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Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:26 pm
by nd_gillis

I am looking for like-minded people or at least one person who is looking to solve their bb issues! I am focusing on my diet since that is what I believe cures mode people and is my biggest issue. I am looking for an accountability partner who is on the same journey and will commit to speaking once a day to track results, share ideas and will hold each other accountable for our goals. I would prefer to partner with someone who will commit to reaching out via text and of phone at the end of each day to share result and talk about how their day went. If interested PM me or reply to the post!

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 4:26 am
by Beenhereforeva
I hold myself accountable and it’s exhausting. Every day I battle but it’s actually working. Would you mind using this as an outlet? Or another instant message platform? I am in EST time. You?

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 2:19 am
by StillHoping
I would be interested in joining you both, if its online here. I was actually planning to start a liquid fast tomorrow. I have an additional goal for weight loss purposes

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:33 am
by nd_gillis
Ok let’s start July 12th checking in online with our results each day on this thread u less either of you have a more efficient way?

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:33 pm
by Beenhereforeva
Let’s do it! I think here would be more comfortable but less convenient bc we have to constantly sign in and might miss messages. Any other ideas? Telegram instant messenger perhaps? I want to be able to write and tell you guys when I’m about to have a bad craving. Last time I did, I ate ice cream and set myself way back for about 5-7 days until it left my system. I was so mad at myself

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:13 pm
by nd_gillis
Telegram or what’s app will be okay for me, either way works! I agree it might be less convenient to do on here and I might forget but let me know we can PM each other’s info. I agree sharing when we have cravings and having that pep talk might help out a lot. I’m officially stating raw fruit and veg diet today!

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:15 pm
by nd_gillis
I’m also on est time so that works perfect

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:21 pm
by StillHoping
I'm good with telegram as well, just need to download it :-)

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:45 pm
by Beenhereforeva
I’ll download Telegram. Btw, the sugars in fruit also give me bb. It’s frustrating and probably not good for my health but I’ve stopped eating fruit along with processed sugar and it helps so much! It’s incredible!

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:53 pm
by Beenhereforeva
We dont have to share our phone numbers, we can choose a username and use that to find each other. I think this will help us a lot!

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:29 pm
by Beenhereforeva
I’m on day 11 of ZERO dairy, sugar, carb and taking Riboflavin and a probiotic. I am seeing results! In the past, I would unconsciously mess it up because I still ate fruit and vegetables such as corn with contain natural sugar. I always realized it didnt work and gave up. I recently had ice cream (sorbet) and it totally messed me up and started again 11 days ago. That week, my daughter said I smelled so bad and didn’t want to lay next to me. I felt terrible. The past 2 days, she comes to me and hugs me and said “mommy you actually smell good, like deodorant and not like cheese”. I laughed, cried a little inside but also rejoiced that it’s working. So, I feel I have the solution. I just need to stick to it. God did his part, now it’s my turn to have the self will to stick to this. The air conditioner repair men came this morning and they had no masks on so I was so worried but we had a full blown conversation about how crazy the world is and zero rubbing of the nose, etc. I also went to the supermarket and on purpose I got close to the cashier and no reactions. This makes it worth it, I just need to stick to it. 24 years later, and this may be my solution. The Riboflavin has helped incredibly I believe along with ZERO sugar in all forms and ZERO dairy in all forms. Not even corn, or vegetables containing natural sugar. Let’s keep this going. I’m going to the store to ask the sales associate questions to verify all this. Wish me luck! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:00 am
by StillHoping
Wow 11 days is quite an achievement, great job!! Glad to see it is working well for you so far. I definitely agree about no dairy/sugar/carb, strict alkaline is probably the best. The hard part is consistently sticking to the diet.

What are you eating for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

Beenhereforeva wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:29 pm I’m on day 11 of ZERO dairy, sugar, carb and taking Riboflavin and a probiotic. I am seeing results! In the past, I would unconsciously mess it up because I still ate fruit and vegetables such as corn with contain natural sugar. I always realized it didnt work and gave up. I recently had ice cream (sorbet) and it totally messed me up and started again 11 days ago. That week, my daughter said I smelled so bad and didn’t want to lay next to me. I felt terrible. The past 2 days, she comes to me and hugs me and said “mommy you actually smell good, like deodorant and not like cheese”. I laughed, cried a little inside but also rejoiced that it’s working. So, I feel I have the solution. I just need to stick to it. God did his part, now it’s my turn to have the self will to stick to this. The air conditioner repair men came this morning and they had no masks on so I was so worried but we had a full blown conversation about how crazy the world is and zero rubbing of the nose, etc. I also went to the supermarket and on purpose I got close to the cashier and no reactions. This makes it worth it, I just need to stick to it. 24 years later, and this may be my solution. The Riboflavin has helped incredibly I believe along with ZERO sugar in all forms and ZERO dairy in all forms. Not even corn, or vegetables containing natural sugar. Let’s keep this going. I’m going to the store to ask the sales associate questions to verify all this. Wish me luck! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:33 am
by Beenhereforeva
Thank you! Not the alkaline diet bc it still contains fruits and vegetables with natural sugar. My diet these past days has been pretty boring and like I said, possibly not t healthy but hey, it seems to be working thankfully. For breakfast I eat a hot dog frank, minus the bun and no ketchup or anything else. I add a few carrots on the side and drink my celery juice as I always have. For lunch, I have grilled chicken or beef with carrots and green beans. For dinner I have again beef or chicken with vegetables. In the past I always had some kind of dressing, not anymore! No more snacks either and that’s the hardest part. All I drink is water, water and water except for the celery juice in the morning ls which is pure celery only.
With every meal, I take a riboflavin capsule as recommended in the TMAU treatments. This diet and taking b2 with every meal and probiotic in the morning, combination along with brushing (non mint toothpaste) /flossing/tongue brushing, and mouthwash (non mint) after every meal (3 xs a day) is the best thing that ever worked. Day 12, let’s do it!!!! 24 freakin years later guys! 24!!!!

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:55 pm
by Worst breath
Wat kind of bad breath did u hv,did u hv nasal bb?

U said u dont eat vegetables wth natural sugar bt carrots also hv lot of sugar

Am confused abwt not eating veg wth natural sugar because almost every veg hav natural sugar,potatoes,tomatoes,carrots,corn,cabbage,butternut etc all hv sugar

Re: Accountability Partner(s) For Diet/Cure

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 12:32 am
by Beenhereforeva
I did not have nasal bb all the time, but occasionally. The mouth bb was constant, always present for the past 24 yrs. I’ll rephrase, vegetables with the lowest content of natural sugar. Carrots don’t give me a problem. Corn did, so did Butternut and eggplant. Zuchinni doesn’t. Interesting and sad thing is, ALL fruit gove me reactions. I know, it’s hard to stick to it. Especially the frustration starts to set in after 10 days you see no difference. Then suddenly in the next day or few more days, YOU WILL feel the difference. It may not solve everyone’s problem but it sure is a start to try. We don’t have to spend any money, but have the will to stick to it. I never truly did until now. My kids and I used to have Pizza Fridays and Taco Tuesdays. I still do it for them and when I smell all that food, I want to cry. My kids beg me to take a bite and I said I can’t bc of my “allergies”. It makes it easier to remember that I can hug them at night without any comments about my “hygiene “ which is impeccable btw. Those things keep me going. I went to the pet shop today and spoke to 2 associates. No reaction and while I was cringing inside imagining the worst reaction, I tried to keep calm or the stress would actually make it worst as in the past, but low and behold- NOTHING. Going into day 13 and praying and hoping it stays this way and that I continue to have the willpower to not eat those foods. Now I’m going to eat my grilled chicken and boring vegetables again (with a B2 vitamin) 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻