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kidneys and halitosis

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:49 am
by austuser
ive been diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy, a progressive, incurable condition where antibodies latch onto the kidneys and, over time, damage them. I will most likely need dialasys or a kidney transplant later in life.

It presents with hematuria (blood in the urine) which i have experienced on a number of occasions throughout my life, the most recent and serious being 2 weeks ago with a relapse on wednesday. They took a kidney biopsy and confirmed the diagnosis.

The interesting thing is, when the blood in the piss surfaces, so does the strangest, most disgusting taste in my throat and it persists for about a week, gradually getting better. It is widely known that problems with the kidneys can result in halitosis of a very distinct smell, and let me tell you, it is absolutely revolting. The smell will reach out a few meters, and there is nothing that will get rid of it like my usual bad breath, which comes maily from the mouth and throat. This kidney halitosis is coming from the blood or somwhere deep within and is always there. The doctors said it is common with hematuria and it will pass. It did pass but came back the other day because i was urinating blood again.

anyway, just thought that maybe those with the deadly kind of halitosis may have some kindeny issues that havent been dealt with...


Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:29 am
by yeagermeister

Have u had blood test come back clean in the past before this problem surfaced? Also, what type of odor would u say u have?

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:53 am
by austuser
blood tests dont reveal the condition, especially since my kidneys are still fully functional. The only way to know you have the condition is with a kidney biopsy or you present with hematuria, either visible or through microscopic analasis of the urine.

the odor is fairly strange, i would liken it to gasoline