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Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:14 am
by HopefulOne
Well guys after suffering for over 45 yrs, I can honestly say I’m bad breath free. Thank you God. While wearing the mask (especially the blue surgical one) my breath was so bad I couldn’t stand it myself. I cried and prayed for a cure day after day, night after night. I couldn’t take it anymore and God answered.

Just like some antibiotics don’t work for certain bacteria, all mouthwashes and rinses don’t kill the same bacteria. This is why i would use a certain product and get only 50% relief. So this is what I did.

When I get up in the morning. I mix 50/50 3% peroxide with water. I swish and gargle with half of it. Then I take my tung brush and brush the mixture into my tongue (disrupting the biofilm) I brush all the way to the end of my tongue. I do it again with the remaining solution. Next I swish & gargle my mouth with a cetylperidium based mouthwash (I use Colgate zero) and again I use the tung brush to rub the mouthwash on my tongue...reaching every nook and cranny, front to back. Next I brush my teeth (electric toothbrush) with a low sugar, low mint toothpaste (I like Zendium or Orafresh). The last thing I do is rinse and gargle with Therabreath mild mint, brushing the therabreath into my tongue. I do one final rinse and gargle with therabreath. Do not rinse with water. That’s it I’m fresh ALL day. No odor at all. My tongue is pink. It took a few days to be 100% bb free. But I am!!!!

Before bed, I do the same routine but I also mix a chlorhexidine rinse (I use hexidine) with my Colgate Zero. I have zero morning breath!!!!

I still floss after every meal and I don’t eat sugar or carbs at all (including fruit) One day I plan to add a little sugar back to my diet, but not yet. When I eat my breath goes to neutral. The bacteria is dying!!!! I probably have very little if any bad bacteria remaining in my mouth. I’ve always had a white coating on my tongue, even after scraping and brushing. My tongue is now pink all day!!!

In the past I have tried all of these mouthwashes alone but they didn’t work. I thought Therabreath was crap, but this time it was the missing link. The Tung brush is crucial too!! I’ve used a tongue scraper for years, but it doesn’t work like the tung brush. Use both. When I breathe in my mask, I smell absolutely nothing! !!

The key is to use different mouthwashes!!! They all have a different mode of action and kill different bacteria!!!
This is why we have to stop being negative about what works for people. Just because something doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean it won’t work for someone else. Your bacteria may not be susceptible to the product.

I’m so grateful to God. I’m so happy, I’m in tears. Life is good!!! Give it a try!

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:28 am
by HopefulOne
FYI, I used the chlorhexidine and cetylperidium mouthwashes first. My breath was better but I still had a slightly funky smell when I blew in my mask. The Therabreath took the funky smell away. My breath was pleasant. I added the peroxide a week later which made my breath totally fresh. Try using different combinations, breathing into your mask at different times of the day. One day I ate a boiled egg and my breath went back to neutral ten minutes later. This has never happened before!!! I avoided boiled eggs like the plague cause the smell would linger for hours!!!

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:53 pm
by Gutsy_Gal27
@HopefulOne, I'm so happy for you! I'm curious (and you can send me a PM or ignore if this is too personal), what specific words did you use in your prayers? I'm a Christian. Thank you.

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 12:45 am
by HopefulOne
Thank you Gutsy Gal. I basically cried and told God I couldn’t take it anymore! If he wanted my condition to stay like this, then please give me the power to accept my fate. I told him I know he made me to be happy and I just couldn’t live like this anymore. I cried and prayed, cried and prayed. I was truly at my wits end!! Slowly as I would brush my teeth I started receiving inspirations. A small voice said “rubbed the peroxide on your tongue”, a few days later, I was told to use something else. I was told to leave sugar and carbs alone. I listened and now I’m healed. Thank you Father!!!!!

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:38 pm
by Gutsy_Gal27
Thank you for sharing @HopefulOne. Hopefully, this will work for me as well. I wish you all the best as you enjoy this life!

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:13 pm
by blowinyouaway
i’m so happy for you!!!! one day we will all be relieved.

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:03 am
by HopefulOne
Thank you!

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:24 am
by Taylor

This is very exciting news - I'm so happy for you.

I've had some luck with diluted peroxide in the past along with tongue scraping, but found it only worked for a few hours, and if I ate anything at all, my bb would return instantly. But a combination of different mouthwashes and the product you suggested, is certainly worth a try.

I think we've all been on our knees at some point, begging for an answer to this debilitating problem.

I can well imagine the joy you felt, and the freedom that comes from stepping out of those invisible shackles that have held us prisoners for far too long.

Please keep us posted.

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 3:12 pm
by Rolisa
Congratulations OP! I could relate to your post a lot since our routine has some similarities.
And I agree that sometimes we need to mix different things in order to see results. I wish I had thought of this when I first started looking for a solution.

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:34 am
by Beenhereforeva
Ive been here forever but I finally recovered my password. I relate to everything you have said in your posts. I decided to try mixing the mouthwashes as you suggested and IT WORKED! I’m on day 4 and so far so good. A get relief for about 8 hours with the routine before I repeat at night. God bless you. I am so glad that you are bb free and I hope this continues for me as well. I don’t want to get too excited, bc you know how this goes. It been 20 years for me with this condition. Please tell me, is this routine still working for you?? I’ve thought about the copper sulfate I read somewhere here. I am scared because it’s dangerous so I came upon your post and decided to try it first. As you and Taylor mentioned, I think we have all prayed hysterically crying at some point. Thank you... 🙏🏻

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:57 am
by Anomi
Thank you for your post!
I'm so happy for you for finding the cure😊
Did your bb was also from the nose or just the mouth?

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:53 pm
by gotshot26

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:51 pm
by winter
Beenhereforeva wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:34 am Hopefulone,
Ive been here forever but I finally recovered my password. I relate to everything you have said in your posts. I decided to try mixing the mouthwashes as you suggested and IT WORKED! I’m on day 4 and so far so good. A get relief for about 8 hours with the routine before I repeat at night. God bless you. I am so glad that you are bb free and I hope this continues for me as well. I don’t want to get too excited, bc you know how this goes. It been 20 years for me with this condition. Please tell me, is this routine still working for you?? I’ve thought about the copper sulfate I read somewhere here. I am scared because it’s dangerous so I came upon your post and decided to try it first. As you and Taylor mentioned, I think we have all prayed hysterically crying at some point. Thank you... 🙏🏻
This is amazing. Do you get 50% relief like HopefulOne when you use a single mouthwash? Do you have nasal breath?

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:44 pm
by HopefulOne
Beenhereforeva wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:34 am Hopefulone,
Ive been here forever but I finally recovered my password. I relate to everything you have said in your posts. I decided to try mixing the mouthwashes as you suggested and IT WORKED! I’m on day 4 and so far so good. A get relief for about 8 hours with the routine before I repeat at night. God bless you. I am so glad that you are bb free and I hope this continues for me as well. I don’t want to get too excited, bc you know how this goes. It been 20 years for me with this condition. Please tell me, is this routine still working for you?? I’ve thought about the copper sulfate I read somewhere here. I am scared because it’s dangerous so I came upon your post and decided to try it first. As you and Taylor mentioned, I think we have all prayed hysterically crying at some point. Thank you... 🙏🏻
I’m so happy it’s working for you. Yes, this routine is still working for me. I went on vacation and ate cake, potato chips, rice, and bread and I’m still BB free! I had a few days of no brushing at night and I’m still smell free!! I tried the didn’t hurt neither did it help, so I’m just going to continue with my routine.

Re: Finally BB Free!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:46 pm
by Emanuela hoxha
Hello first of all i am so happy for you ,you mentioned thera breath , i had tried it and it made my bb worst like really bad , i dont know if its for the fact that the product contains zinc because i have tried zinc before in supplements and gave me nausea and very bb , i dont know if anyone else has problems with thera breath or zinc ?