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Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:26 am
by tonysoprano1
First my background, it's boring but felt like i should include all the details to help avoid questions.

20 plus years halitosis sufferer, 10/10 bad smelt like pure shit.

2009 tonsils out made maybe 1% difference
2013 wisdom teeth out and started seeing dental hygienist regularly maybe 1% improvement
2013 tried a bunch of random products people mentioned on here, non of which did anything but waste money

2014-2019 gave up

2019 read about acid reflux on the forum, suspected it because of dried lips, enamel erosion and acid taste so started taking lanzoprazole every day one 14mg capsule. noticed a slight improvement to the bad breath maybe 10%. Stopping taking the meds brought the breath back to normal.

was travelling at the time so took no further action.

2020 came home because of the pandemic

july 2020 had an endoscopy privately in the uk which cost around $2000 US, the idea was to help diagnose acid reflux.

Results were normal to my dismay as I had hoped this had been the cause.

However tested positive for H Pylori, after a course of antibiotics for 2 weeks the acidic taste in my mouth went so I assume the bacteria was killed and I'd say the bb improved maybe 5% (At this stage it still absolutely stunk like shit)

I was going to get a ph monitoring test done to confirm acid reflux but lockdown blues got to me and I never bothered.

fast forward to april 2021.

Ive always had this white coating on my tongue and considered this might be causing the bb and might be oral thrush or some kind of fungal infection.

i was given a 2 week course of fluconazole, i forget the exact dose but I took it as normal and something extraordinary happened.

After a few days the bb seemed to improve, I remember thinking that shit taste isn't as bad now. I took the 2 week course of meds and although it did nothing for the coating on my tongue i didnt care because amazingly it had helped reduce the bb by maybe 20/30%.

I did the usual lick wrist thing which usually smelt like pure shit and i remember thinking at the time my breath smells but it doesn't stink.

i went to my local pharmacy and they sold fluconazole but only for genital thrush so I lied on about six separate occasions and paid for single tablets which over the next few weeks I would take (cant remember what dose it was you can google the standard)

the weeks passed and the breath maintained its current level so I can only assume some kind of fungal bacteria conducive to bb was killed off

( i was still taking the lansoprazole at this time so no idea if this was actually helping at this time as the acid reflux was never diagnosed im just reporting the facts)

I figured it smells and doesnt stink ok well i can live with that I guess.

here is where it gets weird.

I went to the doctor for folliculitis, basically acne on my scalp and i was prescribed a 12 week course of the antibiotic tetracycline. I had to take one tablet a day and after a few weeks i realised i couldn't continue because of the side effects which were tiredness and brain fog... there was no chance i could do this for 12 weeks.

The funny thing is that the tetracycline dramatically reduced my bb. I figured this was just the antibiotics and the bb would return on completion of my course.

I was conflicted because the meds were helping but there was no way i could take it for 12 weeks so i just thought i wanna do the whole course of meds and took 3 a day for a month. i figured i could deal with the side effects for 1 month and what was the worse that can happen.

I finished my last meds probably about 5 weeks ago and didn't wanna post on here until there was sufficient time for the meds to leave my system and for the old status quo to return.

anyways the bb is i would say 80% better now. its not perfect and ill probably never be confident enough to not chew gum but i simply don't stink anymore.

im still taking a tablet of lansoprazole every day, i don't dare stop i guess its just habit and i cant say for sure if its still helping.

I eat stuff like bananas, bran flakes, apples which tend to help as well.

Just to reiterate this has not been a complete cure, its significant but I still think the bb exists to a smaller and more manageable extent and one i am a lot happier living with.

In conclusion its obvious my bb was always stomach based and the fluconazole and tetracycline that i took seemed to have killed some of it off.

If this works for me then it will work for at least some of you so give it a shot.

i wont be checking the post and regularly answering questions but i have tried to provide as much information as possible to avoid the need for this.


tony soprano


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 4:11 pm
by Crazyred91
Hi did your bb disapear while the treatment for H Pylori?
Or while taking any other antibiotics like metronidazole/rifaxim/ neomycin or Cefuroxim?
Thanks for sharing!


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:05 pm
by Crazyred91
Just to make this post complete low dosage of tetracycline like periostat 20mg two times daily or 50mg once a day are also used to help parodontitis treatment but it should be taken longterm 3 to 9 months

So i dont think it was stomache related in his case more periodontal disease.



Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 9:47 am
by spyr
This proves again that bad breath is purely a bacterial issue. You think that it was a stomach issue, but it's just a bacterial imbalance in your mouth-throat.
I started having the worse kind of bad breath which is fart breath coming out from mouth and nose. And guess what, this fart breath started after having to take an antibiotic called amoxicillin because I was sick. This completely destroyed my mouth-throat bacteria environment.
Before taking this antibiotic, I was someone getting easily bad breath but it wasn't so bad, I could have a normal life, I had a girl friend.

So yes we all have bad breath because of bacteria. When you have a severe imbalance in your throat, you can breath out the odorous gases even with your mouth closed.


Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 10:10 am
by Pleasehelp
Thanks for the info!


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:16 am
by Stevian
spyr wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 9:47 am This proves again that bad breath is purely a bacterial issue. You think that it was a stomach issue, but it's just a bacterial imbalance in your mouth-throat.
I started having the worse kind of bad breath which is fart breath coming out from mouth and nose. And guess what, this fart breath started after having to take an antibiotic called amoxicillin because I was sick. This completely destroyed my mouth-throat bacteria environment.
Before taking this antibiotic, I was someone getting easily bad breath but it wasn't so bad, I could have a normal life, I had a girl friend.

So yes we all have bad breath because of bacteria. When you have a severe imbalance in your throat, you can breath out the odorous gases even with your mouth closed.
This is not correct. It is true that most cases originate with anaerobic oral bacteria, but not all by any means.


Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:05 pm
by German
After my Corona infection it was bader at all! But what it mean? Its a Virus, why it goes bader after this?
But the difference is, you all can taste the own breath, i can*t not more because the Covid Anosmie i haved!


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:44 am
by Stevian
German wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:05 pm After my Corona infection it was bader at all! But what it mean? Its a Virus, why it goes bader after this?
But the difference is, you all can taste the own breath, i can*t not more because the Covid Anosmie i haved!
Hi, German
When you write “bader” do you mean “better” or “ badder”?


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:04 pm
by cyberzero
spyr wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 9:47 am This proves again that bad breath is purely a bacterial issue. You think that it was a stomach issue, but it's just a bacterial imbalance in your mouth-throat.
I started having the worse kind of bad breath which is fart breath coming out from mouth and nose. And guess what, this fart breath started after having to take an antibiotic called amoxicillin because I was sick. This completely destroyed my mouth-throat bacteria environment.
Before taking this antibiotic, I was someone getting easily bad breath but it wasn't so bad, I could have a normal life, I had a girl friend.

So yes we all have bad breath because of bacteria. When you have a severe imbalance in your throat, you can breath out the odorous gases even with your mouth closed.
Totally agreed!. I lately realized this and now trying to balance it. As I hate curd/yogurt, I didn't get easy chances of including fermented food in my diet.


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:50 pm
by ruch
I have taken courses of tetracycline before and agree that it works, but it's not something you can take longterm as it can introduce more resilient bacteria to your system. I've also had an oral tetracycline rinse from a bad breath clinic but find that overall with antibiotics, it comes back like a week later. It's been a temporary fix for me and always comes back. Has anyone ever taken antibiotics and been cured forever?