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How old were you when you had chronic H?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:53 am
by j0n1982
Pardon me for opening another thread. I just have a lot of questions in mind right now.

Well, I would like to ask at about what age did you first notice your chronic H problem? I am curious if this start manifesting at a certain age. How did it impact your life? Was the effect immediate? Did you go through a denial period?

I remember mine started when I was a small boy, most definitely at age 7. I am 25 now.

This H issue was pointed out to me early by everyone. I would get embarrassed alot at that time. I kind of tried to make friends with the non popular peeps. I believe that I was accepted by some. Kids don't really discrinate or complain about it THAT much. I never tried to be too close and comfortable though. I was always wary of other's reactions to my BB.

I did make some good friends in H.S but that period was the most ruthless of all time. Maybe up to early college. People that I have met at this point in time remembers me as that cool stinking dude though. I rarely talk, if I do I don't talk directly to people. I also develop stupid ass mannerisms - futile attempts to cover my stinking mouth. Something that people find funny.

I also tried gangster. I fought guys (from other HS who would pick on schoolmates. People thought of me as mysterious cold and calculating. I was that cool to the losers eyes, but I know deep inside I was a rotting hole. Truth be told Confidence was/is not one of my qualities.

Needless to say, I am a wimp nowadays.

Thinking about the past years that I have struggled with this H makes me feel like an old veteran stinker, I guess.

I never ever felt special growing up, that is for sure.

I guess this is it. I just have too much of a time in my hands today. Please share. Thank you.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:59 am
by elliott
Mine came at the age of 30. It slowly crept up on me. I didn't know that it was happening until it was there. Then I'd get a bad taste, weird occasional whiffs when I bend down, and an overall different feeling in the throat. When I was pretty sure I had "H", I started testing people for reactions. When they confirmed my suspicion, I asked a friend, then another... 2 2 years later, here I am and the problem hasn't gotten any better. The more aware I am of it, the worse it feels.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:55 pm
by Archimonde
6th grade, 11 year old.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:17 pm
by Larc400
Mine started, like the majority here, in late puberty ... round 16-17...

Elliot, yeah I also get the weird whiff sometimes when bending down. Also, sometimes stuff like perfume or any strong scent smells like shit to me.

About the different feeling in your throat, can you specify..? To me it feels like there's a lump (probably sticky pnd) stuck between my nasal area and the throat, kind of above the entry to the throat. It reappears however much I try to flush it out with saline.


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:05 pm
by greenman
20 on a way to the vegas trip. I immediately knew that something was wrong and that my breath smelled bad. The driver and other passengers seemed to ignore it and one of them even relished in torturing me about it. That person that liked to torture me about it is no longer around me because of my attempts to severely hurt him. Anyways those people are family and that just makes it worse.

So far my BB has been getting better again and I feel that my built up tension causing me great mental struggle. Giving me insane thoughts of murder and all just the worst is my true struggle. I'm slowly releasing all that built up bad tension. It is those around me all these years that have put themselves lower than me but in reality as an excuse to ridicule me. Now those days are over and the old person they knew is dead. I 've almost recreated my entire character, even the way my voice sounds.

What helped me is controlling my inner muscles more actively through exercise. What truely helped me the most though I believe is pro-biotics from that little yogurt activia. I"m on anti-biotics again and it kills me, the probiotics really give me a vitality that I can't find from anything else. I feel alive when I am on activia.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:34 am
by jc
I had it when I was 21. I could not believe at first but the reactions where to obvious to ignore. My sister & a girlfriend also told me that my breath stinks. I don`t know if I should be thankful that I had tasted a normal life for 20 years but all those happy memories seems to be fading away so fast & being replaced by my daily struggle with ch.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:12 am
by me
for me it came when i was 16, and it was sudden. I never had people ask me if i farted before and also i never smelled it before, but from one day to the next it started happening. My faher would ask me if i farted, my friends and people in the same room as me would say something stinks in here, somebody farted in here. Every now and then my bb hits me back and always amaizme how much like fart smells.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:12 am
by iwillbecured
I started when I was 30, about 2.5 years ago. I started noticing weird taste in my mouth, no matter how good I brush my teeth. Then family started telling me I have bb. It has gotten worse since, even though I take care of my teeth even better than before.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:11 am
by thanatos

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:20 am
by mike987
I'm not really sure when it was. I'm still a newb compared to you guys, as I've only been totally aware of my BB for not quite 1 year.

Thinking about it after realizing it, it seems that this must have developed in the past 2 or 3 years. I don't believe I had a problem with it in highschool.. At least I can't remember any reactions or comments that far back.. Though sometimes I think the 2 years of 'allergy shots' may have planted the seed.

Anyway, living with a girlfriend for a couple years out of highschool, I can remember some comments here and there. I never thought anything of it at the time, but I'm sure there was some BB sometimes.. It's difficult though.. my BB from that time may have been strongly related to tonsil stones (i used to cough them up constantly in enormous chunks) while today I've got other problems.

Let's see. I guess I first noticed a problem while taking anti depressents early last year. I only took them for about 2 months, but I became less anxious, and started talking to people more... This should have been a good thing.. But with all the tlaking, I started seeing reactions.. It eventually occurred to me that I might have a problem.

I first contributed it to the medication.. Prayed that it was just the dry mouth that the drugs were causing .. I ended up getting off the meds, because no amount of medication could make me feel good about chronic halitosis.

I came to this site around that time and believed it was an oral issue.. My tonsils are extremely cryptic, so I thought it was them that was causing the problems... I still think they are a big contributer, but I've since become aware of a rotting eggs smell.. This egg smell has now elevated into a strong sewer smell... What's worse, even my excrement has taken a form of this horrible egg/sewer scent..

It really amazes me how a few bowls of cereal and possibly a sliced turkey sandwich can create the most phenominally outrageous odor in the bathroom..

.. I really fear that this is just the beginning.. Within just a year, it's gone from noticing reactions, to smelling shit air from my own nostrils... I really don't want to know what will become of this..

Honestly, I'd like to get the tonsils out of the way, even though they've taken a backseat to what seems to be a digestive/intestinal issue.. If I can ever arrange the money for tonsil surgery and get those removed, I'll probably move on to that damn yogurt.. Yeh.. The ****ing yogurt is my last hope right now ](*,)

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:15 pm
by elliott
Larc400 wrote:Mine started, like the majority here, in late puberty ... round 16-17...

Elliot, yeah I also get the weird whiff sometimes when bending down. Also, sometimes stuff like perfume or any strong scent smells like shit to me.

About the different feeling in your throat, can you specify..? To me it feels like there's a lump (probably sticky pnd) stuck between my nasal area and the throat, kind of above the entry to the throat. It reappears however much I try to flush it out with saline.

In my original post I said 22 years later... I mean 2! I'm not that old guys! This is fairly new to me.

Larc, yeah I actually don't have the lump in the throat feeling anymore. Who knows what I did to rid myself of that, but I would guess it's related to no dairy, and other diet changes. It certainly did not help the smell! The bend down smell is definitely a stomach problem, and I believe it occurs mostly after eating.

In my case, there is no question that my H is related to eating. I'm trying to find the exact connection. As of now, I think the when is more important than what. From my journal taking, I am learning that a late dinner will produce BB for a good 18 hours. Also soy protein, dairy, beer and eggs really suck. They cause BB for over a day. Meat and sugar have not proven to be as bad as I thought, but time will tell.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:56 pm
by Larc400
elliott wrote:The bend down smell is definitely a stomach problem, and I believe it occurs mostly after eating.
I'm not sure it has to be a stomach problem, it may be just that we manage to catch a glimpse of the bb cloud that's there all the time, by a sudden movement (so it could still be an oral source).

Did you test for TMAU? I did (negative / 24h urine sample).


Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:08 am
by jc
thanatos wrote:I recall my mom saying that when I was a baby my breath was so bad when I cried.
Was she serious or was it just a figure of speech?
if that`s true you may want to get checked for either TMAU or SIBO. I remember a post in the TMAU site where an infant of a member had odor coming from the nose. the doctor thought that the baby had TMAU. the mother fed her with kyodophilus probiotics. the odor was gone after a while. Her doctor theorized that her baby only had SIBO.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:06 am
by thanatos

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:19 pm
by elliott
Larc400 wrote:
elliott wrote:The bend down smell is definitely a stomach problem, and I believe it occurs mostly after eating.
I'm not sure it has to be a stomach problem, it may be just that we manage to catch a glimpse of the bb cloud that's there all the time, by a sudden movement (so it could still be an oral source).

Did you test for TMAU? I did (negative / 24h urine sample).

The reason I suspect the stomach is that I've smelled this on other people as they suddenly bend down, such as on the subway train. It's that same sudden gassy smell. I also had a coworker who was open about her stomach/digestion issues. I'd always get a quick gassy whiff when she leaned over the desk. She had BB at times, but somehow, over time it disappeared completely. She took some type of Korean medicine, and poof, no more.

Anyway, I think it's the same when you swallow. Everytime you swallow, the stomach valve opens. When I'm waking up in the morning, I test it. I put my head under the covers, close to my nose. Swallow and immediately inhale softly. Bingo, the same gassy smell. So, my theory is that sudden movements to the stomach open that valve. Everytime you bend over you have to tighten the stomach. :-#

I guess even with all that, it still could be a throat issue, but more and more I'm thinking that it starts with the stomach and gets trapped in the throat with mucous, whatever IT is.
I'm still trying to carefully tune into my body to figure this out.

Haven't had TMAU testing, and I don't know what I'm waiting for. I think I'd pass negative, but I need to do it. What type of Dr. does this test?
