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this could be it

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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this could be it

Post by maclean »

please try betaine hydrochloride with pepsin i think this is the cure

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Post by Larc400 »

Where do I find it..?

I know Betaine is good for salivary flow, so I'd be willing to try it... 8)
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Post by coeric »

i did a quick search and this seems to be in the form of dietary supplements. guess ill go buy it real quick.
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Post by Ahmad »

hi all!
Guys we want to know about your experience with Betaine Hydrochloride, did it last? you know it's not helping to just say,... use this..., and,... i will try it. we want to share the results and experiences wither good or bad!!
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Post by Bloorain »

Maclean, is this helping you? If so how long have you taken it? and how many per day? after meals?
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Post by maclean »

hi there the product worked great for a week nothing,then it came back so this is not a cure for me.
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Post by Ahmad »

maclean wrote:hi there the product worked great for a week nothing,then it came back so this is not a cure for me.
maclean i have a few questions for you, please reply:
1. you said it came back, did you mean by that after stopping HCL, or it became wothless??
2. does the oder of your smell changes from time to time?, cos that, in my opinion at least, will be an indication of more than one of digestive enzymes deficiency, if not overall. i mean if your body can't produce sufficient amount of all digestive enzymes, here, HCL, will be useless, because it only digests, proteins, and ctivates an enzyme, pepsin, which breaks down the protein, so if by chance later one day you have a food with lot of carbohydrate, or whatever else than protein, the bad breath will for sure come back.
3: have you been taking, probiotics ialong with it, to restore the balance of bad bactria/good bactria?
4. lastly, and i'm feeling stupid to ask this: did you follow directions for Use of Betaine HCL?, because it states that the dosage must be increased step by step if it doesn't provide noticeable affect. here is the instruction:

finally it's really a good news to know that it works, regardless, for how long. cos now we all know where to attack, i mean our problem is an overgrowth of a bad bactria in our digistve track, due to friendly environment for bad bactria, which is a result of problems in digestive system.... YOU USE ANTIBIOTIC and it may work for very short untill some of the bactria mutates and over produced again.... USE PROBIOTICS and the bb will reduce for sometime, and come back again, why?!!.. becouse of the environment of your body which destroyed the balance from the first place, in fact if good bacteria was Penguin, and the bad bacteria was a camel... then our body (persons with bb) woul be SAUDI ARABIA. :lol: :twisted:
so lets all try and focus in fixing our digitive system+restoring the balance b/w bad bacteria and good bacteria.
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Post by elliott »

I just bought Multi-Enzyme Formula. A dietary supplement that has acidophilus, cellulase, hermicellulase, diastase, lactase, amylase, protease, lipase, bromelain, betain hydrochloride.

I think that might aid my digestion just a little bit. [-o<

I also bought some calcium pills. For those of you who can't have dairy, you might want to get it in a supplement. Otherwise, over time, your teeth and bones may become britle and weak. Who knows what else calcium and other vital nutrient/mineral deficiencies cause? :-k
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Post by Ahmad »

elliott wrote:I just bought Multi-Enzyme Formula. A dietary supplement that has acidophilus, cellulase, hermicellulase, diastase, lactase, amylase, protease, lipase, bromelain, betain hydrochloride.

I think that might aid my digestion just a little bit. [-o<

I also bought some calcium pills. For those of you who can't have dairy, you might want to get it in a supplement. Otherwise, over time, your teeth and bones may become britle and weak. Who knows what else calcium and other vital nutrient/mineral deficiencies cause? :-k
elliott to avoid disapoitment, please be sure to keep your stomach pH below 3.0. when the stomach pH higher than 3.0. it enzymes, will not function, When your stomach has the proper pH, it digests your food so that,

* Stomach digested food moves into the duodenum at the proper pH level and triggers digestive juices from the pancreas and gallbladder

* Bacteria overgrowth is prevented and eliminates their interference with the absorption of vitamin B-12.

When your stomach pH gets higher than 3.0, It secretes more acid to keep its pH below 3.0. When heartburn or acid reflux medication interferes with stomach acid by raising it pH above 3.0, the stomach is no longer functioning like a stomach, insteed what it now produces is affecting the function of subsequent processes in the duodenum and colon.

also pepsin is only active at low pH conditions, that's why tissue covered by the mucous layer experiences much higher pH conditions, so that pepsin will not be active when it is near the stomach tissue... and that is the trick which saves the stomach from digitizing itself.
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Post by Ahmad »

i forgot to say, DON'T FORGET OR STOP TH PROBIOTIC too, to restor the balance in all your body. and i am not sure but maybe anzymes, will kill the probiotics, so take it separately, long before the mile.. take a lot of it.
i hope you will be cured. and all of us. and this forum will be closed soon :D , sorry jimy... ;)
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Post by Ahmad »

and i was reading the following in another forum for ppl with IBD... it discusses when some digestive enzymes don't work,... and i liked you to know about it.

( Carol,
I know that in theory it seems that digestive enzymes of different types should be able to allow us to eat different foods that are not allowed on the SCD. However, in practice, I don't think they work. The problem is, there are millions of different types of enzymes for different foods. Maybe us IBDers don't have all the right ones working for us, and it is impossible to predict which pills to eat with which foods. I was just reading a book by Andrew Weil yesterday, and he said digestive enzymes are worthless. Not that I believe absolutely everything he says, because I don't, but he had a good argument. I can't recall the exact words right now, but I will get the book and tell you what it said tomorrow.

I tried a few different types of enzymes. Some were over-the-counter that I picked up myself, and one time my Naturopathic Doctor gave me some Disacharidase Enzymes. He told me they were experimental and wanted me to test them out. They did nothing, as far as I could tell, even though I was optimistic about them. He was also a "researcher in the field" in a way, because he actually had these pills specially made up by a company, which did not manufacture the product. He told me that one woman with UC reported being "cured" after taking an over the counter enzyme. After this, he decided to try different ones. He figured that she must have lucked out and got the right enzyme that she was lacking.
Anyway, Elaine says in the book not to rely on enzymes, although she does tell people they can use a little Lactaid milk in coffee or add Lactaid drops to cottage cheese which is questionable.)

please read more here
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Post by hopeful »

I just ordered a bottle of Betaine with Pepsin and Gentian Bitters. I'm getting so tired of trying everything out there. I have a cupboard full of bottles of stuff I've purchased just this year alone!

So now my new routine is:
- Drink one glass of water with 260million CFUs probiotic on empty stomach
- Use the Aktiv-K12 to try to recolonize mouth
- Take Candex capsule(I suspect I may have overgrowth of yeast even though I never get oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections, etc...but I did score high on one of those Candida tests)
- Take one digestive enzyme and one Betaine before breakfast


- Drink a glass of Apple Cider Vinegar(helps with digestion)
- Take digestive enzyme and betaine
Eat lunch
- Take zinc/multivitamin/B100

- Take 5 Oil of Oregano capsules(this helped JC on the other thread)
- Digestive enzyme and betaine
- Candex
- Kyo-dophilus 9(loading up on more probiotics)

As you can see, I'm trying to recolonize the healthy bacteria while destroying the bad. This routine is a huge pain to follow and I have to refer to my notepad because I keep forgetting what I'm suppose to take when still(just started with it).

Like I've stated before, my goal is to cure my body from the inside. If doing all this doesn't work, I'm not sure what I'm going to do next(try the next new thing somebody else suggest :roll: ).
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Post by elliott »

Thanks Ahmad. I'm going to take it slowly and carefully try to detect any difference indigestion. If it doesn't work, so be it... I have to give it a shot. Some of us have too high a ph in the stomach, some too low. I guess I'll find out soon enough which category I'm in.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

People tried that already in the past and it did not work
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Post by jc »

[quote="hopeful"]I just ordered a bottle of Betaine with Pepsin and Gentian Bitters. I'm getting so tired of trying everything out there. I have a cupboard full of bottles of stuff I've purchased just this year alone!

I know the feeling. It`s been a yearly ritual for me to throw unused stuff but I just forget how expensive they are so I won`t get more depressed.
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