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Bacteria: tonsils to tongue or tongue to tonsils?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:09 pm
by hopeful
As I posted in another thread, I now suspect my tonsils are responsible partly for my bb. I never considered this possibility before because I was and am still having problems with digestion. I finally took a cotton swab and rub it around my tonsils the other day and it really stunk. Then I rubbed my finger along the furthest part of my tongue that I could reach and that smell was bad too. The smell between my tonsils and tongue were different. I would say the smell from my tonsils was much more potent. I only swabbed in one crypt and the smell was horrible whereas with the tongue I had to run my finger back and forth along the back to get the smell on my finger. My question is: is the bacteria spreading from my tonsils to my tongue or vice versa? I rarely ever have a coated tongue if that helps to eliminate things. I've also had bb since around 11 so I can't really blame my digestive problems for it since I didn't have any then.

Also when I look up causes of bb in children on other sites, one of the main reasons for bb in children is tonsils(others being food, oral hygiene, foreign objects up nose). If I were to backtrack to 11 years old, none of those things should've led to chronic halitoisis which means the only remaining thing left are my tonsils. Any theories?

One last thing, eve if I've never seen a tonsil stone, my tonsils could still be a/the source of my bb right?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:16 pm
by Busted
I don't think anyone can answer that question. There are a lot of people who thought that their tonsils were the root cause and a lot of people who thought they weren't and in the end it turns out it was. If you really suspect your tonsils are the cause of your bb, you see different ent's and ask for their advice. The best way to find out if they were really the srouce is by getting them removed 100%, otherwise you will never find out. There were some that got cured by getting them removed, but nobody can explain in detail why they did get cured and why others didn't.

Theories don't really work in this one. There are no accurate theories, because the whole thing is just too complicated. But I'm pretty sure there's one thing that chronic halitosis sufferers all have in common besides the bb. If we find out what it is, then we've made some real progress, but this requires the help of all the bb researchers and specialists. But unfortenately nobody besides the ones who are lookin for a cure is takin the problem serious at the moment.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:08 pm
by missy
Hopeful....everything you just said is exactly what I have been thinking all week....I, too, have been using a q tip on my tonsils and tongue but mine smell the same, kinda sour like....I made another appt. with the ENT for next week....this time I wil come prepared and bring lots of questions and I'm not leaving the room until he helps throat is always slightly sore and it's darker red by the tonsils....that does not seem right to me...and when I swallow, it's seems swollen back there even tho it doesn't look swollen.....I have never found a tonsil stone and he said that I don't have them.....but does that mean the BB does not come from the tonsils.....can the doctor swab my tonsils and send it to a lab and find out what bacteria it is?.....I am so hoping that it is my tonsils, don't want to go thru the pain after surgery but I will do anything to end this misery.....I am so sick of this shit...I can't believe in this day and age that no doctor can help us!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:34 pm
by missy
Also, I do not have coating on my tongue either and I don't have digestive problems and I don't think I have PND either....and I don't have any other body odor....I don't have any reactions from breathing thru my nose, only when I open my mouth.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:30 pm
by TheCure
Its the tonsils

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:59 pm
by emotional rescue
i´ve been chatting about this with another member this week, and i actually think that is especially the back of the tongue (lingual tonsils) who spreads bacteria to the palatine tonsils....

Here´s my experience:
as some may remember, i get diagnosed with tonsil stones, so i get my palatine tonsils lasered. This is the thing that most helped so far, the bb was reduced.
Supposedly the laser procedment end with the crypts so the tonsils are no more available to collect bacteria (than later becomes tonsil stones), but, the thing is, if i still touch my palatine tonsils, they still smell, i don´t know if soo bad as before, i think not, but they still smell.
And guess what? the smell is the same that when i touch the back of my tongue and smeel it (linguals), and the back of my tongue is the worst place that smells in my mouth of what at least i´m avalilable to check....

So, if my tonsils are ok, then it´s the back of the tongue who is hosting the most amount of bacteria, and then spread it to other places of the mouth like palatine tonsils, the roof of the mouth (it´s called ¨paladar¨ in my language but don´t know how it is sayed in english) and who knows where else!
Other signs that makes me think in this way is that the back of the throat is the area that is direclty feeded by the pnd (proteins) and where my tongue gets a weird colour, betwenn yellow and brown....and how i said before....when imy mouth smells worst.....

So, this could be the cause why some of us got help from tonsillectomy, but no total relief, cause this area its still a friendly enviroment for anaerobic bacteria....

Here is where a good mouthwash could do a difference, (i´m getting help from smartmouth right now) but i think the cure should be a more radical solution, I think we need some procedment that get us similar results on the linguals, like a tonsillectomy could give us on palatine´s....
We got to follow the case of this member that got his lingual tonsils lasered to see how it ends.....the problem is....that she don´t have bb.

But just the fact that we now know this proceedment is possible it´s a big subject to research in i think....

That´s why i think we must unite and try to make a new interwiew to yehuda finkelstein regarding this subject and collect the money to send on or two members to get threated with him...... I think he´s on this track.....

I think the time is now! We all are putting our lives on hold in one way or another, and we are just wasting them if we don´t get serious actions to solve this shiit!

We cannot sit and wait any longer! I say we got to pay our own research, and even if it don´t helps, it´s the best money spend, just for peace of mind....


Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:34 am
by elliott
i still think it's neither. I think the tonsils and tongue are only carriers of bacteria. Not the cause of bacteria. Remove the tonsils and you get rid of some of the crevices where bacteria can sit and rot...but the bacteria will keep flowing. It will still reach your tongue. Cut your tougue out, and you will still breath BB. For me the proof is in my bad tasting mucous. Mucous doesn't come from the tonsils. It come from a gland. Perhaps it's the gland that is cryptic (just a suggestion).

Something in our bodies is promoting the growth of bacteria, and we don't have the correct chemistry to fight it off. I'm sticking to the digestive theory, since their seems to be a link to what/when I eat and drink, and how my throat feels.
My dry and inflammed throat also suggest that their isn't enough saliva to kill bacteria. Not enough saliva to wash out whatever is stuck in my throat. Saliva is the first step in digestion (besides chewing) If we are bypassing that step, we have a problem right there.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:02 pm
by hopeful
I think you and I have always agreed that the bacteria we harbor is largely responsible for our bb. But with all my negative test results thus far regarding my digestion, I need to start looking elsewhere.

Interesting thing actually happened today. When I drink water after I brush, floss, scape and use mouthwash, the taste is always still bad. Despite this, I still drink at least 2 liters a day. Anyways, I decided to put some mouthwash on the tip of my finger and rub it around my tonsils. I rinsed my mouth out with water after like I normally do and then drank a glass of water. Guess what? The water tasted like nothing. No bad taste at all whatsoever. So although I still think that I do possess some super bacteria, I'm thinking that a tonsillectomy will help tremendously. It really does make sense considering my bb started around the age when I was otherwise very healthy.

Now I just have to decide if I want to wait 2 months for public health care to pay for my surgery or get it done at a private hospital for $$$$$. I feel like this is a breakthrough for me.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:04 pm
by elliott
Mouthwash is tricky. It GREATLY masks the taste and your OWN perception of the smell. It doesn't mean others can't smell it. If you don't believe that, go and speak to people normally and see if you see a difference.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:46 pm
by emotional rescue
yeah, i´m actually using smartmouth and is helping very much, and what i realize so far is that i think that works better if you before gargling, use the tip of your finger with some mouthwash and rub your tonsils and the back of the tongue, the back of the tongue 2 or 3 times....then use the mouthwash....and i think this way get rid of more amount of bacteria.

Elliot: i was reading your post so i did a test: i touched the back wall of my throat with my finger.....and it did´nt smell. Then i touched my tonsils....and they smelled bad. What was a surprise to me was that at least today, my palatines smelled worst than my linguals....I will keep testing this for a couple of days to see how it goes......maybe you can do it yourself too and compare.

But this still lead me to think that with healthy tonsils (or without them) we ´re gonna be much better

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:12 pm
by hopeful
That's what I noticed to emotional. There was minimal smell near my lingual tonsils when I rubbed my finger across them but a very strong smell when I rubbed my tonsils. When I stick my finger really far back(pretty much down my throat), there is no smell at all. It seems the areas of the tongue my tonsils come in contact with are the smelliest. That's why I was curious whether the smell was coming and transferring from one or the other.