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People clearing out places after smelling bb

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Jimi Stein
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People clearing out places after smelling bb

Post by Jimi Stein »

Is that happening with you too. I mean I just came to a huge place and it was alomost packed full. After 30 minutes the half of the people cleared out.

If I open the mouth the peoplejust stand up and leave.

THis is so amazing. I have never asked somebody how strong is the smell. But if I keep my mouth shut nobody leaves.

It seems so amazing how smell could be so strong. And if I breath through nose the smell is not so strong, people do not leave.

People must smell me really far away.

****ing shit

My bb reached the peak I guess, how much stronger can it get

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Post by Bloorain »

that sounds coincidental. No?

Did they go to another room or just leave?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

They ****ing leave

It happens to me all the time
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Post by iwillbecured »

Yes, it happened to me before. I will tell one particular painful memory....

After quitting my job due to the constant stress about bb situation, I was unemployed for quite some time. I needed the money and signed up for 3 days temp job for some event. We worked inside a big tent. My bb level varied from day to day (I think). The first day, it seemed to be alright. People talked to me and had little reaction. But most of the time I was just quiet unless I had to answer someone's question. I was really happy and thought my bb has improved.

Then the 2nd day came and it was one of the worst days of my life. About 10 after arriving to work, this guy near me said, "It smells like a fart in here." Then this girl said, "yeah! I was wondering what that smell was. I thought someone farted, but the smell won't go away. Do you think maybe an animal came in here and pooped somewhere?" I didn't say anything, but immediately knew the cause was me. Then I kept on hearing people saying things like "what's that smell?", "Smell like fart/poop/shit.", etc.... Eventually people caught on and realized that the smell came from me. First people were pointed at my direction saying, "The smell came from over there." Then some people came to check the ground for the "thing" that was supposingly causeing the smell. Then throughout the day, I just saw people whispering and pointed toward me. Then soon people start leaving the tent. And the people that sat near me all moved away. Nobody said anything to me directly, but I knew and they knew. I just wish that whole day would be over soon. Then when we were leaving, we went to the parking structure to get our car. When I was approaching the elevator, the people inside the elevator saw me walking up, a girl quickly pushed the "close door" button and the door closed right in my face. I remember that dirty look the girl gave me while the door was closing. It was so hurtful. I then walked up 10 floors of stairs because I didn't want to burden more people in the elevator with my smell.

That was a Friday. I cried the whole weekend and thought about if I still want to go back to work on Monday. Since I already made the commitment of working 3 full day on this event, I decided to be a strong and responsible person. I was really scared to go back, but I held my head high and walked in the tent on Monday morning. One thing I did was putting on A LOT of perfumed lotion (I used a rose lotion). Fortunately, my bb level was not as bad as the 2nd day. People just acted normal around me again. People talked to me again and acted if nothing happened, like they totally forgot about the "incident".

Phewwww.... that was one painful memory. Besides my bf, I never told anyone this story before. It felt kinda good to let it out and talk about it. It was a really bad experience, but I came through. But sadly, I didn't have the courage to do another temp job afterward. I need to work up my courage to have a normal working life again. I am working on it. Hopefully I will overcome my own fear soon.

Thank you guys for listening.... I am so glad this forum is here for us to vent... :)
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

With me they always figure it out it is me. They never say who farted, that happened only once in my life and they people could not see me because I was aroud the corner.

But as soon I open the mouth just a little the reactions begin to happen.

For god sake, how is that possible from a small holeto alarm the whole room

I can not imageine what to do, to eat perfume?
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Post by Busted »

Yes, if you are constantly talkin the bb will get farther. It will spread like a cloud. Just look at your breath when it's really cold, you can see that it travels pretty far. So if you are constantly talkin i guess eventually the people can't stand it anymore and leave. Not everyone, but within a certain range. That's why I shut up most of the time. There are a lot of things I want to say, but I can't. I try to avoid places where it's really crowded. But if we don't speak at all, we are the weirdos. I'm not sure what options are still left for us.
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Post by Larc400 »

What I learnt today:

I was sitting about 10 ft away from this girl, my mouth closed, minding my own business (ie studying). Suddenly she says it smells like shit. I am 100% sure it's from me, as I can't smell it, and similar things have happened innumerable times before. She doesn't know it's me though, and I guess it's incomprehensible that someone can smell like pure shit.

Anyway, the only constructive thing I can take from things like this, is to check if I can make a connection with for example the "lick wrist test"... I did the test straight away and yeah, there's definitely a smell. It's not incredibly strong though, so the news is that even a smell that we can only faintly detect ourselves (via the lick wrist test) can fill a room even when not talking.

It's ****ing bad news, but at least it's good to know...

Right now it feels I have a choice of
a) aiming a shotgun at my own head :)
b) aiming a shotgun at the bb causing bacteria

Think I'll go for (b) 8)

:-({|= :-({|= :-({|=

Edit: actually, don't take that 'aim a shotgun at my own head' seriously ... I've never been suicidal and never will be...
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Re: People clearing out places after smelling bb

Post by findacure »

Jimi wrote:Is that happening with you too.
I have never had anyone clear a room, but i have been in a club and just been standing there, then i notice a girl beside me rubbing her nose and kind of indacting to a stranger that was standing next to me! I new i was about my BB,

Im planning to go clubbing tomorrow night with a good friend of mine, im really nervous because were going to some popluar clubs which are going to be cramded with people,

im just going to enjoy myself, what the heck! But i am very nervous at what situations im going to be put in, if someone comes to talk to me or i get the same stranger standing next to me rubbing thier nose sitaution!

Oh well,
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Post by jc »

I`ve been experiencing that for years so I can`t ride a plane, eat at restaurants or watch a movie in theaters. I really wish I was crazy but it`s really happening to me everyday of my life. I think the bacterias inside my body had mutated or multiplied so fast that they pollute the air wherever I go. Maybe you should try oil of oregano, Jimi. I`ve only been taking it for two weeks & I could see some real improvements on my breath.
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Post by sweets07 »

yeah i'm always worried about this... which in itself causes bb. whenever i'm stressed, my mouth gets dry and then i notice my breath getting bad. also, i realized whenever i do the neilmed sinus rinse, i get an intense fecal smell coming from my nose. so i just stopped.

i got my tonsils taken out 1 1/2 weeks ago, and it's been a breeze as far as pain. the results so far have been incredible. it's like having the combination of your tonsils gone, antibiotics and cleaning your mouth well with peroxide after meals and am/pm changes your oral flora to a nice healthy one. i'm still waiting tho till the antibiotics have cleared my system before i start making any serious judgements. i've forced myself to just stop smelling and worrying about my breath. i have friends and a life so i should just live it and be happy... it drives you nuts worrying about whether people can smell your breath....

i just wonder how everyone talks to people. do you guys always project your breath when you talk? that just seems so humilating to do that. i stopped doing that the day i realize i had bb 10 years ago. i guess that's why people usually don't know i have bad breath till they accidently run into it when i laugh or something.
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Post by jc »

I try to talk as normal as possible, pretending that I don`t have a breath problem. If someone reacts or give a rude comment I just shrug it off pretending that I don`t know what they`re talking about. It`s a different story when I`m alone & starts to think about the reactions. It`s hard to accept as it only needs one reaction to ruin my whole day but I put up a brave face everyday. I just try to be numb & continue with my life but it`s really very stressful everyday.
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Post by Busted »

What exactly do you mean with not projecting your breath? Do you have to talk with your teeth closed? I mean that's what I tried but it doesn't work plus it makes your words sound very weird.
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Post by elliott »

Busted wrote:What exactly do you mean with not projecting your breath? Do you have to talk with your teeth closed? I mean that's what I tried but it doesn't work plus it makes your words sound very weird.
That's when you talk without exhaling too deeply. Or you try to keep the stomach/diaphragm still when you talk, and just tightly move your lips. We all probably do it to a degree and arent aware. :oops:
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Post by Busted »

elliott wrote:
Busted wrote:What exactly do you mean with not projecting your breath? Do you have to talk with your teeth closed? I mean that's what I tried but it doesn't work plus it makes your words sound very weird.
That's when you talk without exhaling too deeply. Or you try to keep the stomach/diaphragm still when you talk, and just tightly move your lips. We all probably do it to a degree and arent aware. :oops:
I never exhale deeply, I use to always talk with a very quiet voice, but always ended up saying the same thing twice because the other person could not understand what I was saying. And the second time is definately a hit because they will move a bit closer to you.

So I just try to say things right only once, but I can't avoid not having the other person react to my breath. Somtimes it seems that if I haven't even said anything, but only slightly open my mouth a bit, is enough to make someone react. ](*,)

One time I opened my mouth and held my breath as a test to see if anyone reacted and they did.
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My BB could fill a room too. I've had many humiliating experiences. It is truly one of the worst things to deal with.
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