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Hormones & BB

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:11 pm
by Larc400
For most people here, chronic BB kicks in around puberty, so something hormonal seems to happen. Also:
"It is common for women to produce bad breath during their menstrual cycle. Hormonal changes make the gums more hospitable to odor causing bacteria."
So, for us, it may be that the hormonal change during puberty (men & women) created a permanent hospitable oral environment for these bacteria (we were unlucky, basically).

It would be logical to try and reverse that, by hormonal therapy of some kind. Do we have any hormonal xperts in the house 8) ?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:53 am
by me
I sometimes think of hormones as a posibility especially since my bb came out of no where when i was in the middle of my adolecense period, from on day to another i was filling rooms with swer smell.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:33 am
by hopeful
I remember the first time someone commented on my bb was in sixth grade when a boy I liked said "what smells like rotten eggs?" That was 15 years ago!!! This coincided around the same time I had my first period. Hormones are probably involved in my case.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:21 pm
by emotional rescue
yeah, me too and most of the members here start developing bb at puberty...

but i don´t know if theres something that we could do....

Do we have some doctor to ask in the name of the

maybe this guy Dr. Paster???

I don´t know if any doctor take notice of this important data....