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chngN2012's story and blog: new diet and never looking back

Tell us your story with bad breath
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chngN2012's story and blog: new diet and never looking back

Post by chngN2012 »

Hello to all my BB bros and sisters.....

Long-time lurker and BB sufferer. I'm starting this post to mark the date and as a reminder and a blog at the start of my new diet.

I hope this will be more than a new diet but a change in life that will make my BB more manageable and have less of an impact on my life.

As a brief summary, I will cut all dairy and meats from my diet. I will consume raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, beans, and rice. I'll be taking no supplements at first. I'm undecided on coffee and tea consumption at this time.

In this blog, I will be reporting what works for me and what does not in my attempt to reduce my BB.

Best of luck to all of you and I hope you will follow my blog.

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Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:27 pm

Post by chngN2012 »

day 1: Off to a good start.

Noticeable improvement in BB this morning. I started off the morning with no coffee or tea. 1 apple for breakfast. Very little of the usual stomach pain as my stomach was emptying out later on in the day.

I'm eating carrots and celery right now as an early lunch/ late breakfast. I plan to eat chickpea salad for dinner followed up with some fruit. Not sure what I'll eat between now and then.

I'm impressed with the results so far. I'm planning a day trip to the shore later on this week and it's going to be hard to pass on all the wonderful food in addition to making sure I have adequate food for the day to sustain myself. I'll most likely be packing rice and vegetables along with other stuff and pack it into the cooler.
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Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:27 pm

Post by chngN2012 »

day 2: a bit of BB.

Started off the morning with just an apple again. Later on in the morning at work, my BB returned after a good amount of the usual stomach pain. I chewed gum and it cleared up my BB for the rest of the morning.

My tongue is heavily coated right now and I think because my body is going in detox mode with the all the fresh fruits and vegies I've been eating.

I'm looking forward to finishing up that chickpea salad as my appetite is strong right now.

I'm hoping tomorrow my BB will be better as well as no/less stomach pain.
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Post by Phantasist »

You mentioned stomach pain several times. If you have a problem in your stomach or intestines, this could be the cause of your bad breath. This should be your area of investigation.
Food itself cannot cure bad breath. However, if you do have digestive issues, the proper diet can help. Keep in mind it's not just what you eat, but also how it is cooked. In general, I would say, stay away from foods that irritate the stomach or intestinal lining. Probiotics can also help.
By the way, apples are not the best thing when you have stomach pain. If the pain is actually in the stomach (and not in the abdomen) you might have some small ulcerations in the stomach wall. That can sometimes be cured by drinking regular Coke in between meals on an empty stomach. (The Coke syrup has a healing effect)
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Post by HigherThoughts »

I look forward to seeing your results. Keep up the good work with the blog! Yea like Phantasist says maybe you should get the stomach pains checked out.
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