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More info on tonsillectomys

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:01 am
by bleh
Hi guys,

I've been reading all these posts about tonsillectomy's helping to cure people's bad breath, and I just wanted to know how effective this is to treating it. Was there anybody out there that had NO success after the operation? I've pretty much done tried everything there is out there, and I feel like I'm pretty much sh*t outta luck. You know you have it bad when you just try to accept the fact that you'll never be cured, and try to go through the day without offending too many people. How much is the operation usually, and how do you go about getting one. THANKS!

Re: More info on tonsillectomys

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:17 pm
by Lonely
bleh wrote:Hi guys,

I've been reading all these posts about tonsillectomy's helping to cure people's bad breath, and I just wanted to know how effective this is to treating it. Was there anybody out there that had NO success after the operation? I've pretty much done tried everything there is out there, and I feel like I'm pretty much sh*t outta luck. You know you have it bad when you just try to accept the fact that you'll never be cured, and try to go through the day without offending too many people. How much is the operation usually, and how do you go about getting one. THANKS!
Hi Bleh,
I am one of the tonnes of people who had their tonsils removed with no success. My ENT surgeon did a good job of removing my tonsils on both sides and yet still have the BB. I'll never advice anyone to remove his/her tonsills because of BB unless they suffer a recurring tonsillitis (according to ENT doctors a minimum of six infections of the tonsills in a year justifies removal of the tonsils).

As far as the cost is concerned, if indicated tonsillectomy is covered by all medical insurance. if you have no medical coverage, the best thing to do is visiting a private clinic and talk to someone in the billing department. They usually keep such information handy.

I can understand your frustration Bleh, but don't give up and don't let anyone take advantage of you. Be firm, inquire, compare and may be one day we'll find the right cure for BB. You are not alone we are together in this.

Good luck Bleh

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:23 am
by bleh
Thanks for the info. You had a tonsillectomy and had no success whatsoever? I've never had any problems with my tonsils (as far as I know), but it seems as though everyone on this forum who has gotten it at least has had improved breath, if not cured. I once discussed having PND with my general doctor and she just gave me tons of allegra. I don't feel like any specialists or doctors really know where the root of the problem can be coming from.

How do you know if you have tonsil stones or if thats even here the smell is coming from? I'd prefer not to go through the operation, but I figure what else can I loose....

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:48 am
by hopeful
I too had my tonsils removed and can say that I haven't noticed any improvements. Presurgery, I would take a q-tip and push it into my tonsillar crevices and crypts. This would produce a horrible smell on the the q-tip. After surgery, I can no longer do this since those crypts are gone. I can only say that I've eliminated another place for the VSC to hide and have not found the cure.