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Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 12:56 pm
by Azroli101
I have chronic bad breath, i cant talk to people):

The problem is my tongue always gets white
When i scrape my tongue my bad breath gone and the white colour but after 1 hour the bad breath is back and the white color as well
Picture of my tongue:
Please check it out

Please help me!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:56 pm
by Anomi
I'm sorry you feel that way.
What do you usually eat?
Is it worsen after specific food?
Does you bb is from the nose as well?

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:38 pm
by Azroli101
Anomi wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:56 pm I'm sorry you feel that way.
What do you usually eat?
Is it worsen after specific food?
Does you bb is from the nose as well?
I dont eat specific food
I even think that the food helps and i dont feel the bad breath for couple minutes whenni eat
dont know if it comes from the nose

do t/you have diagnosis of the problem?

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:21 pm
by CureSeeker15
I also have that problem and I also have a feeling of difficulty in swallow my suspect is candida but dont have money to do some test. Do you suffer from dry mouth?

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 11:46 am
by blowinyouaway
looks like the white coating is mostly in the back of your tongue which could be due to different things like pnd or tonsils stones. i actually have the exact same problem and tung gel is the only thing that seems to keep my tongue pink

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:37 pm
by Taylor

Welcome to the Forum and I know that you'll find lots of support and knowledgeable people here. I'm a newbie as well and wish that I'd found this Forum years ago. The support has been so helpful and encouraging.

I had the same problem - white tongue with a constant foul taste in the back of my mouth. I know that my problem has been tongue/tonsil related so I've focused on those two areas.

I've also found that eating almost anything was better than the constant bad taste in my mouth. An hour after eating, that familiar taste/odor would come back so I would start the tongue scraping/hydrogen peroxide solution all over again, and it would give me relief for a few hours.

Glad to have you with us!

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:56 pm
by Azroli101
I also feel that i always have mucus that stuck between the nose and the tongue
It also can be the reason?

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:25 pm
by Taylor

I have mucous in the back of my throat when I wake up in the morning and I blow my nose a lot, the first half hour that I'm up. Have you checked for tonsil stones?

One solution that I discovered years ago, was after giving my tongue a good scrape, I would brush my teeth and then gargle for a few minutes with a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution. Then I would scrape my tongue again, with this solution, and rinse.

This would kill whatever was in the back of my mouth, causing the odor, for about 4 hours, and I could speak, with confidence, to anyone close by. But as soon as I ate anything, the smell would start to come back, so I had to plan where ever I was going or what situation I might find myself in. I tried to avoid restaurants where I would have to eat, but there were many other social situations I could put myself in and be 'smell free' for a few hours. I always carried a small container of hydrogen peroxide in my purse, so I could rinse/gargle if needed.

I'm not sure that this works for everyone, but it has offered me some relief over the years.

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:00 pm
by Azroli101
Taylor wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 6:25 pm Azroli101:

I have mucous in the back of my throat when I wake up in the morning and I blow my nose a lot, the first half hour that I'm up. Have you checked for tonsil stones?

One solution that I discovered years ago, was after giving my tongue a good scrape, I would brush my teeth and then gargle for a few minutes with a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution. Then I would scrape my tongue again, with this solution, and rinse.

This would kill whatever was in the back of my mouth, causing the odor, for about 4 hours, and I could speak, with confidence, to anyone close by. But as soon as I ate anything, the smell would start to come back, so I had to plan where ever I was going or what situation I might find myself in. I tried to avoid restaurants where I would have to eat, but there were many other social situations I could put myself in and be 'smell free' for a few hours. I always carried a small container of hydrogen peroxide in my purse, so I could rinse/gargle if needed.

I'm not sure that this works for everyone, but it has offered me some relief over the years.
I dont think about tonailstones because i did tonsillectomy surgery, so i dont have tonsils,
It will help if i will sniff a water?
Maybe it will wash off all the mucus?

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:06 pm
by Azroli101
Please help me!!!

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:21 am
by Azroli101
Please help!!!!

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 4:54 pm
by Emanuela hoxha
Hi i am actually using colgate with natural extract hemp seed oil , i buy it in supemarcet and its very cheap i diddnt brushed my tounge before and when i brushed it with this toothpaste the difference was so big , than use also warm water with salt and bakink soda to clean whats left afre you have brushed your toung , be careful to brush it very deep and good its very importan than as last think use.a mouthwash no alcohol thay says that it a very good antibacterial choose whatever you want , i use odomel med 3 and its cheap and very good , the bacteria on the mouth its very important your have to take a good care , i have seen such a huge difference after 3 days on doing these routine day and night

Re: Bad breath, my tongue always get white

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 8:58 am
by Emanuela hoxha
Azroli101 wrote: Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:21 am Please help!!!!
Also check you parasite and your gut everything comes from there , so some test on these and see if you have sibo leaky gut or parasite these 3 cause bb and white toung also so you have to see them carefully with your doctor , this thing is curable so don’t worry just search for help in doctor , eat good and dont skip the morning and night routine that i have written for you