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Bad Breath 24*7

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:48 pm
by kakaroto
Hi I also have bad breath and this is my story ,
It does not matter how much I brush and wash my mouth it still stinks literally 24*7, I use Therabreath , chlorhexidine , peroxide, yougur , k12 probiotics, saline solution , nasal irrigator , tongue scraper and every type of mouth wash there is and nothing seems to work , some of this products worked for a couple of days and then BB came back worst then ever and they never worked again, this horrible smell just wont go away not even for a minute , I remember one time that I used chlorhexidine somebody on the bus said it smells like rotten lemon in here ,I felt so bad , my breath is so bad that people smell it several feet away I can tell by the way they cough or cover their nose , fortunately I got my girlfriend to be honest and made her become my halimeter ,she told me that some wierd smell comes out of my nose, even when my mouth is closed and even if I hold breathe and this is the strange part of the problem , some times I hold my breath when I walk across people and they cough, I ask halimeter girlfriend she said it smells even if I dont breathe and it gets alot worst when you swallow I ask my best friend and my mon and they said I had to check my self out cause you smell very strange , I had this problem for 5 years now and it already become critical.
. I even had my tonsils removed and I also drink alot of water every day so my mouth is not dry , my tongue has a white film on it ,
the symptoms I have are , white film on my tongue , post nasal drip , I dont take any medications for this , I use to take some medication that dried my mouth it just made it worst.

what I have learn about my breath is that it gets worst when I use any comercial toothpaste and I believe its probaly cause it kills only the good bacteria and the bad bacteria resists it making it even worst , this also happens with chlorhexidine and peroxide .
Also peroxide and chlorhexidine I feel they made my bacteria stronger cause the first
time i used them they worked for about 2 days and they never worked again

another thing I learned about this is that the smell gets worst for a few seconds when I swallow , some fart smell rushes out and comes out thru my mouth or nose and vanishes minutes after even if my mouth is closed and I hold my breath , when I try not to swallow and the mocus buildups on the back of my tongue for around 5 minutes the smell goes down to a point that you can hardly smell it but when I talk or swallow the fart comes out again it also happens when there is alot of mocus build up on the back of my tongue and its starts dripping down my throat .

I believe this condition is because the post nasal drip feeds this bacteria , each layer of mocus or drop covers the smell from the previous mocus the bacteria already decompose to come out , so thats why I believe when I talk or swallow a gas rushes out incredibly fast making people cough even before the saliva gets past my throat , the extrange thing is that I can not get rid of this mocus its to far back , tried gargleling and tongue scrapers nothing gets that far.

So I strongly believe my condition is caused by this bacteria feeding post nasal drip , and the resistance of this bacteria to everything on the market today . am going to get this post nasal drip treated , I believe it will help alot and I pray and hope it cures my badbreath .

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:27 am
by FullOfHope
Has your ent consultant checked your nasal passages with an endoscope?
You probably already know that your problem could be caused by one of many things but your story sounds very similar to what my husband had.
I would smell this awful poo smell every time he swallowed with his mouth closed. The room would also smell the same while he was sat watching tv.
He had a polyp removed from inside his nose and it went.
Hope you find some answers - keep looking.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:35 pm
by kakaroto
Hi FullOfHope
Yes , a couple of months ago my ent consultant checked my nasal passages with an endoscope,
and yes I do have a big nasal polyp on the right side of my nose that could be a cause of this post nasal drip ,I was not sure if this was the main cause of my BB since it could be so many things, but know that I read that your husband had a problem very similar and got cured gives me lots of hope , Am going to see the Ent on tuesday again to see if I can get them removed. I wont let this BB ruin and destroy my social life I will fight it and ignore it and hopefully someday cured it.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:27 pm
kakroto - let us know if you get cured? Sounds hopeful for you! I was checked for polyps and I had none, but now I want a second opinion.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:48 pm
by mike987
i know that i have at least one polyp in my nose..

6 or 7 years ago, i visited an eallergy doctor and he mentioend that there were plyps forming in my nose.

At that time, it meant nothing to me..

But after reading FullofHope's posts, I think this could be one of my problems...

I still think tonsils are a big problem, but now I'm definitely going to ask the ENT (when I can go to get tonsils removed) about nasal polyps and if he can remove them...

No.. I'll demand it! :p


Re: Bad Breath 24*7

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:23 pm
by nv
[Anyone with mucous/nasal drip problem tried these oils? If you think you have Candida (oral one is a possibility) try these two, both 100% pure, oregano with liquid 5 drops 2 times day and tea tree oil a drop per brush. Anyone tried and it helped? I know some dont believe in oils because perhaps their problem is of another nature.
Strengh to all!