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Post by j0n1982 »

Hi. This is jon1982.

I met with JC today, actually I am still at his place right now. FOR some strange reason, we are unable to smell each other's H problem. I swear my sense of smell is ok because I can easily smell the fruits on the table. My nose is fine, no runny or anything in it.

Can anyone share his/her opinion on this? Why can't we smell each other? I am sure I have had this problem for a long time now. I find it quite intriguing. Thanks.

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Post by mike987 »

you're either both crazy, or you both have a similar problem, therefore you can't smell it.

It's hard enough to smell our our scents.. and even if we can detect it, it's nowhere the level that people standing in front of us will experience.

Having become so familiar with such a scent, it's probably harder for you to detect, even if it's coming from someone else.

I've seen others on this forum mention similar things.. There was a meet up in the past and the members weren't able to smell eachother.. Jimi could tell you more..

How did you guys meet up?
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Post by jc »

There were similar occurrences with the other sites as well. I could smell the gum he was chewing but where did the odor go?
There are a few people that I think who can`t smell me so our meet-up proves that it`s true. It`s too bad that majority of people I meet aren`t immune like them. I had a theory that the gas coming from some of us are odorless but becomes a catalyst for odor when mixed up with the air.
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Post by j0n1982 »

Yes, we have learned that we live in the same city, and so we exchanged contact numbers and decided to meet up to help each other. It turned out that we are unable to smell the malodor. I am really surprised by this..

JC did mention that there was a previous group that met up in the past and had a similar experience.

I just wish I am crazy, Paul. Sometimes, living with this condition tires you out. Focks you inside and out and in the worst possible way.
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Post by elliott »

Maybe it's just halitophobia?

Just kidding. I'm curious, how did you feel when you both realized you couldn't smell it? Did you just look at each other? What did you say? gotta be an awkward experience. I don't know whether it's good or bad! Anyway, amazing... it's the same as not being able to smell our own breath!
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Larc400 »

I agree. To only use 'they touch their nose' or 'they back away' as proof of a bb problem is vague. If someone really has horrific bb he/she will definitely get a no-nonsense proper comment at some point. If you haven't: live happily at least until you know for sure 8)
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am sure these 2 guys dont smell eachother because the have the same smell from the same origin and their smell is so used to it they dont percept it

it is the same reason we dont smell ourselves

this is not a big riddle for me

just in case really go to another city and just ask fe peoples abot how strong your bb is from scale 1 - 10

or ask a bum

i will do that

i need to know
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Post by j0n1982 »

I am quite sure I have H. This isn't a new problem that came up recently. I have this problem since I was a little kid. I have grown up with it, been ostracized, left out, and all those painful memories that this malady brings. I have been humiliated because of this for the most part of my life. People have pointed it to me not just for a day, a week of my life, but for the vast majority of it. There is no way that this is all in my mind.

IT was really strange. We talked for about 4-5 hours. JC was kind enough to let me be in his place, he serve food, water etc. We really can't smell the malodor. It was kind of weird. I felt free. I didn't have to worry about covering my mouth or nose since JC couldn't detect anything... It felt strange but really it was exhilirating. I was free.

Anyway, just what is going on? DO you really suspect this is halitophobia? I am greatly puzzled.
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Post by jc »

We`re sure that it`s not halitophobia. We shared a lot of stories that will sound real familiar to all of you. We`ve also been told to our faces that we have bb a lot of times. It`s funny that when my bb was just starting I was in a state of denial & people kept reminding me that I have this problem but now it`s the other way around. I can smell bb from my nephew when he`s got rotten tooth or when he`s got a cold so that`s probably a different bacteria. Jon & I probably have the same bacterial strain so maybe we will have the same cure. If there are other people here from Manila then I suggest that we meet up. We really need to help each other right now.
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Post by emotional rescue »

good luck to all of you guys

but in my humble opinion, i think is very possible that you had cronich bad breath in your childhood and puberty, and now for some reason you don´t have it anymore but you are not psicological avalilable to see it.....

It´s a strong possibility to me that you have a trauma about bb,

You see, for me the halithosis sufferers had all the typical issues and low self-steem that all other fobbias, like for example bulimia and anorexia, we don´t have bad breath anymore but for some psicologycal reason we can´t accept it....

I know that many people here could get angry with what i´m saying but i think it´s really a possibility for some of us, maybe many of us....

What i´m describying, i see it like a possibility for myself too,

i think it´s imposible that if two halithosis sufferers meet up don´t smell others bb at least in the first seconds...minutes....
Did you compare for example the smell of others saliva???
I think there is not such thing as two persons with the exactly same smell, and for that i don´t believe that you can´t smell each other for that reason....

If this is not like i think, how it could be that two members like oceanside and snoopsister, claims that they are cured (and they are, cause they´re living their life like common people and that what means a cure for me) without any special treatment??? just by chew some vitamin c for some period of time and give up with mouthwashes???? It would be a magycal miracle if it was only by that, cause many other members did it without succes..... A likely example with noptical, that claims almost cure by using tungbrush after many years of seeking a cure.....
I think this guys just resolved his own fears and spiritual problems with a tiny help of the products and that was the cure....

Anyway, it´s just a theory, what do you think??

I wish i had right so the cure was possible.......

The only way is if you ask several people about it, i myself didn´t had the courage....

good luck guys....
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Post by jc »

my bb was confirmed by almost every dentists that i went to but the ENTs gave different diagnosis & some even changed what they said when their medications fail. People also told me directly that i have a bb problem & that i should see a dentist. I keep telling them that i already did then they will stop & walk away. It feels weird that i have to prove that i have bb to people with
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Post by jc »

Yeah, we did the wrist lick test & it was odd that i smelled a faint morning breath on my saliva for the first time in years. I don`t remember if Jon smelled something from my wrist but i surely didn`t smell anything from his.
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Post by mike987 »

i've considered that in my case in the past.. i actually hoped so badly that it was halitophobia.. i've always been self conscious about various things throughout my life..

But these days, I actualy wake up with shit smell coming out of my face.. I can vaguely detect it, but it's such a unique smell that i know it's real.. oh yeh, and the rapid build up of comments i've been hearing.. "i smell poop" "you smell like poo" "what smells like vomit" "you stink" "what the ***k is that smell" "ew do you smell that?" "ugh! do you smell sewer?" . etc

You know.. i used to be thankful because i though i was making a big deal out of it when i first came to the site..
i would read all your stories about shit breath, and i always felt humbled because i knew my breath couldn't be that bad.. figuring my bad breath had more to do with allergies and PND and tonsils...

I didn't think i had the fecal breath.. thinking my problem was something different all together. mouth related...
Now I can see that I've had the shit breath for a while now.. but it used to be something more like eggs and i could never smell it myself.. it went from eggs, to rotten eggs, to sewer, to what i could smell all throughout my day today.. and it actually is turning fecal..

i still believe my breath isn't as bad as some here.. but i know for certian it's getting worse.. it's evolving :?
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Post by nelly »

im always able to smell my breath. Is that seldom?
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