, I had to find a new method. I remembered that a few years ago I had used a nasal spray (Otrivin Oxy) and got great relief - I could breathe easily and there was no feeling of something stuck in my throat. So yesterday, I decided to use the same nasal spray. Except, this time I did not want to use it through my nasal route. I sprayed the solution directly on my tonsils.

In a few minutes, I could taste something pungent. My tonsils have holes in them and I occasionally get tonsil stones. So today morning when I woke up, it took me a lot of time to clear my throat. I noticed that my teeth looked very clean and bright. Even my flossing thread did not smell. Although I must tell you that there wasn't much of an improvement with saliva flow.

The main ingredient of the nasal spray is Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride. I'll continue to use it for a few days and update you guys.