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TMAU test

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:57 am
My doctor has agreed to send off a TMAU test for me. I really think that this is where my BB came from. It will take about a month before I get the results I'm sure, but I will post the results here when I get them. Also, I am going to see my ENT again and talk to him about my pnd. He thought the tonsils my be the culprit, but I got them out and am still experiencing a lot of pnd. I'll let you know how that goes as well...

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:40 pm
by elliott
What type of doctor does this TMAU test? Just a general physician?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:14 pm
Sorry, I should have told you - I go to a Navy hospital. I resently changed doctors and my doc is so great. He believes everything I say and is very caring. I told him that I think i have secondary TMAU and he researched it and at first told me he thought it was too rare, but after hearing my whole story, agreed to send my urine out for the test. He did say that only a Navy hospital would do this so readily. I'll let you know where he sends the urine sample to though. I really think that this is what I have because when I cheat and eat eggs or peanut butter or any high choline foods I can smell my breath now. Before I could not smell my breath. He smelled my breath and could not smell any foul odor. I was so happy!!! I think it's a combination of the diet and taking chlorophyll and Champex.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:35 pm
by elliott
A couple of weeks ago I had just egg whites, mixed with some rice and stuff korean style, and later in the day I had spinach pasta which I found to have eggs in. The next 2 days, I had that nasty rotten smell and the taste was so sour and rancid in my mouth. Since I'm writing down the foods I eat, I can tell eggs are one of the worse things. So far, skipping meat hasn't done any difference though.

Overall, I'd like to get a TMAU test, because I'm really not too confident that adjusting my diet is going to resolve anything.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:07 pm
egg whites are okay - it's the yolk that you need to stay away from. What does Korean style mean? Maybe there was something in the spices or veggies??? Have you tried copper chlorophyll??? If not, try it - it's pretty cheap and you can get it in health food stores. I saw it at Target for dogs with bad breath. My dog has bb, so I might get that for him and see if it works - it'll be like a little experiment. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:22 pm
by elliott
It was Bibimbap. Has rice, vegs (exotic mushroom, carrot, bean sprout, lettuce etc.) a bit of grilled chicken, and a bit of this hot sauce. Could have been the hot sauce, but I think it's the eggs. Even the egg white smells like fart... it must stink when broken down.

I'm going to test it again, and note the reaction.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:40 am
by me
Cool man, when do you think you are getting your test back??

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:02 am
by j0n1982
may i ask what is a TMAU?


Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:18 am
by jc
j0n1982 wrote:may i ask what is a TMAU?

it`s a rare condition where a person`s liver does not produce enough fmo3 enzyme. that enzyme is needed to convert trimethyline(by-product of bacterias in the gut) into odorless compounds. symptom usually exhibited is a fishy body odor or breath or sometimes both. people with TMAU try to control their odor by having a low choline diet & taking chlorophyll, charcoal pills & sometimes antibiotics. there are a handful of successful cases.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:20 pm
The lab at the hospital is giving my doc a hard time about sending out the test. I may not get it done afterall :( But he did say he wanted me to eat a lot of foods with choline and then come in to see him so he could see if he smells it himself...

I see my ent about my pnd on Wed... I'll keep you posted...

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:59 am
by me
The lab at the hospital is giving my doc a hard time about sending out the test. I may not get it done afterall But he did say he wanted me to eat a lot of foods with choline and then come in to see him so he could see if he smells it himself...

I see my ent about my pnd on Wed... I'll keep you posted...
wow man thats sucks, i think the day one of the forum members get the tmau test we''ll know for shure if thats what it is or not.

talking about tmau i i ate chocoalt today and now i can smell my own poop breath.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:14 pm
by elliott
TIREDOFIT wrote:The lab at the hospital is giving my doc a hard time about sending out the test. I may not get it done afterall :( But he did say he wanted me to eat a lot of foods with choline and then come in to see him so he could see if he smells it himself...

I see my ent about my pnd on Wed... I'll keep you posted...
That sounds like a smart thing actually. It means that he can detect or differentiate between different types of bad breath. Plus, you get to eat good stuff for a few weeks!

Or of course you could go to the "lab" and talk to them face to face. I'm sure they'll work something out then!