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Found the problem, and the cure...

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by halitosisux »

Yes, AIDS patients are predisposed to candida/fungal infections that generally affect the nasopharynx and down into the esophagus, which of course is going to directly cause some odour, whether its for primary reasons or secondary. But this isnt what we're saying here at all. Its the same with the diabetes, the reason why that causes BB is clearly understood and is a secondary effect relating to the primary autoimmune cause.

Maybe you are right, that there are things going on in the digestive tract for some people which leads to bad breath, whether it be candida or leaky gut, which relate directly to immune system system dysfunction in some way. But I hope you can also see my point too, that if your BB was solely due to a certain specific defect in your immune system, then through tests you'd be able to identify precisely which aspect of your immune system was responsible. And then you'd be able to correlate that information with others who have the same defect (and BB of course). And you'd be able to come on here and say I've identified exactly what is wrong with my immune system and just about everyone else who has this has BB too. And you'd go away for as long as it takes and prove you can compensate for this defect with your diet and when you are cured you could come on here and say THIS is what I did.

But instead its all the usual ambiguous far out statements like getting your immune system "tip top" and "incredible anticandida properties" when most people on here already eat healthily and have immune systems as good as they're ever going to be (or have tried to achieve similar in the past) and already on diets which generally promote healthy intestinal flora anyway.

BTW.. as has been pointed out in other threads recently, metronidazole is used to help reduce the symptoms of those with TMAU by "dampening" the bacterial flora in the gut so that it produces less trimethylamine. Probiotics are also used to try to "manipulate" the microbial populations to those more favourable in terms of TMA production. Infact there's a lot of details on research into this approach as a potential cure for TMAU. ElGrizzle have you ever investigated/considered TMAU as your cause?

If they key is persistence.. you would be cured elliott, dont kid yourself. If someone truly believes in what they are doing they'd go to the ends of the earth to prove themselves right through their persistence, as people like archimonde and jimi have done with what they believed in at the time.

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Post by ElGrizzle »

Halitosissux, I would forget about validity in the medical world. The diet works. The doctors don't know, there is no answers in their field, so we have to do this ourselves. Doctors are not nutritionalists, and nutritionalists are not Doctors. Im not sure why you are in the mood to argue so much...

The fact is, when I changed my diet, I was able to eliminate my BB. And yes the key is persistence.

Halitosissux, I suggest that you read this book (or anyone else on here). It will give you a better understanding of what your diet will do to you (on a scientific level). No quakery here, all based on research. ... 155312040X


TMAU smells like fish, and fills a whole room. I already looked at that. My bad breath comes from the post nasal drip, and metrinodazole took care of my stomach issues, reducing the amount of PND.
why me?
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Post by why me? »

I've been through tons of bb remedies. Since finding this sight, I have tried even more suggested remedies...and nothing has seemed to help. The only success I've had was the water pik w/ water/peroxide combination. This lasted about three months and then my bb came back just as fearce. My bb started after I gave birth to my 2nd child 8 yrs ago. I've smoked in the past, drank alocohol, neglected taking care of my teeth. When I landed the job I have now, I was able to obtain dental care and have used the hell out of it. I've had my teeth cleaned (have been diagnosed w/ perio), gums shaved, extractions (no wisdom), metal fillings replaced, one crown. Still...nothing. I've been to the ENT, had my tonsils looked at and pockets (nothing). Even had a scope shoved up my nose and looked. Since I've been using the water pik, I have no built up plaque and my pockets are almost back to normal, but still have bb. I've tired pro fresh, K-12, breath rx, thera breath, you name it. Sooooo, when I heard about Candida, I started to lookup symtoms and "cures". I've tried the "diet" and it's very hard to follow. I did it for about a week and my bb didn't seem as bad, but then I added dairy, sugars, breads and pastas back into my diet and my bb came back. I was looking at "cures" for candida besides dieting and they offer threelack and yeastrol, but they run up on prices so I'm skeptical about purchasing these products. I decided to go to the whole food store and found a few items that specialized in assisting with Candida, so I'm going to try a few of these. Also may try to include oregano oil. One of the supplements listed golden seal as an ingredient. I'll have to write down the included ingrediants on some of thes products and post later. I went through common systems for candida and checked off a majority of them - incapacitating fatigue, lack of concentration/short-term memory, pain in joints and muscles, hyper-acidity/acid reflux, un-refreshing sleep, white coated tongue, "crawling" skin, chronic sinus problems and headaches/migraines, chronic dental problems, irritability, chills and night sweats, dizziness and balance problems, sensitivity to heat/cold, alcohol intolerance, irritable bowel, painful gas and abdominal pain, constipation/diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, pms problems, yeast infections, bladder infections, urinary tract infections, dandruff, exzema, feeling in a fog, muscle twitching and restless leg syndrome. Will write back after I start taking supplements.
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Post by halitosisux »

ElGrizzle I usually turn out to be wrong in most things, so I hope this works for you - good luck.

p.s. (edit) forgot to mention, that trimethylamine at low levels in saliva doesnt smell fishy, it smells of bad breath. Also H2O2 completely oxidizes trimethylamine into the odourless form, so that if there is any present inside the mouth/saliva the smell would briefly become completely neutralized until it builds up again. And this is just one of many odours due to metabolic disorders. Worth giving it some serious thought, just like every other potential cause of BB.
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Post by rich1988 »

Why me, its actualyl quite scary I think I have ALL the same symptoms (bar pms I am a bloke!)
why me?
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Hope to find a cure!

Post by why me? »


I am going to Central Market today and purchase a cleansing agent for yeast/candida infections. I''ve been researching the disease a little more and it's starting to make sense. I wans't born w/ bb, but it started after I had my second child (30 yrs. old) and I've been on birth control (which is one of the many causes). There are seperate symptoms for men and women, but they both have a lot in common. I think the reason why people like to eliminate Candida is because it consist of a very strict diet (food intake). I figured if I take baby steps, I can help myself in some way. I'm going to cut out sugar first, them dairy, pastas and breads. The other difficult thing about this is eating healthy is mroe expensive than to eat cheap (pastas, sandwiches, hamburger helper, ect...) I have two growing kids and it can get really expensive when including them into my eating habits, but it's for the best and if I don't want them to have the same thing, I need to assist in these eating changes.
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Actually why me?, it will be cheaper than eating unhealthy. Most of what you will be eating are vegetables (which are very cheap), brown rice (also very cheap for sustaining yourself), and chicken (which isn't as cheap, but still you eat it anyway).

You will be making things yourself, so no take out. Take out becomes very expensive. Buy things in bulk, and stock your cupboards with spices, onions, garlic, cooking utensils, tupperware, so that cooking and salad making become routine and organized.

Salads are the most important part. Get as many different fresh vegetables as you can in there, and sprinkle apple cider vinegar over top. This will cure many diseases, and if anything at all, will assist the most in healing the condition.

It will require a lot of effort, and it can be tiring (thats why a lot of people go back). But eventually, you will be able to eat those foods again. It just might take a very long time. And really, all those foods are processed and garbage for the mind/body/soul anyways.

Also a piece of advice. The supplements are a big waste of money if you don't follow the diet. They will help speed the time it takes to heal when following a diet, but if you aren't on the diet, they may not do much.

A little update. The diet has been working wonders, my nose has cleared up, my face has cleared up, and my room doesn't smell. I did eat some chicken tikka today with white basmati rice (that was the first eating out ive had since 3 days starting the diet). I noticed that the smell came back after eating it.

Do you think it could affect me that instantly? For me it seemed to be the culprit, cause everything was fine before. I will continue to go on an all home prepared diet. I will keep you updated. I will start a new thread simply about the diet, and a log for us all.
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Post by halitosisux »

ElGrizzle how can a problem which supposedly takes weeks/months/years/forever to eradicate "heal" or to just bring under control have such immediate effects on your breath? I dont just mean the immediate change from going back on to bad food, but the quick, almost total improvement to your breath, your PND and so forth, so soon after starting the good food?

If I understand correctly, you are proposing that due to a sub-optimal immune system or immune system dysfunction of some kind, that this is responsible for candida overgrowth in your gut, the very presense of which is directly responsible for causing your bad breath? And, that it take a long time to deal with such a yeast overgrowth, but yet your breath changes almost immediately with what you eat? If the two are directly linked as you say they are, how can this be?

I'm sorry that you consider my questioning to be belligerence, but this is one big grey area to me, and you did ask for opinions and questions at the start of this thread, so I'm sorry that they werent of the type you wished to hear.
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Post by halitosisux »

btw I'm not questioning your results, I'm merely questioning how they are happening, PURELY because I believe it might be happening for other reasons.. and if nobody questions anything then nothing is ever going change.

With the knowledge you have on this subject, if candida really is the reason for your bad breath you'd be cured already, its as simple as that.
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Post by Taphisco »

halitosisux wrote:Yes, AIDS patients are predisposed to candida/fungal infections that generally affect the nasopharynx and down into the esophagus, which of course is going to directly cause some odour, whether its for primary reasons or secondary. But this isnt what we're saying here at all. Its the same with the diabetes, the reason why that causes BB is clearly understood and is a secondary effect relating to the primary autoimmune cause.

Maybe you are right, that there are things going on in the digestive tract for some people which leads to bad breath, whether it be candida or leaky gut, which relate directly to immune system system dysfunction in some way. But I hope you can also see my point too, that if your BB was solely due to a certain specific defect in your immune system, then through tests you'd be able to identify precisely which aspect of your immune system was responsible. And then you'd be able to correlate that information with others who have the same defect (and BB of course). And you'd be able to come on here and say I've identified exactly what is wrong with my immune system and just about everyone else who has this has BB too. And you'd go away for as long as it takes and prove you can compensate for this defect with your diet and when you are cured you could come on here and say THIS is what I did.

But instead its all the usual ambiguous far out statements like getting your immune system "tip top" and "incredible anticandida properties" when most people on here already eat healthily and have immune systems as good as they're ever going to be (or have tried to achieve similar in the past) and already on diets which generally promote healthy intestinal flora anyway.

BTW.. as has been pointed out in other threads recently, metronidazole is used to help reduce the symptoms of those with TMAU by "dampening" the bacterial flora in the gut so that it produces less trimethylamine. Probiotics are also used to try to "manipulate" the microbial populations to those more favourable in terms of TMA production. Infact there's a lot of details on research into this approach as a potential cure for TMAU. ElGrizzle have you ever investigated/considered TMAU as your cause?

If they key is persistence.. you would be cured elliott, dont kid yourself. If someone truly believes in what they are doing they'd go to the ends of the earth to prove themselves right through their persistence, as people like archimonde and jimi have done with what they believed in at the time.
" Selective immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency is a relatively mild genetic immunodeficiency. People with this deficiency lack immunoglobulin A (IgA), a type of antibody that protects against infections of the mucous membranes lining the mouth, airways, and digestive tract. It is defined as an undetectable serum IgA level in the presence of normal serum levels of IgG and IgM. It is the most common of the primary antibody deficiencies."
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Post by halitosisux »

why me?
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On road to recovery...I hope!

Post by why me? »

Hello ElGrizzle,
Thanks for the advice. I'm trying to think of ways to put together meals that won't be so time consuming, but something my kids will eat also. We love salads and as far as fruit and veggies are concernced, I always buy what's on sale. As for meats, good seafood, and poultry are kind of expensive. I also buy when things are on sale. I've been doing a lot of research online and understand I can't rely on what's out there (yeastrol, Goldenseal, Candigone cleansing, and other "supplements") to do the job 100% w/out me doing my part. I have to quit feeding the fungus growth. I won't drink alcohol, eat diary, eat processed foods, try and retain from sugars of all kinds (breads, pastas, flour foods, sweets, high-frutcose fruits) and not eat out as much. Going to try it for a month. I did find Ezekeal (think that's how you spell it) bread. It doesn't have enriched/bleached flour, gluten free, ect. It's more expensive per loaf, but it does the job when not eating any type of breads. Of course you eat in moderation. I've found other alternatives to sugar intake if I do get those cravings. One site suggested I use Chromium or Licorice Formula to curve sugar cravings. These sights did not guarantee a cure overnight, but realisitcally stated it could take up to 6 months or more to completely rid of Candida. I have tried everything you can think of from dental resolutions, to ENT resolutions to finally getting some comfort from my GP saying he was aware of the symptoms of Candida and I have scheduled an appt. for next Friday to see what he suggests and discuss symptoms. In the interim, I'm going to try a Candida flush along with another supplement containing goldenseal, oregano oil and other ingredients included in it. So now I will include Candida resolution in my efforts to cure bb...hope this is it. I won't settle for bs answers to my questions I've rec'd from my dentist, hygenist and two ENT doctors.
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Halitosissux. The BB, is not completely gone yet. I have just noticed improvements from the diet. The mouth bb is gone, yet the sinus odor is still there, especially when I am hungry. Also after a tea tree oil treatment I can smell a moldy smell of where I was. I am guessing this the type of odor is what I exude when I am sleeping or standing somewhere. But I don't always get reactions, its always different. This is why it is so hard to figure out. Im sorry I said all those things, I was stressed out. The stress seems to proliferate the odor. Its real strange.

This is why I believe the diet will take time. A lot of time. Not only that, but figuring out the right foods.

whyme? Thats good, sounds like you are making progress. Its possible too that it might get worse before it gets better (die off), so don't give up. It will be interesting to hear what your Doctor has to say.
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Post by Archimonde »

ElGrizzle wrote:Halitosissux. The BB, is not completely gone yet. I have just noticed improvements from the diet. The mouth bb is gone, yet the sinus odor is still there
Elgrizzle, are you refering to 'nose farts' that you can smell yourself? That's the #1 reason i got off raw food, i still got sinus odor after 5 months.... i don't think it was ever going to go away.

As far as i'm concerned, mouth BB is easy to cure, a clean diet will do the trick (no grain), but i still get a ****ing odor from the throat/sinus that is nasty despite my mouth feeling 100% fresh. Well, sounds like you and i have the same problem. I guarantee you, even a 100% raw food diet with no cheating at all for months will not help you with that problem. However, i did not take antifungals, because they make the nasal odor problem even worse!
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Archi you are right! So if we can get rid of the nasal odour, we already know how to have the freshest mouths, we will be pimps, hahaha!

Besides the nasal farts, are you ever able to smell the specific smell of your sinus. I can when I do the flip turn rinse...
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