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in the last 2 day i noticied 3 freinds with BB

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in the last 2 day i noticied 3 freinds with BB

Post by toto »

i spoke with them in diffrent time each other.
the one in the gym was a smell like he didnt brush his teeth for week or more.
the second come into my car and when he speak i couldt breath,it was a shit breath but worse then i have..
and the third was a freind how smoke marihuhana but it was smell like didnt brush too.

so,maybe there is so many people with very bad smell,
it is all question of awareness and the level that the smell up to.

today after i smell my friend in the car(and his wife was with us) i sure that a lot of pepole have it and it is not so bad as much as is under some control.

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Post by mike987 »

But do they have it every day? Every waking moment?
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Post by clara0 »

But I brush my teeth, I do not smoke and I eat a very healthy diet and wash my mouth every time I find a water tap during a is not fair to smell like shit when we have a date or on an interview........:(
Though I know what you mean, I just dont want to be judged like dirty careless people when I am not actually one of them.
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Post by dick.karma »

are you sure it's their bb? what usually happens is that your breath mixes with their's and you tend to smell your own breath
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Post by toto »


one of them,who is my best freind,fill all my car with his was rain and i open the window during the drive every 5 min.
my BB is not for lond distance,but it is smell like a shit in close
(when i brush with soda my BB reduce for some hours and it is good)
regrandig that freind,other freind of us tell him 2 times about his BB and ask him if he dont eating too much time cuz he have bb.
his smell his like a smell of ethnic food and it is teriballe beleive me.

other freind in the gym had a strong bb too,i can smell it from 30-50 cm,and i cant breath it.he have more bb then i have,but my problem is more in the small distance.

in every club when i speak with girls they speak with there hand on the mouth-and it is not just with me,everyone speak in that way when there is high volume music.

i think that this place could be with full of people if they have our sensetive.

there is 3 type of suffers among us.
1.a regular bb,avarge intense and smell-but constant of the smell.i dont talking about constant in time,i mean constant of the type of the smell-it can freak us out.thats my type.i cant smell this cuurent bactrias anymore,even if someone else can recodnize it as a regular breath.

2.constant bb in that doesnt stop even for hour.

3.the third type is mix of people like no bb at all,like smell chaneing that isnt smell bad,people with no relationship for too much times that can not acctep that everyone has some breath all the time-and they want to be perfect and free of breath-it is not natural.bacteira exsit in all of us.

maybe somone here can share his experinace with sleeping with someone the whole night,the morning expereince,the kissing process and etc..
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Post by lost1234 »

I have bad breath for over 1 year now, i've came in contact with well over 10 people who I believe have chronic bad breath. Including a close friend. I believe they have the same odor as me when I get whiffs of myself. During a meetup with someone from here recently, we both couldn't smell each other. But I do believe chronic bad breath is more common then people think
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Post by mike987 »

It really could have just been you. I notice people with BB often too, and I'll think... "that's strange!" ... but most of the time it's probably just me.

It's not ALWAYS your own smell that's tossed back in your face... If it's mixed with their own breath, you may detect it differently.. I teach kids.. what's more probable... 3 and 4 year old kids with bad breath, or it's just me?
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Post by Music Lady »

This very same thing has happen to me on occasion. I think what happens most times is because of the aneorobic bacteria or the vsc's, when you come in contact with someone who has this the smell from your own mouth is compounded.

I worked at a place once where there was a guy who this would happen to everytime I came in contact with him. One day I asked a close friend whether his breath smells, and she said no. His breath never smells. I think the aneorobic bacteria or vsc's doesn't always produce an odor for some people.

In people like us it does. We don't know why but it does. That guy never got any reactions or anything like that. And I swore for a while up and down his breath smelled.

According to people it did not. Mines did.
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Post by lost1234 »

Well im about 99% sure it was them, and not me. Now like ive stated many times b4, I get alot of nose rubs around me. But when I notice someone has bb, I watch how other ppl around them react. I was at a casino at a table. This guy had horrible bb. It didnt smell like mine or any other person who has bb I smelt b4. I looked at his mouth and oh my!! Some of the worst looking teeth I ever seen. So his was def due to poor oral hygiene, gingivitus, or whatever. but it was def a different kind of smell. Now im watching him talk in everybodies face and not one nose rub. He leaves the table and first thing somebody says is man that guys f*ckin breath stinks. So MY conclusion on all this is.. poor oral hygiene has a total different smell then us that have unknown underlying causes of our bb. So brushing 5 times a day isn't gonna do sh*t for us. And second, the part im trying to get myself to believe, is nose rubs are not reliable reactions as far as if are breath smells. Now I think there us a slight chance I have Imaginary bb. The things that stop me from believing this is the "nose rubs" all the time and the whiffs I believe I get from myself that smell exactly like every person ive encountered with chronic bb..
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Post by jen »

lost1234 wrote:He leaves the table and first thing somebody says is man that guys f*ckin breath stinks. .
So funny how people just LOVE stating the obvious... :)
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Post by coconuthead »

There's this girl in my class who sits by me who has BB as well. Some days it's really bad and other days you can only smell it when she sighs or talks really close in your face, but it pretty much always stink. It smells like mothballs which makes me think something is going on in her sinuses or she has a decaying tooth. Sometimes, I wonder if that's what my breath smells like, but I'll never know unless I ask someone.
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Post by toto »

for all whose say that we smell ourself and it is no real BB -it is reduculas.we sniff it with close mouth.and we can fell the difrensce between the odours.

OFF topic.

in the last days i reduced my own view on my own bb to the stiuation that i can speak with peole but cant go to intimate posions with women.
what can i do?i lost my confidence totally
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Post by mike987 »

toto wrote:for all whose say that we smell ourself and it is no real BB -it is reduculas.we sniff it with close mouth.and we can fell the difrensce between the odours.

Sometimes I do smell it with mouth closed... And when being able to tell the difference between the odors makes sense because it's the backdraft of your scent but mixed with some other gases from another person...
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