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For those who got tonsils taken out

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For those who got tonsils taken out

Post by Twilight »

Do you still have scabs? I swear this is like the longest healing process ever for me. I mean, the amount of scabbing has significantly reduced but like, this takes forever! What seems to happen is a small bit of scab falls off, maybe a little too soon but it seems to do this naturally, then later a new scab formed over the current spot, but smaller and I guess the cycle repeats until nothing is left?

Part of me is starting to wonder whether I should still be on antibiotics because of this.

emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

Can you ask it to your doctor?
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Post by shygurl27 »

Yeah after my tonsillectomy it felt like the healing process was taking forever. It was awful .
I actually lost like 5 pounds because I wasn't able to really eat because my throat hurt so much. After about 3 weeks it started to get better, but then I made the mistake of eating pineapple. The acid from the pineapple hurt my throat so bad that I needed to take my pain medication (liquid tylenol with codine) again. But every week after that my throat started getting better and better. And I noticed a big difference in the smell. It wasn't half as bad as it used to be. So I was so happy that I did it. My only regret is that I didn't find this site sooner to know to have a tonsillectomy. And also after my surgery my tongue became pink again and my PND has reduced greatly. My daily routine now consists of brushing my teeth with sensodine toothpaste, rinsing my mouth with salt water, using a tung brush, flossing ofcourse, and using a neti pot. I still have a little smell, but I no longer clear a room.
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Post by BBNO »

Shygurl: My tonsillectomy experience is basically the same as yours. The healing process is slow, but its been about 7 weeks and I feel almost normal. Since the operation my tongue is much pinker, the PND is much less, morning breath is reduced, and I don't have the bad taste in mouth 24/7 like I used too. Having said that I still have some BB which I think is slowing disappearing as I continue to follow a strict oral hygiene regimen.
Brush, floss, scrap and rinse after every meal and before bedtime without fail.
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Post by Twilight »

How long ago was it that you got your tonsils removed shygirl? Do you still have any scabbing left?
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I got mine removed on July 20th. I'm still healing a little. It still hurts a little when I yawn, and when I use my sinus irrigation kit it burns where my adenoids were. Not sur if I'm cured or not.
I've been reading about TMAU and I think I might have a mutation of that. I think my breath smells worse after eating certain foods. It may just be that I have a little trouble digesting choline, but the fact that I have a hiatal hernia and my stomach opening is always open and the odor is more able to escape. I hardly ever sweat, even when working out, so I do not know if my sweat smells. I know when i eat peanut butter, it smells like I had a tuna sandwich - which sounds like TMAU. And once someone said that my breath smelled like garbage (not directly to me - thank goodness!). I'm going to try and change my diet and see what happens...anyone have any tips??? I heard that charcoal was good at eliminating TMAU, but I know that charcoal is not good to take for long periods of time. I almost bought some today, but put it back because I don't want to injure another part of my body and make my life more miserable.
Last edited by TIREDOFIT on Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twilight »

Yeah, *activated charcoal*. I really have no idea how long someone can take in and in what amounts.

Also, that product you mentioned in the other thread might work (the one relating to mushrooms). I've also heard of milk thistle, probiotics, and chlorophyll being used.[/i]
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Post by BBNO »

Tiredofit: Charcoal, chlorophyll and odor cleanse (mushroom extract) all work on the same principle. If you use each one seperately for 2 weeks and keep repeating you shouldn't have any health problems. Never tried charcoal, but chlorophyll (use liquid) didn't seem to do much for me . I now started using odor cleanse. I tested negative for TMAU, however, their can be false negatives so I may test again ( about $400). I hope to be tested for GERD and hiatal hernia in 2 weeks. Good luck and stay positive!
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Post by Leena »

I had my tonsils removed on Aug 10th so it`s been 4 weeks now. I was able to eat normally after week 2 I think or even a little earlier. It only hurts a little when I yawn. It`s not really a pain, it`s more like a strange feeling.

In my opinion (not confirmed by an impartial person) it has helped a lot. Not sure how much but I can feel the difference. Less morning breath and less BB in general. My constant feeling of having something bad in my mouth has gone. It`s even a little misleading because now I feel I don`t have almost any BB which gives me a lot of confidence in talking close to people. And the problem is I think I still have some.

Anyway the surgery was a very good thing to do. I would recommend it to everybody who has BB. In my case I was not aware of any tonsil problems, I didn`t have many sore throats or something and I didn`t see any tonsil stones. It turned out that I had many small tonsil stones - invisible for me and unable to be removed even by the ENT.
So you might think everything is OK with your tonsils (like I did) and at the same time they are contributing a lot to BB.
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Post by HappyDays »

Leena you and are seem to have similar issues.

I also had no idea about the tonsil stones that was really causing me bad breath til I recently stumbled on them. Never had sore throats or anything. Now I have mine taken out in 2 weeks and dont expect a miracle but know there will be a huge difference. Enough that with my other regiments, the BB that i used to know should be more like normal bb and no one cares about normal bb, just the one that smells like super shit and clears large areas.

I think there are lots of people here that could benefit big time from removing the tonsils and other than insurance and money, I dont understand why anyone here hasnt tried it.

By the way, I will never forget how that first stone smelled cause I sat there for a while getting a good smell of it knowing it was how my breath smelled all this time. I will never forget that smell cause its my smell but soon it will not be my smell anymore. i shall take on a different smell. Maybe not rose fresh smell but certainly not garbage can/dog shit smell.
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Re: For those who got tonsils taken out

Post by Tom »

When I woke up from surgery I was actually confused and almost cried from pain. :shock: Right away nurse gave me pain relief (injection) I felt very strong pain for 2 weeks, when I was drinking any liquid it felt each time just like somebody was cutting my throat with knife inside, pain was unbelievable. After 2 weeks it was not so severe but I felt till 6-8 week.
CURE can only be found in natural ingredients. Don’t treat the symptoms find the cause!
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Post by JJ »

for those that had there tonsils taken out, i have a few questions.
-how did you present it to a doctor (for example mine are not swollen nor do they hurt...then how does it come up, and were there any problems with the doctor not wanting to do it)
-did you go to an ENT?
-what were your symtoms (related to tonsils)?
I would like to get mine taken out but didnt know how to present it to the doctor. "hey doc, im not having any problems with my tonsils but i want them taken out because i think they are causin my bad breath"...they will undoubtedly laugh and prob think im crazy
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Re: For those who got tonsils taken out

Post by Jimi Stein »

Tom wrote:When I woke up from surgery I was actually confused and almost cried from pain. :shock: Right away nurse gave me pain relief (injection) I felt very strong pain for 2 weeks, when I was drinking any liquid it felt each time just like somebody was cutting my throat with knife inside, pain was unbelievable. After 2 weeks it was not so severe but I felt till 6-8 week.
so is your bb any better?
that must be horrible, the pain
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Post by TheCure »

Can someone who had tonsillectomy post after pics?
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Post by Leena »

JJ wrote:hello,
for those that had there tonsils taken out, i have a few questions.
-how did you present it to a doctor (for example mine are not swollen nor do they hurt...then how does it come up, and were there any problems with the doctor not wanting to do it)
-did you go to an ENT?
-what were your symtoms (related to tonsils)?
I would like to get mine taken out but didnt know how to present it to the doctor. "hey doc, im not having any problems with my tonsils but i want them taken out because i think they are causin my bad breath"...they will undoubtedly laugh and prob think im crazy

When I went to the doctor I had a sore throat and a general ENT infection. It doesn`t happen to me very often so I went straight there. I explained what the infection was and mentioned by the way that I have "some bad smell" off my tonsils. :D The doctor confirmed so. It was an ENT. Then she examined a little further and found the tonsils stones. I asked what about taking them out and she said it was a good idea. That was all generally.
I never had any symptoms related to tonsils.
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