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Documentary about chronic halitosis?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Documentary about chronic halitosis?

Post by Busted »

Wouldn't it be great if some of the members of this forum worked together with a documentary filmmaker and talk about chronic halitosis like in "Supersize me". They could have a hcronic halitosis sufferer talk to random persons like in that bliss commercial and the commentator can talk about all the reactions from others and their body language. The interviewer comes up and asks what was going through the person's mind etc. Then they let the chronic halitosis sufferer brush his teeth and rinse with whatever mouthwash and do the same thing over again. Eacht time with someothing extra (gum, mint etc.). So we could prove that most of the time chronic halitosis has nothing to do with oral hygiene. They could have interviews with random chronic halitosis sufferers all over the world. They could expose most clinics, who most of the time do nothing but sell mouthwashes and tongue scrapers. There are so many things that can be put in that documentary.

And if not they could make a documentary about uncommon medical diseases like in the tyra banks show. So they could also discuss other uncommon diseases that make some people feel anxious all the time.

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Post by Chris28 »

That would be amazing! Would take some really courageous folks to step up and be counted in the making of it though..I doubt I would dare and risk the embarrassment being captured on film forever. But thats just me and I was supremely chicken shit about my BB being exposed when it didnt have to be.
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Post by HappyDays »

I have to agree with chris. you would have to be so damn brave to do something like that. even to be paid 10,000 dollars I don't think I could do it. it would be the best to expose clinics and most products though. this is such a good idea but it would be nearly imposible to find anyone to do it. maybe we could black out the faces. if my ace doesn't hae to be shown then perhaps I would do it for fre just to raise awareness of this crazy way of life so many of us have. its so mentally draining which is the hardest part. like somoone posted I can deal with physical pain but emotional pain is unbearable. guess that's why they use it to torture prisoners of war. this is an idea that I would like to assist with. count me in. it would work so well and be so effective. it would change the industry forever.
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Post by Busted »

If they black out the faces and everyone stays anonymous, I would have no idea what kind of effect this would have on the public. It could be less convincing, but on the other hand they might realize that we are really that ashamed of our problem.

SoI think it's better to have both: Some who stay anonymous and sone who don't.
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Post by thanatos »

I would do it if they edited the video and put that black strip over my eyes so that nobody could identify me :lol:
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Post by Susie »

What I've always thought would be great is to go undercover to these breath clinics and see how you are treated when their products don't work and film it all!!

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Post by Busted »

Unfortenately bad breath isn't something u can just see. But indeed going undercover there and get treated and use their products and then having random conversations with others could prove that the products do not work. If we all have this on camera and with strangers confirming that they do have bb, it would prove a lot. One more thing the woman who was on the tyra banks show should be in there too.

Ok man, but where the hell do we start anyways?
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Post by elliott »

Busted wrote:Unfortenately bad breath isn't something u can just see. But indeed going undercover there and get treated and use their products and then having random conversations with others could prove that the products do not work. If we all have this on camera and with strangers confirming that they do have bb, it would prove a lot. One more thing the woman who was on the tyra banks show should be in there too.

Ok man, but where the hell do we start anyways?
You Tube? :D
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Post by Busted »

Another thing I noticed is that people are nice to you until they like smell your bb. They are like hihi, hehe and haha until they get a little closer and smell your bb. It happens to me all the time. I want to get this in the interview too.

But of course this documentary is probably just a dream and so is that so-called "cure".
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Post by elliott »

Busted wrote:Another thing I noticed is that people are nice to you until they like smell your bb. They are like hihi, hehe and haha until they get a little closer and smell your bb. It happens to me all the time. I want to get this in the interview too.

But of course this documentary is probably just a dream and so is that so-called "cure".
Yeah. people think you're dirty. I get no respect at work anymore. I feel like a lower form of life. People don't speak to me, and when they absolutely have to, they are already covering their.../ oops... correction, you can see them preparing for the smell before you even speak. It's like when people see my face, their brain tells them .... ://stink...dirt...savage...loser...stay away...://
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

elliott wrote:
Busted wrote:Another thing I noticed is that people are nice to you until they like smell your bb. They are like hihi, hehe and haha until they get a little closer and smell your bb. It happens to me all the time. I want to get this in the interview too.

But of course this documentary is probably just a dream and so is that so-called "cure".
Yeah. people think you're dirty. I get no respect at work anymore. I feel like a lower form of life. People don't speak to me, and when they absolutely have to, they are already covering their.../ oops... correction, you can see them preparing for the smell before you even speak. It's like when people see my face, their brain tells them .... ://stink...dirt...savage...loser...stay away...://
i´m sorry man, my problem is just oral related so is much more managable. I don´t get a direct reaction in years ¨thanks¨ to my ¨defensive tools¨, just few reactions once in a while that could be for this or not.... But i don´t fill a room, just my bedroom, that always smells bad if i don´t open the window a lot.

But if i was in your situation, first i would take an ent by the neck in my next appoinment until he gave me a reasonable reason for this and something to look forward.

And regarding the people on your work.....if is inevitable and they all know it by now anyway....why don´t you tell them that you know about your problem, and you´re very concious about it MORE than them, and you have visited many doctors and this has no cure for deserve respect.
If after this they still treat you like shit, if i were you i think i would beat in the head a few of them
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Post by Busted »

elliott wrote:
Busted wrote:Another thing I noticed is that people are nice to you until they like smell your bb. They are like hihi, hehe and haha until they get a little closer and smell your bb. It happens to me all the time. I want to get this in the interview too.

But of course this documentary is probably just a dream and so is that so-called "cure".
Yeah. people think you're dirty. I get no respect at work anymore. I feel like a lower form of life. People don't speak to me, and when they absolutely have to, they are already covering their.../ oops... correction, you can see them preparing for the smell before you even speak. It's like when people see my face, their brain tells them .... ://stink...dirt...savage...loser...stay away...://
Elliott, I have smelled other people's bad breath too, but it's not the same as mine. When they talk to me and I smell their bb, I do not need to back off. And when I see the person talking to someone else, they do not make the reactions either. They just stand there and the conversation goes really smooth. Also after a few hours if you speak to the same person again, the bad breath is gone. So I'm not really sure if these people can really be counted as bb sufferers. I've also had one person who has breath that smells bad most of the time, but I never see the reactions I get when he talks to other people. And when he speaks to me I do not need to make the reactions either. All I do is smell something bad.

But for us it's really like an attack. They want to get the smell out of their nose. They want to stay away from you. The safe distance is like 2-3 meters. If you yell, the bb can even travel a little further. That's my problem at least.
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Post by elliott »

emotional rescue wrote:
elliott wrote:
Busted wrote:Another thing I noticed is that people are nice to you until they like smell your bb. They are like hihi, hehe and haha until they get a little closer and smell your bb. It happens to me all the time. I want to get this in the interview too.

But of course this documentary is probably just a dream and so is that so-called "cure".
Yeah. people think you're dirty. I get no respect at work anymore. I feel like a lower form of life. People don't speak to me, and when they absolutely have to, they are already covering their.../ oops... correction, you can see them preparing for the smell before you even speak. It's like when people see my face, their brain tells them .... ://stink...dirt...savage...loser...stay away...://
i´m sorry man, my problem is just oral related so is much more managable. I don´t get a direct reaction in years ¨thanks¨ to my ¨defensive tools¨, just few reactions once in a while that could be for this or not.... But i don´t fill a room, just my bedroom, that always smells bad if i don´t open the window a lot.

But if i was in your situation, first i would take an ent by the neck in my next appoinment until he gave me a reasonable reason for this and something to look forward.

And regarding the people on your work.....if is inevitable and they all know it by now anyway....why don´t you tell them that you know about your problem, and you´re very concious about it MORE than them, and you have visited many doctors and this has no cure for deserve respect.
If after this they still treat you like shit, if i were you i think i would beat in the head a few of them

My point is that it doesn't matter whether they smell you or not. In their MIND, you stink, thus are dirty. It's their psycological response. So, when people (especially co-workers) see your face, they are reminded of their last experience. I think it's a natural human defense mechanism. I've paid great attention to people's reactions, and I can see that before someone even thinks about talking to me, they are already preparing themselves. Before I say a word.
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Post by Busted »

AH what the hell elliott, this life is just a ****ing joke man. You shouldn't take your life so serious anyways. All you can do is try to make the best out of it. But shit, with "best" you probably wouldn't still be near good, if you compare your life to someone who can just walk up to someone and start a conversation. He can build up so many social contacts and make so many friends, who can always help him out. We can't really build this friendship. There's always a barrier in between. If they didn't have a sense of smell, maybe they can be your best friend, but otherwise they just wanna stay away from you.

If we say something, it's no good
If we shut up, it's still no good
What other options are there left, none.

This life is so pointless man. In fact it can hardly be called a life. We're all very tired of always seeing other people go away because of our bb. It sucks to know that you are destined to be a loner. Also others do not really care what the cause of your bb is, as long as you don't bother them with it, then it's ok with them. WHat's even more ****ed up is that there's nothin that can be done to even slightly reduce the problem. I hate seeing everyone engage into a group conversation. You're the only who has to stay out because if you open your mouth, everyone will walk away. We didn't ask for this ****ing **** life. In fact it would be better if we had never been born, cause all we do is think about our bb problem, instead of live. Seems like the only true relief now is death, well let's just hope our lives aren't that long.

You also cannot change yourself, because others will do notthin but complain and make fun of you. You cannot just walk up to someone and start a conversation, it wouldn't even last 2 min. In other words: nobody will really be able to accept you, because your breath is simply too bad. They do not care if it's not your fault. They do not care that there's nothin you can do about it. Just make sure they don't smell it. That's what they are like.

So let yout family and friends blame you for being anti-social, weird and arrogant ot whatever. We all know that this is bull****. This bad breath won't even allow us to be ourselves. We do not even have a personality because of this. we're like 50% dead and waitin for the other half to come. Btw I usually keep on talking even when I see the other person backing off and feeling really uncomfortable. Pretty much everyone knows I have it now. It's pretty much unavoidable. But I just find it so funny when someone says you don't brush your teeth, or should chew some gum. I can also see how some are preparing themselves or are very scared to talk to me or for me to say somethin.

I understand everything now. When I was young, others never looked me in the eyes when I spoke to them. I also understand why they always tried to keep a conversatio nshort. I understand why they look at me in such a weird way. I thought because I was pretty shy when I was a kid, they finally heard me say somethin. But no, it's because...

well you know the rest of the story.

That's why I think we need this documentary. We deserve a chance to live our lives and be social. we deserve not to be treated different. This shouldn't be something embarrasing, it's what society made of it, because they think you have a bad oral hygiene. We need to stop them for spreading this bul**** infomation. We all have good oral hygiene. And those ****ers do not even need to brush their teeth to not get bb.

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Post by Leena »

Busted wrote:if you compare your life to someone who can just walk up to someone and start a conversation. He can build up so many social contacts and make so many friends, who can always help him out. We can't really build this friendship. There's always a barrier in between. If they didn't have a sense of smell, maybe they can be your best friend, but otherwise they just wanna stay away from you.

This life is so pointless man. In fact it can hardly be called a life.
We didn't ask for this ****ing **** life. In fact it would be better if we had never been born, cause all we do is think about our bb problem, instead of live. Seems like the only true relief now is death, well let's just hope our lives aren't that long.

You also cannot change yourself, because others will do notthin but complain and make fun of you.
Oh my God! Do you really believe this!?

You cannot hide behind your BB if people are not your friends. You should know that people actually don`t care about BB that much. I mean if you act rude or mean and you have BB, they`ll avoid you, but if you act nice and normal and have BB, they`ll eventually be your friends. It`s actually all up to us. It is more difficult of course but it`s not impossible. There is a barrier in between, I agree, but it is not a huge one.

And we do not think about the BB problem all the time. We have so many social engagements and work duties that it`s crazy to spend so much time focusing on the problem. Focus on the solution or just forget about the whole story. Focus on life not BB and you`ll start noticing life is not all about BB.

And the most important thing is that you can change yourself. Maybe curing BB is a hard task for now but curing your soul and your attitude toward your friends and other people is what you should start from. Just think about all the people here - do you think they are all disliked and isolated by other people? Of course not. It all depends on the type of person you are - just like with people with normal breath - some we like, some we think are assholes and it has nothing to do with the way they smell.

So Busted, I don`t mean to be rude, but your post is so negative. I hope it`s something you felt at a moment and you don`t really believe all this negative ideas.
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