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I SWEAR By This Stuff!!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by halitosisux »

Oh here we go with the provocations...
Firstly, not only can I read, but I happen to know quite a lot about a problem which has been my LIFE for most of what i can remember of it - I've also managed to find and deal with the cause of my BB and was never duped into using remedies thiking they could ever be my answer, I was always focused on understanding, not masking my problem.
Secondly, lets assume that I did speak for everyone on the board because the majority respect and appreciate my ongoing views and opinions.

Im sure these products might help certain people who worry that their breath smells of the meal they have previously eaten, or they are too lazy to look after their oral hygiene and just need some easy means of neutralizing the situation inside their mouth, but that person is not what this site is generally here to help with. The people on this board are not in that category.

People are so bitter because most of them have spent years being shunned and ridiculed by their doctors SIMPLY because they do not wish to become involved in what they consider to be a harmless but time consuming and usually difficult problem to diagnose the particular underlying cause of. Nobody knows what it is to have this problem until they have to endure living with it for themselves.
But what REALLY makes people bitter are the people who try to exploit them with things that DONT work.

If people KNEW what causes their bad breath they'd get that treated if possible and then they CERTAINLY wouldnt need your products.

I dont need a doctorate degree to know that every mouth is full of bacteria and while someone has an underlying reason why their oral bacteria gives them bad breath (assuming the origin of the odour isnt elsewhere) while others it does not, to know that temporarily reducing bacterial levels/activity or neutralizing odours is FUTILE when bacteria grow at such exponential rates.

The BULLSHIT is that producers of bad breath products actually CLAIM to guarantee to cure, so of course if someone has an abscessed tooth then these products are not going to do anything for them. And this is what people generally feel, that they have underlying reasons for their BB - UNDERSTANDABLY because products like THERABREATH which claim to cure everyone DO NOT work for them.

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Post by Hank »


Curious... What brought you to this site in the first place? Also, why don't you tell us some of your history, symptoms, and some of the debilitating effects your BB condition has had on your life?

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Post by BreathGuRu »

Hank wrote:BreathGURU,

Curious... What brought you to this site in the first place? Also, why don't you tell us some of your history, symptoms, and some of the debilitating effects your BB condition has had on your life?

Hey Hank,

I came here cause I was hoping to be able to help someone else. I suffered from Halitosis, mainly caused from Post Nasal Drip.

How did it affect my life? Let's see. Well, I would avoid talking to people, cover my mouth, Speak "Up", meaning I would project my voice over the person's nose.

I didn't date. I was in constant fear that I would offend someone. It sucked.
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Post by celica »

Ha>>>HA>>>HA you make my day happy breath Guru starting to day I will buy all your therabreath products . I really believed on what you have said if you was cured then why not?
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Post by BreathGuRu »

celica wrote:Ha>>>HA>>>HA you make my day happy breath Guru starting to day I will buy all your therabreath products . I really believed on what you have said if you was cured then why not?
Look, I know that it sucks and is depressing having extreme Halitosis. It caused me major depression. I eventually ended up on Effexor, etc., to help. Not that it caused ALL of the depression, but it was a main contributor.

I don't care whether you buy the products, other ones, do nothing, etc. I do not work for any company. I just offered what worked for me and people jumped down my throat for it.

It was not my intention to cause harm or feel like I was "selling" something. So Please forgive me on that.

I hope one day you guys find something that works for you, and eventually get the help you need.

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Post by Hank »


Can you share with us your specific regimen? Apologies if you already did so. Otherwise is your PND gone? Or is it just controlled by your regimen?

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Post by Sally »

i cant believe the attitude of this breath guru guy!!!

stop trying to sell stuff


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Post by celica »

well well. I just log on and breath guru is already on the look out. Actually I will buy all your therabreath products and burned it and stuff it in your mouth so you will have diarrhea and those money that you duped on your costumers will have your stinking soul go to hell. You know the word Karma now its your time to file bankruptcy because you could not duped any costumers since evrybody was saying that any of those products doesnt work. If its true that your not one of those sellers why would you found this website just to help. If you were already cured you will not linger on any web looking about this topic to find this site. SORRY you dont have any custumers anymore because your product is not even DFA approved no wonder why ? DFA found out that it doesnt work and all your testemonials custumers dont exist so you could not even passed their approval. Look at how many members who tried your product here for months and years and it didnt help at all. These are the real testimonies...Hali... dont need to be a doctorate to give you his verdict he was just getting smarter to inform everybody that your product sucks and well if I were you I will not try to defend you business because business is business and all you want is money. HERE is A good advertisement for you... BUY THERABREATH because I need to file bankruptcy....
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Re: omg

Post by BreathGuRu »

Sally wrote:i cant believe the attitude of this breath guru guy!!!

stop trying to sell stuff


Have you even read this whole thread? Maybe you should before you jump to conclusions. Seriously, I didn't know so many people

A) Already knew about this product, and

B) Had it not work for them!

It worked for me. That's all I am saying. So CALM DOWN! Geez.

And go re-read all of my posts on here. I have a hard time believing that you guys even know how to USE products the right way and follow directions, when clearly you can't even read, or get through your heads that I DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY! NOR WILL I EVER!

Just sayin'!
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Post by BreathGuRu »

Hank wrote:Guru,

Can you share with us your specific regimen? Apologies if you already did so. Otherwise is your PND gone? Or is it just controlled by your regimen?


You can PM me for my daily regimen, as I dare not mention such things in this thread... even though I created it and people could just pass it by. I don't want more haters out of no where.
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Post by BreathGuRu »

celica wrote:well well. I just log on and breath guru is already on the look out. Actually I will buy all your therabreath products and burned it and stuff it in your mouth so you will have diarrhea and those money that you duped on your costumers will have your stinking soul go to hell. You know the word Karma now its your time to file bankruptcy because you could not duped any costumers since evrybody was saying that any of those products doesnt work. If its true that your not one of those sellers why would you found this website just to help. If you were already cured you will not linger on any web looking about this topic to find this site. SORRY you dont have any custumers anymore because your product is not even DFA approved no wonder why ? DFA found out that it doesnt work and all your testemonials custumers dont exist so you could not even passed their approval. Look at how many members who tried your product here for months and years and it didnt help at all. These are the real testimonies...Hali... dont need to be a doctorate to give you his verdict he was just getting smarter to inform everybody that your product sucks and well if I were you I will not try to defend you business because business is business and all you want is money. HERE is A good advertisement for you... BUY THERABREATH because I need to file bankruptcy....
And I believe you meant to say FDA. And, the product actually didn't "fail" FDA, or it would be pulled from the market. You pulled that one right out of your Ass... and why?

And I DON'T WANT CUSTOMERS! I DO NOT WORK FOR THEM! God, how many times to I have to say that?!

I was all excited that something finally worked for me, so I got really passionate about it and then came across this board and thought, "Oh, I'll mention my experience" (Cause I had some strange idea that that was what this forum was for - Crazy, I know).

Little did I know the firestorm that would follow. Geez! Clearly, if someone found something that works for them, but others happen not to like it, then it is completely and absolutely wrong to share that knowledge with them.

DON'T BUY ANYTHING! I Do not care! In fact, so far with my experience on this board, I could find the secret to no body odors and everlasting youth and never want to share it with anyone on here (minus a select few who are actually decent in their replies - even if the same product didn't work for them).

The fact that people are hating on me is flat out ridiculous. I was just sharing my story. Won't do it again.

And I do not wish to repeat THIS story, yet again in the future.

My Hell, people.
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Post by halitosisux »

TherabreathGuRu you are such a great caring person for taking the time to inform everyone about your success. But therabreath, along with any other remedies currently out there, has about as much chance of dealing with chronic halitosis as growing a moustache has. Find one genuine sufferer on here who finds therabreath a solution to their problem. The only real testimonials I've ever seen is that it makes matters WORSE!

With one exception - a guy called Jimi, ask him - he literally SWEARS by this stuff!!

btw I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all the brilliant minds out there, especially those with doctorate degrees past and present, that in 2009AD we've come as far as THERABREATH in finding a solution for this centuries-old affliction.
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Post by Susie »

Yep, lets move on.

Curious why you(breathguru) came to this site if therabreath works for you. Seriously, congratulations it works for you. We are truly happy for people when they find their cure.

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Post by BreathGuRu »

Susie wrote:Yep, lets move on.

Curious why you(breathguru) came to this site if therabreath works for you. Seriously, congratulations it works for you. We are truly happy for people when they find their cure.

I'm a little weird. There are a few topics that I have become really passionate about. This is one, Parrots is another, Teeth and dental procedures, yet another (since I was 16 I would waste hours researching it online), Etc.

So, I was just browsing around and curious about addition products that might work, when I found this site.

Anyway, that's the short story. Guess I am just kinda a geek. :)
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Hi Breathguru,

I too used Therabreath products and while I don't think they made my breath worse they definitely did not help it either. I would never recommend these products to anyone for any reason ever. Sorry, just my 2 cents. Cheers.

p.s. I still use my Dr Katz Ozonator-he didn't invent them so he doesn't get any credit as a lot of companies make them.
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