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Happy Days' Diary - Countdown to BB free life

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Happy Days' Diary - Countdown to BB free life

Post by HappyDays »

Ok guys so you all know me. Here is my official diary. I wanted to make this so I could see how far I came once the BB is gone.

I have bb coming from nose that smells very bad and from my mouth which is also bad. It has become alot worse within the last 2 years especially the last 4 months. I can brush my teeth and use Tung brush on my tongue and brush my tonsils and then 3 minutes later I have this nasty taste in my throat even though my mouth feels very fresh. I brush with Oxyfresh and rinse with it too. I also have pnd which taste very bad which seems to be dripping from the back of my nose. I have changed my diet which is now mostly fresh fruits and veggies and pretty much no red meat. I have eliminated dairy products and breads also. I was found to have a slight case of GERD but even most recently have discovered tonsil stones on a daily basis so after 3 weeks of waiting, I will get my tonsils removed today. I believe I may have polyps, so I will have the Dr. check for them and enlarged turbinates. I will also have him check adenoids and remove them and anything else he can that he sees is infected. Hopefully he will remove something else other than the tonsils. I dont want to have to have another surgery at another time so I will beg him to check everything well.

I dont believe that only removing the tonsils will give me the relief I am looking for since those that seem to have been relieved of BB by this operation didnt have it coming from their nose like I do. This seems to only be part 1 in a series of actions I need to take. I am very nervous about this as this is the first serious step in creating a bb free life but for the record no matter what happens, I will have to find the strength to live my life with bb if necessary. It is very hard but it is possible I guess. I have been trying to stay very postive since this seems to affect me mentally the most. As long as I have a plan of attack, I seem to be keeping my sanity. Initially I didnt know where to start and was really starting to get depressed.

My very first post was to find temp relief since I would be taking a plane trip. I recently took that plane trip that was 5 hours and it was hard but I made it thru mostly by covering my entire face with a blanket even though I could tell that the guy next to me could still smell it. It still wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I was in class for training for a few days and that was hard also but I made it thru. Most everyone knew I was having surgery in a few days so it made it much better for me even though they didnt know it was for my bb. I still say that letting people know a little bit of whats going on has made it much easier than keeping it all inside.

So this morning, I will be having the operation. Like I said, I think its the first step in getting a bb free life. I will continue to update you all everyday. If anyone has any suggestions as to what i should eat and how to stay hydrated after the surgery, please let me know. I understand that staying hydrated is the most important thing after surgery. I have also heard that maybe taking protein drink like Ensure is good. Any other tips are surely welcomed! I will have 2 weeks off and may even take a third week depending on how I feel as I talk a lot during work and want to ensure that I am healed all the way.

For the record I would like to thank whoever created the internet which has so much info. Where would we be without it? Also I would like to thank Jimi for actually creating a site dedicated to BB and others for creating sites related to bb and other symptoms. I have learned so much and have had so much help with my personal issue. Those of you who are fighting this invisible bastard we call bb, please keep fighting.

Note to tonsils and stones: You have less than 2 hours so please have fun while you can. You will be history soon and whatever else is causing this terrible breath, please know that I am coming for you next like the fuckking terminator! :twisted:

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Post by elliott »

Here's to happy days in the future!
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Post by hopeful »

Love your attitude! Fingers crossed for you.
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Post by Chris28 »

So so pleased for you man!!! Wish you the best of luck with your advice: get prepared to spend alot of time in bed watching dvds and eating ice cream because you wont be interested in doing much else \:D/
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Best of luck!!! Even if this doesn't cure you, you will never have to worry about those sticky things again. I'm really happy I got it done. It hurts, but the pain is not unbarable. Yes, get Ensure drinks. That is all I wanted for the first week. Jello and pudding was good too. And get some yummy gum. I chewed gum constantly. It helps you heal faster too because it makes you swallow and use the muscles so they don't get stiff and saliva helps it heal as well. I'm on a mission just like you. I recently came to a dead end with the hiatal hernia/gerd problem, but I will go back to see the gastrointerologist next month. Now I am going to make an appt. to see my ENT again and try to tackle my pnd problem again.
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Post by Leena »

Good luck with the surgery!!! I know it will help you. Don`t be afraid - I got mine out in August and it didn`t hurt that much.
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Post by HappyDays »

Before I go any further I have to say that one thing I love about this site is all of the support. You guys dont know me from anyone but I swear I can feel your love and it really makes a difference. Wouldnt we all love to get that support from those around us? Support is support so Im not complaining especially since you guys can really relate!! Like I stated in my very first post, we are brothers and sisters!! Thanks! =D>

Ok, so surgery is done and I must say that it is just about how I imagined. Not unbearable by a long shot but not a breeze either. More of an annoying pain than a real pain. Eating nothing but popsicles and drinking apple juice which is helping. I have Oxycodone (Percocet substitue) and have only taken the liquid type right after surgery. I will take it if I just pretend I have some and use the muscles in my mouth which keeps it from getting needed. Also have promenthazine suppositories, not really sure what they are for but will google it in a bit.

The more I drink and eat it seems the better it feels. Great Idea about the gum but for nowstiff. I know this pain is nothing compared to what I have to face so I am taking this in stride. I am eating about 1 popsicle every 15 minutes and drinking as much apple juice as possible. I definitely still have a scent but it may be from the actual surgery. My mouth definitely feels different/better. Breathing seems so much more normal now. Starting weight is 136.5 ( after losing about 12 pounds over the last 3 weeks due to change of diet and then gaining3.5 lbs back). Dr says I can expect to lose another 10-15 pounds.

So, 5 hours after surgery and I am glad its over and that I decided to go ahead with it. :mrgreen:

Note to tonsils and stones: Wait, no more tonsils or stones!! \:D/

Question for tonsils and stones: I wonder if there is a heaven for you guys? Doubt it! [-X

Stay tuned guys...
-Happy Days-
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Post by hopeful »

Yay, you made it! Can't wait to follow your progress in the upcoming days. You must be so excited!
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Post by carlos_bigsby »

The Fonz says.. "Cool"
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Post by HappyDays »

Day 2

I am feeling alot better 24 hours later. Throat has started healing. It definitely feels alot more solid back there. I am able to cough and clear my throat a little without a crazy pain.

A few points I want to make that I have seen anyone discuss.

#1. Stay hydrated with water or watered down apple juice. Ice cream is not good cause all though its soothing it creates lots of mucus which makes it difficult to swallow after a while and since clearing your throat or coughing within the first 12 hours is almost impossible and discouraged. Dont rush to eat solids, just take it easy and let the healing process begin. You will notice a huge difference after the first day and you can tell when solids are a good idea. My throat seemed to be filled with mucus to the point that I was not able to swallow for a bit because there was so much there due to all of the apple juice and popsicles I had been eating. I started just drinking water and it started clearing up.

#2. Stay on top of the pain meds even if you dont think you need them. I felt fine and it seemed that I didnt need them but when the pain started kicking in, I went through an hour of unnecessary pain since I didnt take my meds. It started to be very uncomfortable swallowing between the lack of meds and tons of mucus. I started kicking myself for trying to go without the meds and saving them for when I thought I really needed them. Well now I take them faithfully every3 to 4 hours and I am feeling great. Even if you have to wake up stay on a schedule cause if you go past it and the pain kicks in you will just be in pain for no reason.

#3. If possible, get liquid pain medication. Although they gave me liquid percocets in the hospital, the prescription was for pills and there was absolutely no way I could swallow and the pharmacists wouldnt exchange the meds since it wasnt on the prescription as liquid. They told me to ask the Dr to redue the prescription. There is an easy fix. I just used to spoons to crush the pills to a powder and then mix it with about 4 to 5 table spoons of water. I even gargled with it which made everything feel good back there. Issue resolved so now I dont need the liquid.

#4. Keep your mouth active. Dont let it stiffen up. Not sure about chewing gum on the first day but use the same motion to keep your jaws and throat active so it doesnt stiffen up. i would pretend I had gum and use that chewing motion to keep my jaws loose and turning my neck from left to right to keep the tonsil area loose.

I will start drinking Ensure or Boost today along with applesauce. Havent had much of an appetite so hunger isnt an issue yet. Brushing my teeth was fine even though I didnt do it as thorough as I would like. Pretty much stayed away from the back area. I have a white coating on my tongue but I expect that to go away shortly. Stay tuned for my next update and please ask any questions or if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks.
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Post by HappyDays »

Day 3

Things are pretty much the same. Still feel good as long as i am taking my medication. This seems to be going very well at this point. I am told that I am not through the worst days yet but so far its been almost a breeze. Lots of water and popsicles and I am not that hungry. Last night I ate some applesauce which tasted great but hours later I was still swallowing it from wherever it was getting trapped as I was eating. I made sure to rinse and gargle well to get most of it out and there was a lot back in there. Brushed my teeth much better and flossed well. Tongue still has a white coating but it should be getting better any day now. I can definitely feel a huge difference in the aura of my mouth. I also bought Ensure and will start drinking that today. Not much bleeding from the tonsil area for the last few days but this morning there were two small clumps of blood that I spit up from back there. It actually felt pretty good like they had been sitting back there and now my throat is a bit more clear. Mouth feels really different in a good way. Feels like there is lots more room, a lot less sticky and thick, and breathing has never been this well. Both nostrils are clear and I can breath through both without alternating like usual. So far this has been so worth it!

I am down to 132.4 from 136.5 so 4 pounds lost so far. I put in a request to get the liquid vicotin but the pharmacy has to order it and it will be in on Friday. I dont really need it as crushing up the meds have been fine but this is just a precaution if the pain gets worst in a few days and to just have more meds. Energy is returning although I havent been eating. I am able to do things around the house even though I feel a bit off balance due to the meds. Ears have been fine. No problem at all with them. Havent had any fevers either. I expect things to get worst cause there is no way it can be this easy. Definitely not in any rush to eat solid foods which is supposed to help the healing process but i just want things to get a bit more stabilized in the throat prior to testing it out. Still moving my mouth as if I have gum to keep things loose.

I definitely recommend this to anyone who has tonsil stones. I can tell my BB has gotten better but I cant tell how much better yet. Like I said initially, this is step one for me in my quest for a BB free life. By the way I had the procedure done the old fashioned way with the Dr just cutting with a knife. I was put to sleep with general anesthesia and woke up what seemed to be minutes later with the surgery complete.

Once again, any questions or suggestions are encouraged. Stay tuned...

-Happy Days-
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Post by hopeful »

Awesome updates Happy Days. Thanks so much for sharing and sticking with it. I'm getting mine done next week and this is a great guide for me to follow more or less. Although I've never found a tonsil stone, there is a yellow liquid that sticks to the cotton swab after I clean the holes in my tonsils. The smell is so horrible that I'm convinced it has something to do with my bb. Please keep the updates coming and thanks for sharing again!
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Post by HappyDays »

Day 4

Still feeling pretty good as long as I stay on top of the meds which is sometimes hard since I may sleep longer than 5 or 6 hours at a time. The pain is still managable and hasnt increased as many have stated. Still drinking lots of water and apple juice along with popcicles and Ensure. By the way, Ensure seems to have been made for post op tonsillectomy. It tastes so good and goes down easy while providing much needed nutrients. I love this stuff. The Dr says I should have one in the morning and one in the evening. I have loaded up on it. The vanilla flavor is great!!

Dr advised me to stop spitting as much and to just swallow even when my throat feels like it has tons of mucus so I have stopped spitting and clearing my throat which I believe makes the healing process take even longer. ( but it feels so good to have a clear throat ). Still in no rush to eat solid foods. The Dr stated that as long as I keep drinking apple juice and popcicles than I should be fine. I have lost a few more pounds down to 130 now which is a total of about 6.5 pounds in 4 days.

Breathing is still great and my mouth feels nice but i have a ways to go. Still say this has been so worth it just for the improved breathing alone. Every so often I get a whiff of a bad smell but it doesnt smell like that old shitty stone smell but it doesnt smell good either. I expect this is the healing process. Will pick up the liquid Vicotin tomorrow but like I said, just crushing the meds has been fine. As the days go on I get more and more sleepy especially once I take my meds. Constipation has been prevalent although I havent eaten any solids so it doesnt hurt my stomach. I did get a nauseas feeling when I took some pills earlier on an empty stomach but once I ate a few popcicles it went away completely. Ears still feel fine and no fevers either. I have been careful not to be around any public areas or alot of people to keep the chances of infection down. I chewed gun today for a little while which promotes swallowing and will do so a little while everyday.

Dont want to speak to soon but so far this has been a breeze compared to what I have heard. Just stay on the meds and its no problem at all. I even delayed taking my pills today so I could drive around town to run some errands. I just took a few popcicles with me and some ice water and I was fine but by the time I got back home my throat was killing me I must admit. Popped the pills and I was out like a light.

One thing I do wanna say is you wanna make sure you have things to keep you occupied or you will go crazy just being bored. I have been reading and watching DVD's and doing little errands around the house. I dont want to make it seem like this is a walk in the park but honestly it has been much better than I ever imagined. I will continue to update you guys so stay tuned. If anyone has any ideas for the constipation, please let me know. I may take milk of magnesia tonight.
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Post by mike987 »

aah very informative!

so you're saying that just by having tonsils removed, you're experiencing better breathing? Even through your nose? Or did you also have nasal polyps removed?

It sounds like you're doing well and I believe the surgery has helped.. I look forward to the day when i get insurance and put an end to my tonsils and stones too :)
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Post by Larc400 »

You're making a big deal out of one of the simplest, least invasive procedures there are. Still, I salute you for it! =D> =D> =D> Keep up the updates :D
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