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sibo protocol

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:51 pm

sibo protocol

Post by roam1 »

hi all,ive started my sibo meds today after waiting months for dr to reply with prescription. he was very evasive when i asked about underlying causes and said lets just try this. so i feel i am having to explore those myself. i feel its low stomahc acid and potentially enzymes. so after sibo meds for 10 days, ill do fodmap and probiotics.
i would like to add hcl/then enzymes later but not sure if this is too much? i cant afford ot see another specialist so feel im piecing together bits of info, which isnt always helpful, but maybe more helpful than dr alone

Posts: 30
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:32 pm

Re: sibo protocol

Post by Taylor »

Roam1 - I don't know anything about sibo medication but I think there are others on this Forum who have tried it.

I've inadvertently found out that a medication my doctor put me on 4 weeks ago has a side bar of killing whatever is causing the horrible taste/smell on the back of my tongue/throat and possible tonsil stones. I've had chronic bb for 30 years and have tried many products sold by companies who claim to have 'the cure.' I've spent thousands of dollars over the years to try and find an answer to this life long struggle with no success. A two to three hour 'quick fix' for me has been brushing my teeth, scraping my tongue, and then gargling for 2 minutes with a slightly diluted mixture of hydrogen peroxide. This neutralizes my breath for a few hours but it comes back as soon as I eat.

The product that I'm on now to help with breathing issues is a small bronchilator, inhaled once a day. I noticed after about 4 days on this product that the taste in my mouth had changed and when I did a breath test, there was no smell at all. I'm now into my forth week on this med and for the first time in my life, I don't smell like something the cat dragged home!

The only reason that I'm mentioning this is because whatever the ingredients are in this bronchilator, it's killing the smell in my mouth, along with helping with breathing issues. I'm not getting too excited right now, even after 4 weeks, as I've had too many disappointments in the past. But having my bb go away after a few weeks was totally unexpected. This may be a temporary thing and I'm sure if I stopped taking this med for a few days, my bb would come back. But for now, it's an unexpected relief for something that has plagued me for most of my life.
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