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Tonsillectomy scheduled on 12/21/2007

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Tonsillectomy scheduled on 12/21/2007

Post by iwillbecured »

I have my tonsillectomy scheduled on 12/21/2007, as well as adenoidectomy and some minor sinus surgery. 3 surgeries in 1! I am a little scared, but overall feel really excited about this surgery. I really hope this will help with my situation.

I went to an ENT doctor about 4 month ago. I've heard "I don't smell anything" from other doctors before. But this ENT doctor never said anything like that. She said, "I can understand this has caused a lot of social problem for you". I guess that just meant she can truly smell my bb. My first visit with her, she put some instrument inside my nose to look inside of it, also down my throat to look. She told me my adenoid looked 'rough' and had inflammation. My tonsil looked small. She prescribed some antibiotic for me to take, also nasal spray and some mouth rinse. She also asked me to do nasal rinse everyday. She also ordered me to do a CT scan of my sinus to see if I have any sinus problem.

The CT scan took awhile for my insurance company to approve. I finally got the CT scan done and saw my ENT doctor again last week. She asked me if any of the medicine, rinse, spray, etc. helped. Unfortunately, the answer was no. She looked at my CT scan and told me I have some blockage on top of my nose. The passage way is too narrow so there's mucus building up inside. I never knew I have sinus problem. I mean, I never have trouble breathing or anything. She then looked in my nose and throat again. Told me my adenoid and tonsil looked just as last time. She said that she wondered what was causing the inflammation. Could it be acid reflex? (I have that problem too).

She told me her suggestion at this point will be getting surgery. She suggested to have a minor sinus surgery to widen the passage way so mucus won't get built up. That could cause unpleasant smell. Also she can remove my tonsil, and smooth out my adenoid (she said it was very "bumpy" back there). She said that she can't guarentee that will cure me 100%, but hopefully it will help a lot. I told her at this point, I am willing to try ANYTHING.

I told her I would like to get it done as soon as possible. She's quite a busy doctor. She said a patient just cancelled on 12/21. I can do it on that day or wait till next year. Of course I want to get it on that day. Her nurse kept on asking me if I was sure because with Christmas and New Year coming up. She said that I won't be able to eat, probably will be hurting for about 10 days and won't be able to enjoy the holiday. I told her with this bb problem, I probably won't be able to enjoy the holiday anyway.

So the date is finally set. I can't wait to get it done. I've been reading about everybody's tonsillectomy experience and trying to prepare myself for what's coming. I really hope I will get some results. Wish me luck!

P.S. My old ID was fornarina. I lost my password so just applied for a new ID.

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Post by elliott »

Looks like you found a truly good doctor. I have never seen an ENT actually start one place, and move on to other areas to completely cover the bases of what possibly could be wrong. WOW. I am amazed. I almost want to ask you where this doctor is located.

Make sure you tell your doctor you appreciate her, and mention how hard it is to find an ENT that gives a sh*t.
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Re: Tonsillectomy scheduled on 12/21/2007

Post by findacure »

iwillbecured wrote:I have my tonsillectomy scheduled on 12/21/2007, as well as adenoidectomy and some minor sinus surgery. 3 surgeries in 1! I am a little scared, but overall feel really excited about this surgery. I really hope this will help with my situation.
Wow, Its really close to christmas, hopefully you wont be in too much pain that you wont be able to eat your Turkey!

Good luck...keep us updated...
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Re: Tonsillectomy scheduled on 12/21/2007

Post by baguio »

I can guarantee you you won't be eating any turkey! Ice cream if your fortunate....
findacure wrote:
iwillbecured wrote:I have my tonsillectomy scheduled on 12/21/2007, as well as adenoidectomy and some minor sinus surgery. 3 surgeries in 1! I am a little scared, but overall feel really excited about this surgery. I really hope this will help with my situation.
Wow, Its really close to christmas, hopefully you wont be in too much pain that you wont be able to eat your Turkey!

Good luck...keep us updated...
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tonsils just removed

Post by sweets07 »

so i just got my tonsils removed this morning. it stings and i'm really not willing to take the tylenol-codeine since i'm certain it will make me nauseous. but my goodness, it looks gross in the back of my throat and i keep smelling waves of fecal smells from time to time. my tonsils are completely gone and all i see are some scabs and lots of thick white crypts that were probably hiding bacteria. i don't think he found any adenoid tissue because i don't sense that they were taken out. i didn't ask since he was busy doing another surgery and i was loopy. hopefully this helps some! if you have questions let me know. otherwise i'm sure detailing my experience won't be any different than everyone else's. i will let you know that final outcome of course :)
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Post by iwillbecured »

elliott wrote:I almost want to ask you where this doctor is located.
You can most certainly ask. Her name is Dr. Wrobel from USC Head and Neck. Her profile is here: ... y3156.html. If any of you are located in Los Angeles, you can go see Dr. Wrobel. She really tried to help me with my problem. She never once doubted me. She made me really comfortable of discussing this bb issue with her. Truly a great doctor.

I know my surgery is very close to the holiday. Probably won't be able to enjoy the feast. But maybe I can lose a few pound as a bonus of losing my bb? ^^
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Post by dr3amboy »


How was the surgery? Did it help at all with your symptoms. I also went to Dr Wrobel at the USC medical center and we had a in depth consultation on what needs to be done. She was very helpful and considerate.
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Post by iwillbecured »

Sign..... I didn't get the surgery. There was problem with my insurance company. They need to re-approve the surgery. Hopefully I can get it done sooner than later. :?
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