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Halitosis and smoking, share your thoughts.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:24 pm
by coeric
so ive tried everything within my power to treat/cure my halitosis. nothing worked, period. though there is one thing i have not yet tried, and from an objective view, it has as much chance of curing my problem as any other method or product. it deserves my looking in to. yeah it's smoking. i smoke 1 to 2 packs a day.

im sure there are other smokers out there wondering the same thing. have you guys tried to quit? did it help? if it will cease my halitosis then ill probably quit. but if it is a bust, like 100% of the sure-cures out there, then i dont want to go through the agony of quitting. i wish i never started smoking, but alas, it is one of the few small pleasures i have remaining in this pitiful life.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:36 am
by mike987
:roll: .. not to be mean, but this should have been the first thing you tried to change..

i've known some people who sometimes have horrible breath, and of course, they always wreak of cigarettes.. Smoking could turn any normal perosn's breath into wind from a hell hole.

If you're serious about it, stop smoking .. i really can't believe you haven't tried this sooner.. #-o

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:01 am
by coeric
1. quitting smoking, especially when ones life is such a wreck as mine is, well it is difficult.
2. the odor of tabacco smoke and the odor of rotting feces are quite different. the only correlation i see between halitosis and cigarette smoke is perhaps the drying affect around the throat area and in the mouth. and even im not certain of this. if i quit smoking it will only be to discover this part out.

this is why im asking other smokers, about their oipinions and what they've seen. non-smokers; no need to reply, not to be mean, mike.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:18 am
by thanatos

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:10 pm
by spygirl
I finally quit smoking about 2 years ago, on the advise of the first ENT that I saw. This is tough. I had been trying to do this all by myself for so many years but always failed. I was prescribed Zyban and nicotine patch. However, I was a lighter smoker than you are.

The first test that was done to me was chest x-ray (as with any smokers). My BB was really chronic that being in a plane (with people's reaction) is really a mental torture. This goes without opening my mouth yet.

Before I quit, there was always this taste in my mouth. And there was this catball stuck at the back of my throat.

After I quit. I always have this fresh taste in my mouth. I still have pnd but no more catball. I still have H and people still cover their noses but they do not act as if they want to run away whenever I'm around anymore.

Before, people look at me with unbelieving eyes when they pass me even when I hold my breath but now holding my breath or delaying swallowing seem to work even in the elevator.

I sincerely encourage you to quit smoking for holistic health.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:03 pm
by Larc400
I quit, but it doesn't make that much of a difference. In fact, I remember I started smoking circa 10 yrs ago, partly to make people think my bb was due to smoking.

I've had horror incidents (people thinking I've farted etc etc) while smoking and after smoking, to about the same degree. I quit mainly because I want as good a sense of smell and general health as possible in order to be able to fight bb...

I'm on Nicotin gum now .... they're pretty good 8)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:39 am
by mike987
well i hope you quit anyway :)
you'll surely be happy in the longrun

how long have you been smoking?