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What is the BEST treatment product out there?

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What is the BEST treatment product out there?

Post by j0n1982 »

hi i am obviously new here. i just discovered this site today -- from wikipedia.

i have been suffering this malady since i was a small boy. i am not sure how this started, i probably was born with it. the only things that i remember that may have brought this condition was that i failed to take good care of my mouth when i was in early grade school. my mother was away for work, no one would scold me and so i never brushed.. i remembered my teeth were covered with thick plaque or whatever you call that gooey thing on your teeth when you don't brush for a while.... this could be the cause of it, or it could be that i suffered from pneunomia at age 7... it could be these 3 reasons.

needless, to say i am dead/dying everyday from suffering this condition. i am so desperate i'd be happy and willing to trade this malady for cancer or AIDS any sec, live and be contented with whatever amount of lifetime I have,

there is no need to tell horror stories, i am sure you go through the same hell.

anyway, i am 25 years of age, male and from the philippines.

for the past few years (6-7 years) i have been looking around the internet, and whatever media to get relief from this problem. i am not sure if you have tried some treatment kits, most probably you did. i did try the following:

i have tried therabreath -- i honestly did get any help from this. i am sorry if there are any guys who have positive experience with this. it gave me a fresh mouth feeling, and proceeded to interact right know the results. i went ahead anyways and waited for a positive outcome.. it just didnt help so i stopped buying it.

about 3 years ago, i found a site i was excited and was really moved that finally! here it is. i immediately went ahead and emailed one dr dailley. since, i am from overseas, i was forced to get the trioral products (rinse, toothpaste, tongue cleaners. i also got the irrigator...

...jesus, that was way back in college (4 years ago) and i didnt have a source of income, other than the "school" money that my mother would send me. anyway, i did an extremely tight budget, saved 2 1/2 years of my school money = Php12,000 (approx US$200 - 250) at that time, emailed dr dailley again and ordered a treatment kit.

...i felt cured. i thought i did so when my mouthrinse ran out, i was distraught. i had no means of income. i couldn't save anything..still, i have/had no choice. i had to live a constricted life and thinking, finished college.

after college, i desperately looked for jobs and landed in a call center. it was okay since i didnt have to directly talk to customers. i lived in fantasy land and didn't interact that much with co workers - because of you know... i saved the money again and ordered trioral rinse, toothpaste, and tongue cleaner...

i did the same thing over and 1/3 of my entire salary for 4 months to buy these stuff. i accepted the fact that i had to spend for the kit - 3 sets of mouthrinse, 1 toothpaste, tongue cleaners.

i honestly felt that my mouth was clean -- the effy, thick, slimy or sticky saliva was reduced. also, i used to believe that rubbing a clean swab of cotton on my tongue (for about 5-7 secs, letting it to dry, and checking the color) was getting positive. i used to see that the swab would be yellowish.. at that time, i was getting a cleanish swab although that swab would harden and you could notice crystal like substances on there. also, the swab would harden a bit once it dries..

i did enjoy it. i thought i was long as i have trioral...

anyways, on my last 2 orders, i noticed that my saliva was thickening again and the whitish film on my tongue was back again...

...i emailed dr dailley about this, he responded that i may have not been doing the process properly. i thought maybe he was right, i probably was being lazy. i became conscious of my ways...although i am sure that it became a habit of mine to be extra meticulous with my oral the doubt came 2 ways now...against the product and against myself...

...then it dawned on me, my mother slipped and told me nothing has really changed with my breath malodor...

...i was shocked, and grew depressed... i was back to step was all an illusion, all in the mind...

now, i look back to my "happy" days and clearly remember the writings on wall... it was there all along, it did not go away... the facial reactions of my friends, of those i met, of those i talked to real close..they were just being nice to me...i felt bad..i feel like tyler durden, i lived a false life...i was not the man that i truly am...

...right now, i am open to just ending my life. it is of no use. i just cant live with this curse anymore. it feels like i am worse than a jail bird -- the mind is just restricted. in my case, both my actions and mind are...deep inside i feel like i'm really a people person. i like to interact, but you know how i am a prisoner of this condition...

...on a few occasions, i took a knife and wanted to stab myself straight to the heart...put a gun in my head, in my mouth and just blast never happened, i am scared little fock...i dont know what to do...i felt i have lived all the life was meant for me during my "happy" feels bad...i want more...but i cant..

...during my "happy" days, i have found a girlfriend. she is a little too overweight but shes pretty. i dont know why i chose her over any other girls (i thought i could have gotten a "better" girl) or if she really loved me -- maybe she was suffering from low self esteem and was forced to deal with me...i have doubts now...i dont know...i am a wreck...she left for america 2 years ago...i never have had a girl eversince...

i apologize for this long feels better guys dont really need to read of this long senseless rap...i just want to ask what is the best product to try available so i can start saving again?

i am done with breathcure and trioral...until i guess im convinced again to spend $185 for a 3 set mouthrinse, toothpaste, tongue scraper plus SnH.

hopefully, "happy" days will be back... for the meantime, i scrape my tongue regularly from what was left from my orders dr dailley... also use what is remaining of the does help with the white film on my tongue, i believe it is the zinc component that's present...i am not sure...maybe its all an illusion as well...

please share the most potent, maybe cheaper products out there...

thank you for you time.

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Post by mike987 »

in my opinion, treatment products may help for a short period of time (a week or two) but they will ultimately make your breath worse, more resistant to any of the products you try..

We don't need a treatment.. we need a cure. And what seems to be a definite help is the removal of the tonsils. I'm waiting for the chance to get insurance so I can afford the surgery.

Do you still have your tonsils?
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Post by j0n1982 »

hi. thank you for coming.

yes, i still have my tonsils. i don't particularly understand how the removal of tonsils help? kindly tell me more about this.. i am quite sure i have read of people who suffer the same problems and had their tonsils removed but to no avail. is there any breathrough about this step in america? i am not american nor am i in america.
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Post by greenman »

huy!!!! pnoy! ( :

i find that drinking a warm glass of water with salt and lemon helps the smell of my breath. having a bad salty smell is more bearable to others compared to the usual smell.
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Post by mike987 »

some people (maybe all people with truly chronic bad breath) have a problem that we don't seem to understand right now.
however, no matter the level of bad breath you have, tonsils can easily contribute to the problem, especially if it's bacterial.. Why? Well even if you can't see any holes or crypts in your tonsils, and you've never had tonsilitius before, chances are that these little devils are promoting the growth of bad bacteria.

You can wash, brush, and rinse all you want, but you can't easily clean out the tonsils. And even if you could, it would be only a short matter of time before bacteria begin to gather in them again.

If you have a hairy tongue, the bacteria which is already powerful from hiding in the tonsils can then set up house on your tongue.. (this will happen to a normal tongue too.. but it's worse for a hairy tongue.. harder to clean)
To make things even worse, most of us have PND (post nasal drip). Even if you cleaned our mouth very well, the bacteria hidden in the tonsils can crawl into the back of your throat, where the PND resides. This is like a feast to the bacteria, which of course will start producing odors.

So you've got three major areas of complication, working in tandem with eachother to make your breath bad. Allergies typically make PND worse too, so there's another thing to factor in.

Oh yeh, and I can't forget to mention Tonsil Stones. They're collected food and skin, decomposing in your mouth, hidden away in the tonsils. Not everybody has them, but even people who have never seen them before had been told after tonsil removal that there were some tonsil stones hiding in them. They smell of death itself, and are reason enough to blame them for at least part of your bad breath.
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Post by noptical »


It may sound simple for you, but in combination with vitamin c it gave me my life back. It costs only a few euros.

No its not a tongue scraper and no they're not similar.
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Post by Larc400 »

Tung Brush? Yawn...

I clean the back of my tongue with just my fingers and luke warm water -- works better than any tongue scraper or brush...

Anyway, jOn1982 -- if your mother was the one who told you nothing has changed, did you ask her for more details? For example, when is the bb better or worse / when did it start / did the actual aroma change after using any products, etc etc...

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Post by jc »

You should try to figure out the source of your bb before you buy anything. If it`s really confusing then choose the one with the most obvious symptoms. Basta isipin mo lang na maraming katulad mo dito na patuloy na lumalaban sa pesteng sakit na ito.
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Post by mike987 »

Larc400 wrote:Tung Brush? Yawn...

I clean the back of my tongue with just my fingers and luke warm water -- works better than any tongue scraper or brush...

Anyway, jOn1982 -- if your mother was the one who told you nothing has changed, did you ask her for more details? For example, when is the bb better or worse / when did it start / did the actual aroma change after using any products, etc etc...


have you tried tung brush?

This isn't for the lingual tonsils in the back of the tongue area.. in that case, then yeh, it helps to periodically rub away whatever's been sitting back there with your finger and warm water..

but for the rest of your tongue, TUNG brush is a godsend.. My tongue was never pink like this in my life, .. this brush really get's down into those hairs and scrubs it nice and clean! .. And it stays cleaner all day..

btw j0n, tung brush is only like 4 dollars.. there's no excuse not to own one.. I'd recommend this thing to anyone, even people without bad breath.. It's just nice having a clean tongue!
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Post by jc »

but for the rest of your tongue, TUNG brush is a godsend.. My tongue was never pink like this in my life, .. this brush really get's down into those hairs and scrubs it nice and clean! ..

I don`t know if we have the same hairy tongue but mine is a thin white hairy coating that appeared about a year later after my bb. I`m interested in using this product but I want to know if you use the same tongue gel that comes with the package or do you buy something else.
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Post by mike987 »

the tung brush gel has zinc in it.. and that resting in the tongue hairs should keep it extra clean for a while.

I've run out of the gel for the last week so i've just been using the brush while i still have tooth paste in my mouth. I've been meaning to get to the store and pick up some more tung brush gel though.
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Post by j0n1982 »

thank you guys for the support. i greatly appreciate it.

to my kababayans, may i ask where i can get the tung brush? i am in the pasig city area. please tell me where i can get a tung brush kit?

thank you.
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Post by jc »

You can buy it through the net. Austuser posted a link here about & it probably ships here in our country.
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Post by j0n1982 »

jc: may i ask how you ordered it? how much did you pay for it? did it help?
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Post by jc »

I haven`t tried it yet but members here had vouched for it`s nice tongue cleaning ability. If your bb comes from the tongue then this will surely help you but if it`s not then it can only lessen your odor. About the price, I think it`s not expensive but I don`t know how much it will cost when it`s shipped here.
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