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Is tonsillectomy a cure for certain people?

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Is tonsillectomy a cure for certain people?

Post by slone »

Hi people,

Just happened to come across this website and found the forum was sharing alot of useful information for chronic sufferer of halitosis. I've decided to share my story here only because i'm well behind a computer screen :(

Well a brief intro of myself. I'm 25 this living in Singapore and i've been suffering from halitosis since i was 14 (that was the age i became aware of my condition). Needless to say, this disease has crippled my socially as i no longer have the confidence of interacting with people around me.

I did went to a dentist to fix up a few cavities and such. From there on, i diligently maintain my dental hygiene and my dentist even praise me for that but the problem still persists !!! So i turned to breath product like therabreath and the most recent one, breezecare. However they are not giving the result that i want, i believe they sort of alleviate the problem by masking the smell but its still there, judging from people's reaction.

And for more than 10 years, i suffered in silent. Until recently, i decided to seek an ENT doc professional opinion. About a month ago, i went to ENT doc and after an endoscopy. He concluded that i have cryptic tonsil, which means food debris and bacteria can get trapped in these crypts thus resulting in the unpleasant smell. His advice would be tonsillectomy to remove the crypt tonsil.

Right now, i'm on a mental struggle as to i should go for such an op procedure which is very costly here and it promises no guarantee cure for my condition. I will definitely be grateful if people can provide some feedback or advice take to this op or not.

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Post by mike987 »

that thread called 'happy day's diary' is full of info you're looking for..

he says that even it isn't the main cause of your bad breath, it's still worth getting them out.. especially if you have cryptic tonsils.
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Re: Is tonsillectomy a cure for certain people?

Post by xoxo »

slone wrote:Hi people,

Right now, i'm on a mental struggle as to i should go for such an op procedure which is very costly here and it promises no guarantee cure for my condition. I will definitely be grateful if people can provide some feedback or advice take to this op or not.
hmm.. i will share what my dr. told me about my tonsils. he was not willing to remove them after doing the endoscopy. he is very certain that is not the answer to my BB problem. i went ahead with tonsillectomy anyway. the histopathology report says: sever chronic tonsillitis. dr. is right i still have BB.. but my tonsils were bad i can live without them. so what causes tonsillitis? after asking around:
PND->rolls down->inflame tonsils->tonsillitis.

PM me if u need more info... my dr. is ethical and not some money digger.
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Post by elliott »

ask him exactly what is in nasal drip that would be strong enough to inflame the flesh of your tonsils. Ask him exactly what chemical. Or is it that the mucous rots in the throat? And if you take them (tonsils) out, what's not to say that some other fleshy area of the throat won't become inflammed?

Seriously, ask him that.
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Post by xoxo »

elliott wrote:ask him exactly what is in nasal drip that would be strong enough to inflame the flesh of your tonsils. Ask him exactly what chemical. Or is it that the mucous rots in the throat? And if you take them (tonsils) out, what's not to say that some other fleshy area of the throat won't become inflammed?

Seriously, ask him that.
Definition of inflame:

those were my own words.

maybe a better way to put it (before some1 jump at me again):

PND->rolls down->infects tonsils(with bacteria?)->tonsillitis :)

he didn't explain the science in detail... but even if he did i doubt i will understand.
Last edited by xoxo on Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HappyDays »

This sounds very accurate.

Ever since I recently removed my tonsils, the pnd is very much distinguishable as this very yellowish mucus that appears in my throat. It feels less than before the tonsils were removed but its still there. It is very yellow and different from my saliva. I think controlling pnd is the key for most. Removing tonsils is a must if you are a chronic bb person as it gives one less place for the bacteria to hide and build up. Pnd will never go away, you must control it the best you can.

The only exception is if the dr finds polyps or adenoids is the cause of pnd which I doubt cause I think it is something with the sinuses, so polyps maybe the answer. My mouth has never been fresher than now and it feels great but I do have the yellowish mucus which appears that I know will eventually cause my breath to become as bad as it was before the operation as it has improved about %30 I would say if I dont stay on top of it by keeping my mouth and sinuses clear and keeping my diet strict with less dairy as possible.

I am now doing sinus rinse daily which is a must and really helps with pnd. I will also start oil pulling but I am not sure it directly affects pnd. Vitamin C should help also. Can someone confirm that vitamin C helps?

If you can, remove your tonsils and you will be happy but just understand that its not the cause of your bb but it hibernates the germs really close to your mouth so when you speak it comes out instantly. I am so happy I removed them and now can go on to fight something else in this constant battle against bb. I plan on revisiting ENT to discuss pnd's origin and to thorughly check sinuses.

Can anyone comment on linguinal tonsils? I am very interested in removing them also if needed.
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Post by slone »

Thanks for all the prompt guys !!! Really glad that i'm not alone on this after all these tiring years of finding a cure by myself...

Well, i'm not sure whether i have serious PND to affect my bb, by making it worst. However, constantly throughout the day, i do find that one of my nostrils will get blocked and my saliva secretion is often very thick and yucky (i believe they are mucus from my sinus mixing with saliva). Does anyone have similar conditions as mine?

The doc did gave me nasal spray to control my PND situation but he said it will take some time to work. As regard to my tonsils, they are not inflamed or causing any pain to me. They are just cryptic.

After my endoscopy, i did ask the doc whether there are any abnormality in my nasal cavitiy and he said no. So i'm ruling out any polyp or adenoid being the culprit for my bb for now.

One question for u Happydays, do u still get reactions from your co-workers or close ones? I know i still do cause my mother or sis often comment about the smell even when i'm not opening my mouth.
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Post by HappyDays »

Sounds like pnd is what you are describing. It feels different for different people.

The nasal spray depending on what it is will only work for a while and then stop in my opinion but its worth a shot.

I havent been out to work in about 3 weeks since my tonsils were removed but I know that just being out and about, I dont get the reactions that I did before the operation. Even from my gf, she doesnt react as often like she had to before so I know things have improved. It did and still continues to come from my nose also, I am just not sure if it is as bad as before. If you are trying to see if removing your tonsils will be beneficial than wonder no more cause it will do wonders for your bb but its not the only cause so as soon as you remove tonsils and get rid of tonsil stones, then you will see what else is causing it.

Like for me I now know that pnd is really the origin of my bb and now I am trying to reduce it as much as possible although my breath is slightly better. Now its actually alot more managable than having those stones lodged in there and picking those out daily.

Do you have any digestion issues that you are aware of??
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Post by HappyDays »

By the way, is anyone interested in speaking to me using Skype? That way our identities are still protected but we can have much better conversations. My Skype iD is Happydays.

Its very easy to use and you can do it with your computer no matter where you are in the world. I think it can be very effective. Is anyone interested?
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Post by HappyDays »

Correction, my Skype name is" HappyDaysDiary". Feel free to call me using Skype!
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Post by slone »

Hi HappyDays, great to hear that there's certainly an improvement in the quality of the life after removing your tonsils. I might be giving this a shot as i really can't think of anymore possibilities.

I did read up some info that's pointing the source of problem to digestion system, however, i'm not experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned. I'd even sourced for an alternative cure by seeking help from traditional chinese medication but sadly, they don't help at all.

Sorry to disappoint you, happydays but i do not have skype now. Beside i'm now in a "withdrawal" state and don't feel like contacting people until i sort up my feelings,,,,
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Post by HappyDays »

No problem Slone. Just understand that there are a ton of "Slones" here that have been dealing with this for a long time and we support each other very much as you will see.

I have been where you are so take your time and when you feel comfortable, I will be here to assist. ;)
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Post by Larc400 »

Skype..? Naaaaah,

but maybe some MSN Messenger meet-ups with a gang of us to get things moving quicker..?

:idea: :-({|=
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Post by hopeful »

MSN messenger meetup is a great idea!
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Post by hopeful »

Slone, my condition is very similar to yours. One of my nostril's always gets stuffed during the day and I also have thick saliva. I had never found any tonsil stones and just had my tonsils removed last week. I definitely agree with Happydays that pnd is a major cause of bb.
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