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Let's list our afflictions that may be causing BB

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Let's list our afflictions that may be causing BB


Hi all... Just thought we could have a thread that we could go to to list our afflictions, when the BB came about and maybe any theories we have....

My BB came about when I was 18. At the time I developed many problems...

1. Sinus headaches - may be allergies - to what I do not know - had a test and nothing came up

2. PND

3. Lactose intolerance

4. Herpes - cold sores on lips

5. Started birth control - change in hormones

6. tonsil stones - didn't find those until later

After clearing my throat everyday and picking out the tonsil stones my breath was a little more barable, but I know I still had BB.
I have suffered on and off since then. I don't know why it went away for a while. I think that I just suffer from a different BB now, because the reaction is way more dramatic. It can fill a room now. These reactions started after I had my son. I also got GERD - was tested and it was from a hiatal hernia. Dr. confirmed that this can cause BB, but did not recommend surgery because it can cause painful gas after eating. He prescribed Nexium - I've tried them all and this one is no better than any of the rest. What they don't understand is that it's not the GERD that causes the BB it's the stomach being open. This is just a theory and something I've been researching.

7. Hiatal Hernia & GERD

My other theory is that the change in hormones after my pregnancy caused my stomach enzymes to change. Hormonal changes can cause you to have symptoms of TMAU.

OR it could be my PND. I have tried everything to get rid of it and continue to try new things - now I'm going to buy some grapefruitseed extract and breathright strips at night.

It's maddening, but I need to figure it out before I go back to work and have to face 32 little 10 year olds again... ](*,)
Last edited by TIREDOFIT on Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by thanatos »

7.) Bad Friggen Luck

Seriously, all I got to offer is canker sores in my mouth.
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Post by greenman »

8. HH

9. Zenkers Diverticum

In my situation I think the root cause is the stomach because of HH or ZD. From there it spreads to the tonsils and the tongue.
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Post by Chris28 »

Bad breath from age of 18 upwards which has become steadilly worse over the years

1) no allergies apart from Hayfever (Pollen)

2) recurring tonsil stones from late teens

3) white coating on tongue IF oral care wasnt impeccable

4) sour/shitty taste in mouth constantly even 5 minutesa after oral care

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Post by bbgirl »

It's been about ten years for me.
I've had three kids. youngest is 13 years. Could of started after his birth. Went to dentist.
checked out my teeth. Dental hygenist requested not to be booked for me anymore.
Teeth were o.k. Went to GP Looked at reflux taking Nexium. Looked at throat. ENT couldn't find anything. Feel like I'm going INSANE. But TIREDOFIT's post on choline may be something there. I had a egg sandwich this week. OMG the response was pretty bad. My kids tell me I have no BB. Thank goodness they loveme. Otherwise i would become a hermit.Planning on doing the Colin Cleanse. I feel it comes from my stomach as soon as i eat something. I brush my teeth,tongue constantly.but still has that taste om my tongue.
still looking for something to help.
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Post by Larc400 »

Try washing the very back of your tongue (far back) just using your fingers and water, trying to push deep and really clean well back there. See if that makes a difference, even for a few minutes. Do you have someone who will tell you if your breath is better or worse?
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Post by Troy »

I was 14 years old and i was on vacation at Euro Disney in Paris when this shit hit me like a bomb. All of a sudden my sister started saying how bad my breath was. At first it didn't really bother me much as I thought brushing my teeth or a mint would take care of it. 8 years later this curse has taken control over my life.
Before that i had no syptoms, no alergies no nothing. From one minute to the next it happened.
6 billion people in the world and it hit me. ](*,)
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Troy wrote:I was 14 years old and i was on vacation at Euro Disney in Paris when this shit hit me like a bomb. All of a sudden my sister started saying how bad my breath was. At first it didn't really bother me much as I thought brushing my teeth or a mint would take care of it. 8 years later this curse has taken control over my life.
Before that i had no syptoms, no alergies no nothing. From one minute to the next it happened.
6 billion people in the world and it hit me. ](*,)
It happened to me the same way
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Post by Iris »

When I was about 11, when my hormons started to change in my body such as the beggin of menstruation and so on, my brother told me I was with bad breath. I was stunned with his comentaries because I was always care about my oral hygiene. I do not remember that time my friends reacting to my BB, but I was always concern about that. I just realized about how bad my breath was during college in a different environment and city when some people started reacting. Now, it seems people react much more than before ou maybe it is because I became more counscious about my BB. My family denies my BB and my husband just smell when it is too strong. He says I have BB just from time to time. I know he is not lying. He is just used to my smell or I have a kind of smell he cannot detect as most people.
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

BB since 13 - 14 years old.


-Sour taste and like ¨a warm feeling¨ in my mouth, like if the mouth and tongue were the part of the body that i always feel there when i´m not doing anything if there´s always something going on there....

-Yellow-light brown coated tonge at the back.

-Tonsil stones (get the tonsils partially lasered).

-One nostril always stuffed.

-Always have to clear my throat and spit the mucus.

-Get tested for allergies: Negative.

-No Teeth or gum problems.

To me my problem is the classic overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria at the back of the tongue and tonsils, but...could be Zenker´s diverticulum related with this thing of always have to clear our throat??
With what kind of specialist someone get tested for Zenker´s diverticulum??
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Post by bbgirl »

Larc400 wrote:Try washing the very back of your tongue (far back) just using your fingers and water, trying to push deep and really clean well back there. See if that makes a difference, even for a few minutes. Do you have someone who will tell you if your breath is better or worse?
Becuz i have that thick feeling on my tongue, I use a scraper,tung brush,use perioxide, then rebrush. By the time i get to work and get in the elevator I still get those looks in the elevator. My work wife is such a close friend,she won't be honest and tell me. I've begged. she denies. she is the only one at work to sit next to me in a meeting. I see people look and go to the other side of the table. It's hard when i can't get someone to tell me what my breath smells like. My husband had said one time, kids check your shoes. Did someone step in sh*t? I said it must be my breath. everyone denied. no dodo on shoes. I could consider myself lucky. To read about the cruel things people say hurts me to read. I see the body language, the facial expressions. The avoidance tactics. I myself avoid contact if possible with coworkers. so my feelings don't get hurt by their body language. I hear comments from other tables, oh that something something had really offensive breath. But it wasn't my name mentioned. but they seemed like they said it extra loud on BB for my benefit. Hey what doesn't kill us makes us Stonger Right! :roll:
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There seems to be a link between hormones and BB. I've read that TMAU can be triggered by hormonal changes.
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Post by Iris »

I also think there is a link between BB and hormones. For example, when I am about to mestruate my BB seems to be terrible. I cannot smell it, but I can tell by people reactions. They react more when my period is coming.
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Post by thanatos »

1.) Curse from God
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Post by bbgirl »

TIREDOFIT wrote:There seems to be a link between hormones and BB. I've read that TMAU can be triggered by hormonal changes.
Interesting. I am older and the effect i have on people seems to be more stronger.
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