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I just want a chance at an abnormal life...

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Post by Busted »

Jimi wrote:we are all antisocial not because we would like to be but because the envirinment has spit us out

i mean nobody never begins a conversation with me because of bb

i am banned from society also when i go out people become angry because my breath smells
Yea Jim and I hope you're not blaming yourself for this and neither the other people. Halitosis is the problem. I'm pretty sure if I see those reactions on other people's faces, it must really be unbearable for them, unless that person has limited smelling abilities. With ubearable I mean they have to hold their breath for a sec. or at least touch their nose for a sec. Just imagine yourdelf in their position. Of course there are assholes out there who make fun of you, I think they should be the ones suffering from this problem.

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Post by succ »

I can't talk for anyone else, but I for one, am not satisfied in pretending that there is no problem. Perhaps I am a poor soul and stuck-up in some way, but I want to be better than an average person. I'm only 18, but I've thought a lot of what I want to become and my life in the future. I know I sound like a fool, but in order to be who I am, I must stay this way, stay unsocial and face the problem. I can not hide from it, I can not forget it.
I'm from a poor family and there hasn't been very much of what I've gotten, at least compared to most of my former friends. But I've always gotten that what I've needed and wanted ( I'm a simple person but forced to become materialized because of BB and BO). Some day, if I can manage, a cure will be found and perhaps I get the only thing that I miss.. a girlfriend. I've longed for someone special, special just for me for so long.. but it's a luxury I can't afford, not before I'm clear from this all. I think I'm little more handsome than an average guy, and I've actually had 4-5 girls fall in love with me, even with my BB and BO. But I can't face them being like this. Although there's an equal chance that things wouldn't work and the girl would leave me, there's also an equal chance that she'd accept me. Unfortunately for me, I don't want to feel their pity. I don't want them to suffer from this disease too, how embarrassing it would be to meet their family, how could I kiss her and sleep by her side.. I don't think I'm good enough for that. It's just that I want to be able to choose anyone I like, and not being chosen by someone and considering me as a leftover.

That all being said, problems can't be denied and should be faced with courage. We don't need to prove anything to anybody, but we should all live according to our own beliefs. I can't ignore my BB because I don't want to. To put it simply, I want to be upper middle-class in life and although it may sound stupid to someone who can't see my idealism, BB and BO is just not appropriate to have.

I'm not stuck-up and I really don't want you to think that way either. I just think there's nothing wrong wanting to get a good life for me and my future kids and wife. Some day I want to become a good boyfriend for my little special one, and as much as I would like it to happen now, it won't. Maybe some day ;)

My smelly 50 cents :roll:

* This got a lot longer than I thought and seems to be quite self-centered. And I got off-topic. But I want to stress that these are all my opinions and idealisms. Everyone has their own and if you can pretend that there's not problem, go ahead.
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taken on a life of it's own....

Post by LJ »

Well, this thread has turned into something unexpected; good in many ways though. I would just like to tell you my story from yesterday and that's all. (I will add to this post that no people were meant to be harmed, insulted or considered wrong in their thinking because of my post).
I went to a meeting yesterday; there were quite a few people there that know me; it was a community meeting.
I had to meet someone who happens to be a friend; and this had to be done the day b4 the period starts (yes the menstrual style breath that is like a teacher swatting you with a ruler; it truly hurts). But again, this is my job; and I like my job.
So, off I go with some breath from hell; and an attitude to match. (I must say there were murmurings in my head that I should stay home from this thing; I am just to smelly to cover it up; but again, it's my job, what I love to do.)
There were certain issues that had to be covered; and things that had to be brought out in the light of day so the public could make a factual decision.
Anyway, a few people didn't want me to uncover certain things. One tried to yell me down even. I yelled back; and even took him aside.
I took him aside (all right I cornered him) and I asked him why he was doing what he was doing; he tried to cover it up; I said bullshit, this is what you were dooing; (Now mind you at this point I'm less than 2 feet away powerbreathing on him; adrenaline pumping) I gave him the whole story; he had a difficult time accepting it; but eventually did.
Now I can't tell you how the bad breath played a role in that confrontation; but I think it had it's power over him.
Then at break; lunch was served; uh oh. I ate what didn't contain sugar or anything bad; then thought what the hell is the difference; it's bad no matter what I eat. So, I finally ate a few things.
Now breath is bad. But I have my brush picks; I pull it out of my pocket, clear my teeth and get back to business.
I spoke quite freely and at times up close. Some handled and some didn't. Some hate me; some like me; some respect me; and others just think I'm too funny.
However, nobody said you stink.
They did move back to make themselves comfortable; those who needed to. And others that didn't really like me made some gestures; but hey, I'm not thrilled with them either. They may not have odor, but their ****ing personality and outlook stink. So, ***k them.
Anyway, after leaving this meeting; I realized even with all my hesitation prior to going; that I had made it and done a reasonable job considering the circumstances.
Truth be told 10 years ago I would not have shown up; I would not have had the courage to go face to face with the worst breath of the month. I dig that I can now.
I like that I have set the leash a little longer; given it more play.
It's been an evolution of fear over the years. It had it's ups and downs. And still does and will always until I find a way to make things better.
But I am better is what is weird. Yes, I ****ing reek okay; and most of you wouldn't consider that better; but what is better is what is inside me.
Truth or dare?
Truth I tried to kill myself at least 3 times because of bb. I thought I was not worthy to be in the world because I only smelll it up.
Truth: I took antidepressants to keep me from offing myself.
Truth; I was so embarrassed and down troddent that I thought I would never make it to my current age (really I hoped not; I didn't want to suffer)
Truth; I made it; and I am glad I did. There are things I want to do in this life; to make the world a little better before I head out on my next journey.
And, friends of the same condition; I just ****ing want to have FUN. Serious energy just drags on me; we can find something shitty to talk about anytime anywhere.
It's those clowns who make us laugh; it's the three stooges of halitosis; it's Chris Rock; it's comedians that keep things going.
And I believe that we will find a way to make our condition more livable; I have hope; I think if nothing else it will be a way to mask the odor at first; or it could be just a few hours of help from a viable treatment. Who knows. But it will be here.
I've been watching and working on this for almost 30 years; and now I believe more than ever that I will find what I need to make things better.
(and if people at that meeting were disgusted with my breath; and some chose to mention it or judge me by it; I say ***k you, I'm coming back to the next meeting too; and the next...) Take care. Laura
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Re: two things...

Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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good lord you're on a rage

Post by LJ »

I feel honored that you have taken the time to read my many entries into these threads; and have come to me with your wise (ass) counsel.
Listen man, do what you need to do here; attack me for anything and everything you have and can. Hammer at me; taunt me; deride me; vent this venom out of your system.
Really, do this; cover the whole site in your anger; kind of like a tagger.
And when you're done let's get back down to business; Finding a way out of this condition.
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Post by Busted »

Lots of people visiting ths site to find a cure, but instead they find members arguing.

Guess the internet is really a place for hating. :?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

thanatos wrote:
Jimi wrote:we are all antisocial not because we would like to be but because the envirinment has spit us out

i mean nobody never begins a conversation with me because of bb

i am banned from society also when i go out people become angry because my breath smells
What do you say to someone who might tell you that your problem isn't bad breath and people never begin a conversation with you because they don't like you personally. Or that you're not anti social because of your halitosis and that you're only blaming halitosis for you allowing yourself to become antisocial. Or that you ban yourself from society because you are neurotic, not because of your halitosis?
are you serious' Hope you are joking man
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two words and then twist

Post by LJ »

C'mon everybody, let's do the twist...let's take the words and that our brains have missed; c'mon everybody do the twist...
Okay, started with a song; now to business. Busted and Thanatos; just to clarify; I did not say you were to "blame" for your condition. (Please quote me if you can find that exact word; not a rephrase; but the exact phrase where I said we are to blame for our own conditions)
Okay, so you found it. Oh, you didn't; well maybe that's how you interpretted it then.
Here it is again; we are responsible for our own condition.
That is a power word; responsibility means we have some control. Not much; but some. At least in the way that we percieve ourselves and our odor.
That responsibility does extend to doing the correct things to help your condition; which could be frequent teeth cleaning; antianxiety medication; developing a repore with your doctors and dentists. Whatever, it's just taking back your life.
Not blaming yourselves; how did you two twist things like that.
Second word that has fried the brains of some here is acceptance.
I will never accept this; I will fight; I will die. Hmmm. Okay. well you do what you want in that regard.
But what I meant is that we accept ourselves; our condition; our pain; our isolation; our everything; we accpet it; baby it's ours.
What good does that do; well it makes us realize we have a lot of work to do; like finding a cure for the one we love which should be ourselves. But without acceptance we have a difficult time loving ourselves.
Now put down your pain and misunderstanding and start writing letters; bickering is funny but wasting our time. And from what I understand everyone here is in a hurry to find a cure, right or are we just here to talk?
There are pharmaceutical companies to write to; patent ideas that have been put forth; governement get to'll feel different about all this when you don't smell like my dog's ass. Laura
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Post by jess »

People it's time to move on here. For days and even weeks all that some of you have been doing here is arguing for no good reason. All these nasty posts that you've posted are no use to anyone here. All they do is hurt the reputation of this site an put everyone else in a bad mood. So for the sake of everyone else, stop doing that. Wouldn't it be much better if you'd directed your energy writing to people who can help us?

And I personally think that Jimi should delete all these posts that are meant just for arguing and fighting.
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Post by oceanside »

jess wrote:People it's time to move on here. For days and even weeks all that some of you have been doing here is arguing for no good reason. All these nasty posts that you've posted are no use to anyone here. All they do is hurt the reputation of this site an put everyone else in a bad mood. So for the sake of everyone else, stop doing that. Wouldn't it be much better if you'd directed your energy writing to people who can help us?

And I personally think that Jimi should delete all these posts that are meant just for arguing and fighting.

Your point is taken and validated. The fight isn't agianst each others. it's the demoralization of our affliction. Channel this frustration toward the NIH, becuase your tax money is used to support illnesses, whom millions has benefited from. The only discriminated group without representation is US! Think about it. How many years have you suffered? Now do something that will amount to change. Complaint to the government with your letter and don't stop complaining until your fully satisfied; that's a 100% validated cure, clinically accepted by science and medicine.


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Post by oceanside »


You may vent, but Laura was only trying to encourage you, motivate you, and help you cross over to a place where we all need to be; that's acceptance. There's nothing in the world we can do to change our fate, but we can make our anguish known. Think about what O'lenfia has done. She put herself out there for the world to examined her, judge her, and even deep inside their hearts, admitting to themselves they are glad they are NOT walking in her miserable shoes. You are, I am, and so are the rest of us. Therefore, we need to take a different course of action, and that is demanding that a cure from the government!

This cause needs contributors, leaders, and those whom refused to be defeated by our lots/circumstances. I fully undertand your plight, my friend, now as Jess said, let's move on and "kick" A.. agaisnt those who can change our lives for the better.

No more hurtful comments or I will shut down this thread. Think about it! Thanotas, you are too valuable to be ignored. Put your energy and frustrations into fighting for a cure.

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