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Colon Hydro Therapy

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:37 pm
by Leena
Hey guys,

I just wanted to share something that had very positive effect on my BB. I`ve had a colon hydro therapy (three procedures) and it was very good for fighting BB. I didn`t really excpect it to cure BB or even affect it at all (I had some secret hopes though) but now I can honestly say it changed it. I mean after the procedures the BB is very little or none. This procedure together with a proper diet really makes it very bearable. I haven`t had any reactions ever since the third procedure.

Now after so many months (and years :( ) of actively looking for a cure a trying so many things I can summarize that tonsillectomy and hydro colon therapy have had the best results in getting rid of BB. Even when it`s bad it`s not as bad as it was couple of months ago.

Please share if anyone has tried hydro colon therapy and had any results.

And Merry Christmas!!! :D

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:55 pm
by Jimi Stein
SO you are saying the result stays for few months, the bb is not getting stronger?

Why dont you do another 3 sessions it might get rid of it completely

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:09 pm
by Leena
I didn`t mean to say the results stay for months just because it has been only two-three weeks since I`ve done it. However the results stay so far.

I`ll definitely do some more procedures in a couple of weeks. It`s just that the therapist said three is OK for a beginning then a little pause and then again.

I`ll let you know if it turns out to be a really long lasting method for eliminating BB.
However it is really helping for now.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:52 am
by greenman
great news Leena. I've had similar results with salt water colon cleansing.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:16 am
by Leena
greenman wrote:great news Leena. I've had similar results with salt water colon cleansing.
So it came back?
My therapist said it must be done every month and that`s what I`m planning to do. I think the colon hydro therapy is stronger than the salt water cleanse so you should try it, it must definitely help you a lot.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:35 pm
by khadija
Hi Leena and Greenman - I am tempted to do the colon hydrotherapy as i believe this will help my BB. I tried all sort of other things same like you and dont know what else to do. I am at worst time ever. Is there any specific clinic you suggest for the colonic hydrotherapy? What is salt water cleanse? Is it something i can do at home? Is it a product i need to do? I used to have tonsil stones but i dont have them anymore but i have constant sore throat and i might even take my tonsils out. I am in the process of doing some tests and talk to GP's. I let you know if i find anything. Thanks and i would highly appreciate if you can answer me guys. Many thanks and i pray for all of you everyday to finally cure this problem of BB.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:18 pm
by greenman
Leena wrote:
greenman wrote:great news Leena. I've had similar results with salt water colon cleansing.
So it came back?
My therapist said it must be done every month and that`s what I`m planning to do. I think the colon hydro therapy is stronger than the salt water cleanse so you should try it, it must definitely help you a lot.
yeah it did =(

all you do is warm up 64oz of water and put 1 spoon of salt. use a 16oz cup to drink the water, every minutes drink another cup untill the 4th. afterwards relax, and or lie down on your right side which helps move the water out of your system.

the rest is uncomfortable and frequent =( however after you have fully flushed your inside, you will feel fresh on a new level almost like being reborn.

the process is you do this for 7 days straight, after 7 days you do it every other day then every every other day untill you do it only once a week.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:50 pm
by Jimi Stein
I mean I tried this salt water swalowing and I almost puked, I could not do it. It is yoga technique.

People try to go to colon therapist, we have to find out if it works.

Maybe it just flushes shit that is building up in the intestines and is transfered to throat and emmits that shit smell.

But it might be a magic circle that will never close.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:45 am
by Orodor
This sound like good news. Good luck, and please post comments on your progress in this! This is one thing I have never tried, but if you have good experience then I most certainly will.


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 11:33 am
by khadija
hi there

i just booked my first two appointments starting from next week for the colonic hydrotherapy. I will let you know any good or bad results. I am sure it wont do any more worst than this so either it works or either all stays the same. Lets hope for the best. So far it seems like the only solution. Meanwhile i am going to try the salt water cleanse just right now and see how that goes. I have also ordered the yerba prima odor cleanse and see if that will help either. I am really becoming so stressed about this problem as i am seeing myself getting so worst and until i do something so quick i think i can even kill myself!! Thanks to this site for your suggestions and sharing the experience - i am expecting to heal straight away but a little bit milder bad breath could do to keep me going for a while otherwise i really dont know what to do. Has anyone tried homepathy by any chance? I believe herbal and natural things can help with our bb maybe once elimating the bad and mucus inside and replacing it with fresh natural ingredients. Anyway i keep you informed all...

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:06 pm
by khadija
all you do is warm up 64oz of water and put 1 spoon of salt. use a 16oz cup to drink the water, every minutes drink another cup untill the 4th. afterwards relax, and or lie down on your right side which helps move the water out of your system.

the rest is uncomfortable and frequent =( however after you have fully flushed your inside, you will feel fresh on a new level almost like being reborn.

the process is you do this for 7 days straight, after 7 days you do it every other day then every every other day untill you do it only once a week.[/quote]

i did the salt cleansing today and i have to say it is harder than i thought. For all of you who wants to try it make sure you are determined first of all because after drinking 2 cups of salted water you really would want to throw up. But somehow i managed to hold on and drank till the very end. Now i am still waiting.... i only been once to the loo and still am feeling very bloated with all that salted water!! anyone who tried it has similar results? I really expected to visit the loo more frequently. I believe i still need to go later but is it normal to be all so slow? I took aprox 45-50 mins to drink that salted water. I was so glad when i finished it and hoping i wouldnt throw it up.. Since then i been having headaches and totally feeling exhausted... Is this normal when undergoing this process? Cant really wait to get out all there is in my tummy as right now it feels huge...

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:00 pm
by Jimi Stein
better put the hose directly in your arse and pray, it is much easier than this stuff

I tried it once and i almost throw up, never again, do liver flush also!!!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:50 pm
by khadija
just to let you know that yesterday i did the salt cleansing process and even i only been once to the loo but i feel a bit better with my taste and bb. I dont taste poo all the time in my mouth and i dont seem to be drinking lot of water as i used to. The only reason i havent done it today is because it is very hard to drink all that salted water in a short time. Also since i only been once to the loo i dont feel i completely emptied my system from things but at least i had positive effect to improve my bad breath. i feel i am more in control of it now. so whoever wish to try it please do so even if is hard. wednesday coming i have my first appointment in the hydrotherapy clinic and i will let you know how i go. i am a bit nervous about it but i think it is about time i do something about this problem and hopefully if it make me slightly better i can refer it to whoever didnt try it yet. let hope for the best :!:

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:03 pm
by Leena
Hey all,

I experienced the same difficulties with salt water cleansing. It took me more than an hour to drink that water.

However with colon hydro therapy I felt better from the first time and I felt my BB was much less. Now I think I don`t have BB 90% of the time. It`s the first time in my life that I feel almost free from it. I am having another therapy next week and I`ll let you know what happens with BB after it.

I think there is a definite connection between the bacteria in our colon and BB. I`ve read all these bacteria and gases can travel through the body and of course the gases can be exhaled through the lungs.

For those who would try the therapy my advice is to go to a clinic that uses the open system not the closed one. I suspect that the closed one is a little dangerous. For more information, just google it.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:06 pm
by thanatos