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Who Wants to Work With Me Finding the Cure

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Who Wants to Work With Me Finding the Cure

Post by hopeful1117 »

Hello, I wanted to work with anyone who suffers from BB. Let's work together for maybe a month or two, and we try different approaches together and see which works best. The problem with our sickness is that it's so difficult to tell if it's working or not. So I think it would be best that we have someone we can work with to tell if the breath is getting better or not. I am from Baguio, Philippines. I can accommodate you if you wish to come here or I can go to your place. I work from home so I can travel to different places. If you are outside of the Philippines, maybe you want to have a vacay in our country :)

My Symptoms:
- Fecal BB
- Brain Fog
- Mood Swings
- Clogged Nose
- bloating
- gassy
- acid reflux
- hoarse voice

What I have tried So Far
- 3 rounds of Sibo treatment (rifaximin + another antibiotic
- Tonsillectomy
- H2 Blocks
- Different Supplements
- differet mouthwashes
- different antibiotics
- tried almost all lab test but to no avail
- food sensitivity test show that I am allergic to gluten and oter food so I am avoiding that too

ATM, I am on a strict diet, no dairy, little to zero sugar and protein, more on plant based diet, no unhealthy snacks.

The next route I will try is the diet and supplement for Sulfur SIBO
- no antiobiotics but strict diet and proper supplement
- I want to be with someone who would be very honest to tell if it lessened the smell or not so I know which supplement or food to get rid off
- I am exeriencing mild depression and anxiety due to this, so maybe we can also uplift each other and find a safe home in each others company
- I am a female, so I prefer a female friendd too.

I am really hoping someone is available to work with me.

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Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2024 12:16 am

Re: Who Wants to Work With Me Finding the Cure

Post by hopeful1117 »

I started to notice this when I was 17, I am in my 30s now.
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United States of America

Re: Who Wants to Work With Me Finding the Cure

Post by Lisa123 »

I’m have not been on for years. Plz look at dr Gerry Curatola on ig. He explains everything about bb. And I bought the toothpaste it’s been 3 days and it’s amazing I’m not a sales person just suffer for years and sometime is helping it’s revitin I can’t create a new form it’s not letting me. Plz try it. I hope to reach people
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