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How many smells do you have?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 11:00 pm
by Pleasehelp

So when my BB (oral and nasal) started it was fart breath. Now it is sometimes garbage or sewer breath. Does anyone else have similar odors? I feel like I only read about that in people with TMAU, but I don't have BO. (I mean I have regular BO if I don't wear deodorant and sweat). And I can't figure out what triggers the different smells...

Re: How many smells do you have?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:30 am
by Anomi
The same for me, on top the ones you mentioned, sometimes I smell stinky shoes smell from my breath.

Re: How many smells do you have?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:34 am
by Pleasehelp
Do you have issues with your sweat or urine smelling as well? And what are other health issues you have ruled out, like periodontal disease?

Re: How many smells do you have?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:44 am
by Anomi
I suffer from stomach acids, sinus pain but my CT showed they are clear and empty, PND, white tongue, smell from the nose as well. Also some food make my bowel pains and bloating.
I'm female - I also suffer from multiple vaginal yeast lately and every once in awhile (once it shows up it can be like 5-6 times in a row).
My sweat smells, but not as strong as my BB. My urine has normal smell.
My poop sometimes smells stronger, but couldn't find any link to the BB.
What us yours? Do we have something in similar?