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the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:09 pm
by naom
I just think this thread didint get the attention it deserved because guys this at least makes more sense than thinking that you
have a rare gene og DNA that causes this BB. When its like "I think i have this gene calles gene45 that is malfunctiones causes my BB" than im just saying you digging to deep bacuse you dont know what your made of
the second reason why I think this thread needs more attention is that there is this thread called "glutathion helps" were a person takes this supplement along with others and it helped them. Let me tell you that glutathion is like number one supplement for treating black mold!!
and there is also a suceess thread in badbreath reddit that is cured by taking glutathion and others.
Guys you have more likeliy lived under black mold(if you have before its hard for body to get rid of it without supplement) than
you have parasites,candida,SIBO,rare genom X,wrong postion of the tongu,Malfunction.

when you have black mold in the body you have the mycotoxins everywere even in the nose! as its perfect envrement
because its humid and it becomes more. How do you guys that have other symtoms like chronic fatigue,post nasal drip ignore that when that is also
part of being exposed by black mold

*Please excuse my English. But we all look for the problems or the cause of Bad breath from the inside of the body: whether its because of candida,bacteria overgrowth in tongue, post nasal drip,sinus, tonsil this desease or that,diet. But what if it’s not the body that is causing this but outside source?? that Bad breath is a SYMPTOME - the body is realizing toxins/poison too get rid of what is the within the body??.

I think and I suspect its because of …….Black mold in the house and in the body or previously houses that people live inn. I suddenly came across in curezone about this girl that moved into a moldy apartment and her mother and her got Bad breath amongst other health problems and I guess she is insightful enough too understand and remember that it happened once they moved inn.

I have black mold and have other health problems like:fatigue,problems with sleep,sometimes post nasal drip, brain fog,acne.But some people have other symptoms or close too none

The thing about black mold or other molds that it can cause candida or overgrowth of candida. So all of you who have found temporarly relief from BB because you have gone on candida-diet or parasite diet but as soon you quit BB comes back. That might be because you haven’t gotten rid of the mold in your body or/and outside the body. Yes even not living in a environment of mold you can still have it in the body! There so many people that suffers with this that says they no longer lives in the climate but years pass on and they are still suffering!(its hard for some bodys to get rid of it better to detox it) ... d-candida/

also mold causes so many other illnesses and problems other than that allergies/ respiratory symptoms. I’m beginning to think it causes all or most of disease/illneses known. Like people say that they have suffered with so many things that is not listed. The problem is that doctors don’t know about this but they do know that its not good for health. Don’t believe in the people who says it only causes problems too people who have weak immune.

I just know you have too detox and get the mycotoxin out.I saw a video too use:S-acetyl-lgluttathion, Activated charcoal-bentonite clay-oragano oil.There is also others and feel free to share what type of supplement you use and are the best.

I might be wrong Im just trying too find the cause of this and also Id like you opnion and if im totally crazy. I don’t have a lot of evidence seems like almost no one have figured this out and I understand if this sounds crazy*

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:57 pm
by Redazzz
Interesting is there any test to check if you have it in your body?

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:27 pm
by naom
yes there is tests but not from traditional doctors(all they say its bad for you but dont have diagnosis/treatment). there is laboratory tests you can take it do you live in USA. Because then its far more easier too test for mold toxins in body. There doctors however that believe and knows and have reaseearched how black mold is soo toxic and they have laboratory test. You have too visit funcional/naturpath doctor but there is doctors like:
Ritchie Shoemaker(goo too his webpage too find a doctor near you, Ann Shippy . I also listen too Mark hyman i think his a doctor.

its intresting because when I reasearched this it seems like black mold can cause sooo many illnesses but still tradional doctor dissmises this.
It says it can cause dry mouth and metall taste but I think if your unlucky you can get BB aswell as the more common symtoms like fatigue and post nasal drip. And I really think that it can cause BB in nose aswell because Dr. Ann shippy said it accumulates in the nose because its a warm and humid place thats perfect envirement for the mold.

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:28 pm
by naom
Redazzz wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:57 pm Interesting is there any test to check if you have it in your body?
yes there is tests but not from traditional doctors(all they say its bad for you but dont have diagnosis/treatment). there is laboratory tests you can take it do you live in USA. Because then its far more easier too test for mold toxins in body. There doctors however that believe and knows and have reaseearched how black mold is soo toxic and they have laboratory test. You have too visit funcional/naturpath doctor but there is doctors like:
Ritchie Shoemaker(goo too his webpage too find a doctor near you, Ann Shippy . I also listen too Mark hyman i think his a doctor.

its intresting because when I reasearched this it seems like black mold can cause sooo many illnesses but still tradional doctor dissmises this.
It says it can cause dry mouth and metall taste but I think if your unlucky you can get BB aswell as the more common symtoms like fatigue and post nasal drip. And I really think that it can cause BB in nose aswell because Dr. Ann shippy said it accumulates in the nose because its a warm and humid place thats perfect envirement for the mold.

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:36 pm
by naom
the funny thing is that my naturopath doctor recommended first try berberine among other supplements and now I see a thread about this stuff and they think it will help BB. I think im on too something but im not taking anything until i get the test done. If you guys want me too doo a list
of supplements for black mold I can do that. since im already seeing that a lot of the supplements you guys are reporting it works for you!!
the most famous glutathion however always take the liposomal glutathion I can tell you now the liposomal is better!

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:44 am
by Redazzz
I live in Italy.
I will search if there are any lab that do this kind of test, if found I'll post it here.

Keep us updated on your journey and any valuable information from your personal experience is always appreciated.

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:44 am
by naom
Redazzz wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:44 am I live in Italy.
I will search if there are any lab that do this kind of test, if found I'll post it here.

Keep us updated on your journey and any valuable information from your personal experience is always appreciated.
I live in a small european contry too and I still managed too find a doctor(not normall doctor) use google and try too find a natrupath or
Nutritional therapist that spescialised in black mold sickness and email alot of them. thats why I did im know going too send them my
urine sample too a laboratories called Nordiclab.

In the mean time try search for black mold in your apartment and try finding out in the internett where mold hides. I found a lot of mold in the windows by pulling the windows out and under the sinks in the bathroom and a lot under the bathtub and in corners. Its more commen than people think.

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:54 pm
by Redazzz
I don't know if it's black mold but I have definitely something similar in my bathroom but it appeared way later than my halitosis.

Please keep this topic updated with your findings and what you do.
I will definitely look into this after finishing testing for other thing that I haven't already done due to lack of money (try to find bb root cause or solutions is like a mad spending wife lol)

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:43 pm
by naom
Redazzz wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:54 pm I don't know if it's black mold but I have definitely something similar in my bathroom but it appeared way later than my halitosis.

Please keep this topic updated with your findings and what you do.
I will definitely look into this after finishing testing for other thing that I haven't already done due to lack of money (try to find bb root cause or solutions is like a mad spending wife lol)
but how doo you know that your childhood home didnt have black mold? did you chech everywhere in your current home and the home when BB started?? this thrread is especially for thos who have symtoms like: fatigue, post nasal drip, forgetfullness and struggeling with sleep

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:11 am
by naom
this is links talking about black mold affecting oral health and mouth ... al-health/ ... oth-decay/ ... l-disease/

remember many people dont have typical symtoms like stuffy/runny nose,coughs,Congestion,Allergies,sneezing,hard too breath,post nasal drip
but theyrs still suffering from black mold exposure

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:56 am
by naom
this are the list of supplements I use for treating the root cause of Bad breath that is black mold:
the ones that I bold is the most imporant.

- S-Acetyl-l-glutathione( is stable in the blood and draws mycotoxins out of blood)
- Activated Charcoal/bentonie clay.(binds the mycotoxins and you get rid mycotoxins when you go to bathroom)
-phosphatidylcholine (draws mycotoxins out of fatty tissuses and cells and helps the liver with detox.
-Milk thistle (to support liver detox and support)
-Alpha-lipoic Acid(ALA functions as antioxidant and helps generate glutation)
-high quality multivitamin
-N-Acetyl-Cysteine( aids glutathion/Cysteine is the rate limiting amino acid needed to make glutathione)
-infra-red saunas ( promote the elimination of mycotoxins and heavy metals through sweating)

Glutathione is known as the body’s Master Detoxifier because of its ability to neutralize a broad range of free radical compounds and protect cells from the damage caused by toxins and pollution.

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:27 pm
by Redazzz
Is it working?

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 10:55 am
by naom
Redazzz wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:27 pm Is it working?
ive been taking the supplements for over 2 weeks and im expreincing a lot of detox symtoms! in the beginngn it was more fatigue and headace and than came the flu like symtoms than these past days ive had fever in the night when i sleep! were I live its cold winter but in the night I feel like its summertime and I sweat sooo much! I think this supplements are working but it depends how much mold or other pullants/toxins you have! I have a lot of mold I think, you gotta be patient , in one of these threads about glutathion the OP said that he had in the beginning even worse bb before he got cured -I think that is also detox.

havent gotten my result if I have black mold yet but these supplements are very good for liver detox glutathion is even good for detox from heavy metalls.I should say that i spelled chlorella wrong in my respond.
look at this link about a guy who got cured using chlorella: ... 4e982d0e5c

and this success from badbreth subreddit : ... _cure_fix/

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:50 pm
by naom
Redazzz wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:27 pm Is it working?
im actually forgot that thers also natural food products that kills mold and candida in the body. And I should have added that because its probarbly even more effecient, the thing is all the supplements i mentioned is not natural except chlorella. And too some exent the body producese glutation and phosphatifyl choline its just that when you have mold it decreases soo none of these supplements its good if you take it for long periods of time.

some types of mold causes candida and many peopel in curezone that is fighting candida have badbreath. So im going too take a tablespoon of coconut oil a day and oregano oil tabletts. Preferabbly Organic Coconut Oil Extra Virgin Cold Pressed. Researchers have established that coconut oil is an effective anti-fungal so I think its good too kill mold and candida. this study proofs it:

im not talking about oil-pulling but taking 1 or 2 tablespoons a day perhaps even 3 of coconut oil. Why havent anyone done this before since some people have found some relief from oil pulling they should eat it aswell. the good thing about taking oregano and coconut oil is its natural and will have the same effect as antibiotic but antibiotic will work in the beginning and in the end the bacteria will come back. So even your bb isnt caused by fungal,yeast,mold and lets says its caused by bacteria than coconut oil will take care of that because coconut oil is natural antibacterial

coconu oil is :Antibacterial,Fungicidal and Antiviral. Dont use any type of Antibiotic because you are just adding one type of bacteria too kill the other type of bacteria and in the end the gutflora is out of balance

Re: the more logical cause of BB also the cure of Bb

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 12:18 am
by hopelovefaith
you can easily solve your conundrum if you know the root cause of your suffering. gerd is the elephant in the room 100000% . stop worrying about your colon , kidneys , pancreas and lungs. fix your stomach and you will be okay again. too much dairy and too much pharma meds = gerd