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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:07 am
by pink
I have been single for the last 6 years and it's killing me not to be able to have that close connection with someone. I get approach by guys and most of them I would have been interested in but I shy away because of my bb. When is this going to end??? Ok, If my bb does not go away when I have my tonsils and adenoid remove this month then would any bb guy want to father my child? LOL. I know that some guys don't care what I smell like even with my bb otherwise they would not keep asking me out but I just cannot deal with this problem. How do you guys deal with dating?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:49 am
by mike987
... why is it that you girls have no problems hooking up with guys even though you still have BB?

is it really just because guys don't care so much about that kind of thing? that men don't have as good of a sense of smell? If they're coming up to you and don't care that much about your BB, then go for it already.. what have you got to lose?

i'm a guy and i never get approached by women a second time -_-

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:25 am
by stinkLikeShit247
I've been single for about that long too...and haven't been laid for that long too which really sucks for a guy. I'm sure it sucks for girls too but, it really sucks for guys. So yeah maybe we can help each other out. Oh, dating is way harder on guys because guys have to start a conversation, keep a conversation flowing, and women generally are more sensitive towards hygiene and smell. :-s Anyways...., I'm sure taking your tonsils and adenoids out will do wonders for you. It helped me. Not completely, but it helped enough to where the problem is "manageable" now. I used to literally smell like shiet. Well, if you're in Texas I would love to take you out on a stinky date sometime. 8)

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:05 pm
by elliott
This should also be a dating site too :D

But seriously, can 2 BB people be together without becoming annoyed at each other's breath? Just because we have it doesn't mean we can't smell it either! I guess at least there would be understanding and someone to talk to about it.

I also think men are men. They don't care about the details as much. If they want to get laid, they don't care how bad your breath is, whereas women have more options. If you're pretty, men will still want you.

stinkLikeshit247... that is a funny name BTW


Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:14 pm
by maclean
hi pink how about i take you out for a drink.where are you from?

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:40 am
by pink
So where is everyone from? We should be able to post our picture I would like to see what you guys look like. I have read the comments and most I could relate to.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:41 am
by Orodor
Its really hard to cope with dating with this illness. I guess sometimes you meet someone who dont care, but out of experience you just pull away just because you dont want to deal with possible rejections and comments that follow. At least that is my situation.


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:40 am
by mike987
you can post your pictures easily.. there was a similar thread some months back

just host your image on a site like , then copy the address of the image itself and post it here between two 'img' tags


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 9:15 pm
by thanatos
I'd bet my breath is among the worst on this board. My breath can make people stop dead in their tracks with a look on their face like a rotting skunk was just shoved up their nostrils just from me saying "hi" 8 feet away.

Up closer I've had people quickly take a deep breath through their mouths and said "Oh my god" and run away.

I've had a girlfriend for 18 months in 2000 who put up with my bad breath when I still was still in denial about it. She'd always try to let me know without directly saying it, but still I did nothing but brush my teeth & nothing more. This girl emailed me wanting us to get back together. I ignored her because I can't stand her

Another girlfriend ending last year. I was very self-conscious and thus our first love-making session was a disaster because I just refused to kiss her passionately. I just peced at her lips with mine because I was so afraid. Eventually, I just said "***k it" and kissed her. I always did my best to clean my mouth before, so she didn't complain. She did however ask me to brush once eve after I did. lol. I dumped this girl because she wanted more than just sex which was what I told her was the extent of our relationship (she begged me to be her boyfriend, then said only sex when I vehemently declined). She has a new boyfriend now but she still calls me saying she loves me.

There's a new girl in my life, but nothing happened yet. Maybe this new years day we'll get together at her place to watch the sugarbowl. We went out to eat several times, talk on the phone and in her small store where she smells my breath daily (along with the customers) & we confide in eachother a lot.

I've also had quite a few that were interested even after smelling my rotting breath & still wanted to go out with me (two wanted me to give them babies & I barely knew them) over the past 5 years.

Don't be mistaken: My breath is HORRENDOUS all day long. I still manage to find girls that are attracted to me & are willing to put up with it. And they all pursue me, not vice versa.

How? I'm not very social at all, so I basically play aloof to everyone until they make the effort to know me.

I don't look at girls in a pathetic, needy manner; I just don't care & 99.9% of the time want them & everyone to leave me alone. I think this helps because girls become more curious when they're being ignored but not in an offensive manner

The girls I actually start off liking and try to pursue never work. It' at that point I get nervous, desperate and needy in my demeanor. So I don't do that any more.

My advice for everyone - guys and girls - is to just say "***k it" and go out & have sex with anyone who will give you the chance. As long as you try long & hard to clean your mouth before the act, you should be fine.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:36 am
by findacure
thanatos wrote:I'd bet my breath is among the worst on this board. My breath can make people stop dead in their tracks with a look on their face like a rotting skunk was just shoved up their nostrils just from me saying "hi" 8 feet away.

Up closer I've had people quickly take a deep breath through their mouths and said "Oh my god" and run away.

I've had a girlfriend for 18 months in 2000 who put up with my bad breath when I still was still in denial about it. She'd always try to let me know without directly saying it, but still I did nothing but brush my teeth & nothing more. This girl emailed me wanting us to get back together. I ignored her because I can't stand her

Another girlfriend ending last year. I was very self-conscious and thus our first love-making session was a disaster because I just refused to kiss her passionately. I just peced at her lips with mine because I was so afraid. Eventually, I just said "***k it" and kissed her. I always did my best to clean my mouth before, so she didn't complain. She did however ask me to brush once eve after I did. lol. I dumped this girl because she wanted more than just sex which was what I told her was the extent of our relationship (she begged me to be her boyfriend, then said only sex when I vehemently declined). She has a new boyfriend now but she still calls me saying she loves me.

There's a new girl in my life, but nothing happened yet. Maybe this new years day we'll get together at her place to watch the sugarbowl. We went out to eat several times, talk on the phone and in her small store where she smells my breath daily (along with the customers) & we confide in eachother a lot.

I've also had quite a few that were interested even after smelling my rotting breath & still wanted to go out with me (two wanted me to give them babies & I barely knew them) over the past 5 years.

Don't be mistaken: My breath is HORRENDOUS all day long. I still manage to find girls that are attracted to me & are willing to put up with it. And they all pursue me, not vice versa.

How? I'm not very social at all, so I basically play aloof to everyone until they make the effort to know me.

I don't look at girls in a pathetic, needy manner; I just don't care & 99.9% of the time want them & everyone to leave me alone. I think this helps because girls become more curious when they're being ignored but not in an offensive manner

The girls I actually start off liking and try to pursue never work. It' at that point I get nervous, desperate and needy in my demeanor. So I don't do that any more.

My advice for everyone - guys and girls - is to just say "***k it" and go out & have sex with anyone who will give you the chance. As long as you try long & hard to clean your mouth before the act, you should be fine.
So your a stud muffin hey! Fighting all these girl off! Well i think youve given the guys on here some hope. i have to admit girls do take hygiene very seriously so i can understand why some guys on here say it hard to find a girl but i think it depends on the girl.

I have wondered, without my condition would i ever date a guy with BB, and you know what if i really liked him i probably would.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:55 am
by thanatos

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:57 am
by thanatos

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:41 am
by mike987
but don't just go sleeping around either..

the last thing you want is an STD to top off your crumby life