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Stuffy Nose and Thick Secretion (Post nasal drip)

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Stuffy Nose and Thick Secretion (Post nasal drip)

Post by Bluerain »

I was wondering if any has a similar problem as me with their nose being stuffed up (sometimes one nostril is stuffed up while the other is ok and other times both are stuffed) most of the time and thick post nasal drip?

I've went to the ent to talk about my problem and also wanting to remove my tonsils because they smell and produce those stones. He said the stones were normal and that I shouldn't remove my tonsils. He told me my nose was the main problem. I told him I have allergies possibly due to ragweed. Anyway he prescribed Nasonex and sent me for an allergy test. The test confirm that I am allergic to ragweed, and also grasses, cats, and somewhat to dust.

I find it really weird though that even being on the nasal spray and taking Reactine I still have a stuffy nose and thick pnd. Either my body is resistant to the drugs or something else is not right.

I've been thinking it may be something structural. The nose cavity is covered by a mucus membrane and has bony shelves (turbinates). Colds and allergens can cause the blood supply of the membrane to expand. The expansion leads to stuffy nose and possibly secretions. I'm thinking maybe my nasal cavity is too small to accommodate the engorged membranes. I noticed when I'm excercising or stressed out at school I can breathe through both nostrils and I don't sense thick pnd. It may be due to adrenaline acting to constrict those blood vessels in my nose.

Has anyone noticed a similar situation?

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Post by hopeful »

I have the stuffiness too and it's frustrating because it comes and goes. The weird thing with me is that I find it gets worse after I've been talking for a long period. After I've talked on the phone(usually non-stop) for 30mins it gets all congested. Same thing with chewing gum. After chewing gum for 20mins, it gets all stuffed up. I can't find the correlation.

I'm still getting my tonsils out because they do smell after I stick a q-tip in there. At the same time, I'm hopping that the stuffiness improves. I think I have a weak immune system and that contributes to my bb.
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I notice that one nostril is more stuffed than the other constantly, but especially at night. I read this is normal, but if extreme, it can be due to overuse of nose sprays or it could be an obstructuion. I have pnd too, but it is thin and clear.

Here is a good site to go on...

I want to ask my ENT if I might have an abnormal turbinate - for now I'm sick of doctors though. It's most likely just an irritation to environmental irritants. I know I'm allergic to certain purfumes.

I've been using the therabreath tounge strips and they help for a quick fix. I get them in the US at Walmart for $3.
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Re: Stuffy Nose and Thick Secretion (Post nasal drip)

Post by xoxo »

Bluerain wrote:I was wondering if any has a similar problem as me with their nose being stuffed up (sometimes one nostril is stuffed up while the other is ok and other times both are stuffed) most of the time and thick post nasal drip?
i have that.. intermittent nose block with thick PND. But nose is better now, try oil pulling

I find it really weird though that even being on the nasal spray and taking Reactine I still have a stuffy nose and thick pnd. Either my body is resistant to the drugs or something else is not right.
i did not respond to nasal spray either. i tried all the sprays they have here, nothing works. i have vasomotor rhinitis.
Need A Cure
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Post by Need A Cure »

Check with your doctor to see if you have a deviated septum. You can also try saline nasal rinses.
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