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Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:11 pm
by bleh
For those of you who have considered flying to see Anthony Dailley...don't waste your time. I was searching through old e-mails and I encountered this one.

My e-mail concerning my existing condition after my $560 "treatment"

E-mail #1

Ever since I visited your treatment center, the coating on my tongue has almost disappeared, however, I feel like my halitosis condition is coming more so from my throat and nose nowadays. I have your hydrofloss, hydropulse, treatment kit, and I feel completely lost what I should do. I don't feel like my halitosis is as bad as before, but I still feel like it's a constant issue in my life right now.

His reply:

The appearance of your tongue is not a measure of what your breath is so don't be alarmed if the coating comes back at certain times. As for your concern that you still have halitosis , you do not have it anymore. If you are following the procedures I recommended to you it is virtually impossible for your halitosis to return, and if I could re-test your breath you would quickly see that I am correct. Also in order for your halitosis to be coming from your nose or sinuses you would have to have a
raging sinus infection, and that is not what you have. I would like to know what makes you think you still have a halitosis problem. In my opinion the issue you that you need to deal with is the psychological issues that have followed you since having halitosis, not the halitosis itself.


My Reply #2

I feel like my halitosis condition is still present because people still offer me mints, open windows, back away, breathe through their mouthes, or cover their noses when I talk to them. People have even bluntly said "your breath stinks." I don't know if it's psychological or what...I drink tons of water, I brush 3 or 4 times a day, use the hydrofloss, floss in general and I'm constantly chewing gum. The taste in my mouth is worse when my mouth is dry, or I've eaten something with halitosis triggering foods.

His reply:

Most of the techniques you are using revolve around watching people's reactions. As I have told you many times these will do nothing but provide you inaccurate information about your breath and lead you to think your halitosis has returned when it hasn't. I seriously doubt that people walk up to you and tell you your breath stinks. I have been dealing with people
suffering from halitosis for over 10 years and that type of behavior just doesn't happen. Even if someone told you your breath is bad or stinks that doesn't mean anything. I have seen many situations where a patient's spouse might tell them their breath smells bad and the fact is the patient's breath
is fabulous. What the spouse didn't like was the slight odor of mint on the patient's breath caused by mouth rinse or the breath odor was being caused
by certain foods. Food induced odors are not halitosis and are very normal to have. What smells good to one person may smell very bad to another. It is
all about personal preferences. The tastes you sometimes get from back in the throat area is likely sinus drainage. As I have told you before the taste in your mouth has no bearing on what your breath is like. You keep
focusing on all the techniques I have told you to ignore, and as long as you keep paying attention to these things you will keep thinking you have halitosis. You need to stop this. My suggestion for you is come back and see
me sometime so I can show you that your breath is still good. As I said to you before if I get your breath levels to where they were when you left my office there is no physical way your halitosis can return.

I'm sorry...but what a b*stard! Save your thousands of dollars and find solutions on this forum!! :twisted:

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:18 pm
by Jimi Stein
That ***k would sell his mother for a can of beer

what a disgraceful animal, i think the Dailley is the worst scum of all the helitomafia, te second is the Horrible Jazzer Mel "UGS" Rosenberg.

Can somebody make a prank call for these assholes?