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Wisdom teeth stories

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Wisdom teeth stories

Post by halitosisux »

** EDIT ** this post was originally a reply in another thread about cured members. I decided to split it away because the discussion became focused on wisdom teeth and my initial reply ** EDIT **

My story is stupid beyond belief, but I'll detail it and hope in some way it may help further the whole understanding for anyone who cares to read it.

(1) Type-1 BB only. Very strong tongue odour and fecal taste in the mouth. Mouth felt like it was rotting flesh, it felt hot and like I was eating SHIT. This would abate temporarily while eating foods or drinking spirits. Tonsils (while they were still present) produced discharge and stones. PND from allergic rhinitis and deviated nasal septum. Asthma. Unexplained stomach ulcer symptoms, probably caused by stress and smoking - H.Pylori negative. Endoscopy revealed no issues. Tonsillectomy - only stopped production of stones and some of the skanky feeling in throat.

(2) Eventual self-discovery of foul discharge from the gum surrounding an impacted wisdom tooth.

(3) Removal of the tooth resulted in 90% reduction of overall tongue odour. Bad breath confirmed by trusted person before removal. The same person confirmed there was no more bad breath after the extraction. Still suffer from intense fear and a degree of halitophobia, based on my mind being unable to stop focusing on whatever feeling and taste is in my mouth. Currenly trying things out, with zinc etc, just to see what's possible with tongue coatings etc and prevention of the small amounts of odour I sometimes experience at the back of my tongue - probably due to PND. I think I need a brain transplant.
Last edited by halitosisux on Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sadmum »

halitosisux wrote: (2) Eventual self-discovery of foul discharge from the gum surrounding an impacted wisdom tooth.

(3) Removal of the tooth resulted in 90% reduction of overall tongue odour.
halitosisux, I only discovered this exact issue just last week when i wanted to check whether my tongue had a bad smell as I always have this thick white coating no matter how much i brush or rinse, so anyway while testing it i decided to run my index finger on my half impacted wisdom tooth on the lower right side and i couldn't believe how disgusting it smelt, just like the bb that comes out of my mouth and i always seem to get a foul tatse that emanates from it especially when i'm chewing gum or sucking on something, i guess that's what makes the discharge/puss comes out! So what i did was prepare a solution of sea salt mixed with bicarb soda and 50% hp and water and took a portion of it and placed it directly on top of the impacted tooth, I then left it there for a few minutes, after that i rinsed my mouth with the same solution and went to bed. I could tell immediately that the smell was reduced drastically. It's been nearly a week now and the bb is still at a reduced level compared to how it was.

Although a week ago I had also began the detox/cleanse diet which did improve the bb for only a few days but then had no effect as the bb returned to its sever state. I now believe that my bb is definitely caused by my impacted wisdom tooth as the odour surrounding the gum flap that covers it smells of the bb. What shocks me though is 2 weeks ago i went to a dentist and told him about my bb issues, i explained to him my history and how all other specialists, ENTs, Gastros, etc had said I was completely healthy and all believed the cause to be my mouth. He checked everything and even took an xray and after giving me a thorough clean declared that i had a healthy mouth and if i continue to have issues i should just chew gum and rinse and floss to mask the bb (what an idiot, right?) So now I’m seriously considering having my wisdom tooth extracted but what I’m concerned about is what if i get it out and then the bacteria on it colonises itself in another area inside my mouth? (as AydinMurat mentioned in one of his posts!...I believe that's possible because when i was 16, i had my tonsils taken out believing they were the cause of my bb and after taking them out i was 100% bb free for a couple of weeks thinking i was cured but then for no apparent reason the bb returned and has stuck around till now- which probably means that the bacteria was thriving on the tonsils and after their removal the bacteria relocated and stationed itself around the impacted wisdom tooth gum area, but I’m not sure if it was impacted when i was 16!!! I'm so confused and lost!

But I still believe there is a connection.

I need advice on what to do regarding my wisdom tooth. Should I have all four taken out or only the bottom two or only the one that's infected and has the puss and awful odour?

Would love to get everyone’s advice and opinion on this.

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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

@halitosisux, maybe you should get a deep cleaning. I believe that your gums may contain small amounts of bacteria. Although not as severe as your wisdoms, but it can still cause the same smell, sulfur like odour.
Bad breath is caused by the excretion of the anaerobic bacteria that live within your mouth. These anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that do not need oxygen to survive) excrete sulfur compounds. These sulfur compounds ignite the bad-breath brushfire. The rotten egg smell (hydrogen sulfide) and the barnyard smell (methyl mercaptan) are known as VSCs – volatile sulfur compounds.

@sadmum, I recently took out 4 wisdoms and my breath has indeed improved a lot. If you smell a stink it means that the area is already infected, and will continue to worsen your bb if you don't remove it.

I mean you already removed your tonsils, which is the first line of defence against invasion. Wisdoms do nothing for you, it only harbours bacteria.

The only thing left to do is to take care of your body and eat properly to prevent future bacterial overgrowth.
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Post by sadmum »

Born To Suffer thanks for that, I seriously believe that extracting the infected wisdom tooth will either cure my bb issue or at least improve it. I feel that there's food that's getting trapped and rotting under the gum flap which is covering the crown of the tooth.

But what puzzles me is why didn't my dentist say anything about it! When he was examining my mouth he asked me where i thought the bad odour was emanating from mostly, and i immediately told him it was the lower right where my partially impacted wisdom tooth was and he nodded in agreement meaning he could see that it could possibly be the reason causing the bb but then at the end of the session he just said that i had a healthy mouth and suggested various mouthwashes to use. As if not believing that i really do suffer from halitosis!!

He told me to come back and see him in a months time if the problem persists. So i might go back and ask him to pull it out! But should I get both lower wisdom teeth taken out at the same time? or just the infected one?
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Post by Frantix »

[But should I get both lower wisdom teeth taken out at the same time? or just the infected one?]

More than 10 years ago, when my problem started, I decided to take out my wisdom teeth in the hope that it will solve my problem. Teeth were fine and fully erupted. The dentist started with upper and lower wisdom tooth on the left side. It did !no! improvement at all! I was sure my problem could not be wisdom teeth related and I didn´t went further with the right side. After following (partially crazy) theories for causes of BB for years, I recently decided to take focus on the last two wisdom teeth on the left side again, even though dentists never ever mentioned any problem with them. After I changed my dentist again and asked a new one to have a look on my WT for the !second! time (the first time he dind´t mentioned anything), he mentioned a "very little" periodontal pocket on the upper WT and some "rills" on the tooth. Nothing very unusual, but I requested him to take them out.
This was one of the strongest improvements to my BB! Soure taste is reduced dramatically! I still have to deal with the wholes from extraction, which are bacterial nests, so I have to wait till they healed completely to give a closing statement. Probably I won´t be healed completely and the war continues....but at least in a much more remedied degree!

I wished the dentist would have had a closer look on my teeth and would had started with the right side ten years would have spared myself a lot of suffering.

Maybe my experiences can help you for your decision. I would start with the infected one and see what´s happening. Maybe there´s no more need to pull out a "healthy tooth".

[Still suffer from intense fear and a degree of halitophobia, based on my mind being unable to stop focusing on whatever feeling and taste is in my mouth.]

I´m so frightend to get into the same situation one day. If you ever went through this shit, you mabe never ever get secure again in your life. I think bad tastes and smells are normal in some degree. For example my sister recently complained about her ugly taste in her mouth 30 minutes after having a meal at a greek restaurant. She was speaking to me the whole time and there was absolutely no smell detectable (like always).
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Post by sadmum »

Frantix wrote: Maybe my experiences can help you for your decision. I would start with the infected one and see what´s happening. Maybe there´s no more need to pull out a "healthy tooth".
Thank you so much for your advice Frantix, I really appreciate it and I think I'll do exactly that for now, which is have the infected wisdom tooth taken out first and see how i go with the other one as it seems ok for now, not infected and not causing any odour either.

Can I just ask, how long ago did you have your recent one pulled out? and when did you notice the improvement in bb and taste?

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Born To Suffer
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Post by Born To Suffer »

I wanna be cured...
Last edited by Born To Suffer on Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi sadmum,
Your situation sounds quite similar to mine. Have you tried irrigating any gum pockets or flaps with a waterpik? I wish I'd bought one years ago, they really are superb for cleaning between teeth and under the gumline.

Ordinary string flossing is like comparing toilet paper to a bidet (those things for washing yourself after you've been to the loo).

When I first discovered my gum discharge, simply running my tongue around it constantly, helped to clean it and it improved my breath significantly enough to feel very encouraged by what I'd found.

I don't know what a detox/cleanse diet is, except for the fact it may help reduce any bacterial activity in your mouth because you aren't eating the types of foods that generally make your breath worse. "Detoxing" is also likely to increase your general levels of hydration, which also help with BB. If you have digestive causes that are responsible for your BB, then "detoxing" is likely to help because it will help improve your digestion. The rest of it is pure psuedo science.

Believe me, your story to do with your dentist does not surprise me at all. I went though a VERY SIMILAR experience to you. Dentists who were supposed to be looking for any possible cause to my BB didn't even mention my wisdom teeth might be behind some of it all. I was very stupid not to realise that my clearly impacted teeth might be causing problems. It's like you said, when you tongue is stinky and it feels like the odour is originating in your throat, you just don't imagine how it can have anything to do with your teeth. But wow, how blind was that.

I think dentists just assume that far worse situations are what it takes to cause bad breath, because these are the things they come across. Things like diseased gum or rotten teeth etc. So their minds are conditioned to dismiss minor situations as potential causes of BB.

If your situation with your wisdom tooth IS the cause of your BB then you have nothing to worry about with bacteria. If you have other abnormal situations then of course they'll go on allowing excessive stench production, but if you happen to deal with them all and bring things back to "normal" then the situation with your bacteria (and odour) will also return back to "normal" (generally speaking). You might have been given antibiotics when you had your tonsillectomy. That may be why your breath improved initially, but then returned after the antibiotics were stopped. Unfortunately, JUST LIKE IN MY CASE after I also had my tonsils removed, you had another underlying issue waiting to be resolved.

The only way you're going to find out is by removing these impacted teeth. There's no certain way of knowing beforehand. You have nothing to lose really, except for two teeth that due to the fact they're impacted, are probably not required, and may as well be removed, as they're likely to cause you problems.

My advice to you is, any teeth and surrounding gum that are clearly producing a discharge, get those removed (or dealt with if possible by gum-flap removal) and irrigation. And then go from there.
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Post by halitosisux »

Born to suffer, thanks for the deep cleaning advice. I've never had a deep cleaning so it's something I might enquire about. My dentist says my gums are all healthy and I don't have any reason at the moment to doubt that. I'm using a waterpik daily. There's no sign of any deep pockets or tartar buildup or odourous discharges from my gums.
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Post by halitosisux »

@sadmum, how old are u now?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

halitosisux congrats, why you did not take out the wisdoms before, you knew they could be potential cause?

but congrats on your sucess
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Post by Frantix »

sadmum wrote:Can I just ask, how long ago did you have your recent one pulled out? and when did you notice the improvement in bb and taste?

They´ve been pulled out 4 1/2 weeks ago. I hope I don´t scare you too much now with telling you what I experienced til now... ;)

The first day was really fine and I felt a big improvement emidiately. I just had a lot of bloody taste in my mouth. From second day on I developed an awesome ugly breath. Way stronger than I had before extraction. Really strong cheesy smell and some dead fishy note too. Really really annoying room filling smell like in my worst times of BB years before. I think the bloody wounds and the stichtes fed a lot bacteria. Smell came from mouth, tongue, and throat...not only from the wounds. Even my front tip of the tongue was smelling strong again, which it didn´t before removal. Because of the wounds I couldn´t really clean these areas. Fourtunately I was on holiday that time and didn´t have to make conversations. Besides that ugly smell, I registrated at these days that the usual sour taste on back of the tongue didn´t come through like before, but still all was dominated by the new taste/smell. After one week the dentist pulled out the stitches and now things were getting much better. Every day a little bit untill today.
I still have extraction-holes which feed bacteria I think, but I really made a big step forward! I still have some kind of sour taste directly after eating, but not as strong as before and mouth gets close to neutral by itself after 15 minutes or so. Even after eating sugar....Another thing that I experience is, that I can chew chewing gum again. Before the removal chewing gum would even worsen my BB after some minutes. I always had the impression that I somehow distributed bacteria around my mouth with chewing, and I seemed to be right.

To make this clear: BB isn´t gone yet! When I´m nervous and my mouth gets dry, the bad taste comes through again...but less than before extraction. As I said in another thread I have to wait till the holes are healed completely to make a final conclusion. Even if it´s not getting better then it is at the moment, I´m really happy about the improvements and my decision to pull them out.
All this showed me that the teeth/gums seem to be more responsible for BB than I expected. Obviously such small iritations/rills can have some huge effect on the oral flora. Even though there aren´t any clues left now, that there could be anything wrong with my gums and teeth, I will concentrate more on the dental-area from now on. There are still some possibillities and approaches I can pursue.
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Post by Frantix »

halitosisux wrote:thanks for the deep cleaning advice. I've never had a deep cleaning so it's something I might enquire about. My dentist says my gums are all healthy and I don't have any reason at the moment to doubt that. I'm using a waterpik daily. There's no sign of any deep pockets or tartar buildup or odourous discharges from my gums.
same with me but I will definitely try out a deep cleaning in future if I don´t get further than now.
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Post by halitosisux »

Jimi wrote:halitosisux congrats, why you did not take out the wisdoms before, you knew they could be potential cause?

but congrats on your sucess
Thanks Jimi.
Good question.

This is the wisdom tooth I had extracted in 2009 - I was just re-telling my story in another thread.

Prior to 2009 I had absolutely no idea my wisdom tooth was producing any odour or discharge. Just by pure change I rubbed my finger there one day and realised it made it stink. My eyes were always firmly focused on my tonsils and my tongue. I had no reason at all to suspect anything was wrong with my wisdom teeth that meant they could in any way be involved in causing my bad breath.

Ironically, my dentist told me back in 1992 that I'll eventually need to have my bottom wisdom teeth out, but I never got round to doing it because my priority was tring to solve my BB.

I still have one impacted wisdom tooth left. It's still fully under the gum. At the moment my circumstances mean I can't go into hospital to have this done. But I will do it eventually.
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Post by sadmum »

halitosisux wrote:Hi sadmum,
Your situation sounds quite similar to mine. Have you tried irrigating any gum pockets or flaps with a waterpik? I wish I'd bought one years ago, they really are superb for cleaning between teeth and under the gumline.
I actually did, I purchased one few months ago and I use it regularly but it did not have any effect or improvment on my bb, the only thing that is having a positive effect so far is constantly cleaning the area around my partially impacted wisdom tooth (which is where the bad odour is mostly coming from) I continue to put the sea salt mixture on it as well as using the netipot once a day. Last night I tired Oil pulling with Coconut oil, I managed to do it for 10 minutes, after spitting it out I didn’t feel there was much difference, but what I did notice this morning upon awakening and before brushing my teeth is that my tongue coating wasn’t as bad as it normally is, I’d say 5 instead of the 10 that it used to be. So I’ll continue to do oil pulling every night and see how that goes.

halitosisux wrote:My advice to you is, any teeth and surrounding gum that are clearly producing a discharge, get those removed (or dealt with if possible by gum-flap removal) and irrigation. And then go from there.
What is gum-flap removal?

halitosisux wrote:@sadmum, how old are u now?.
I’m 34 now and my bb started at probably 10 or 11 immediately after extracting one of my lower molars (I seriously believe it was the one on the right far side which is next to where the impacted WT is now) maybe there’s a connection there?!

@halitosisux Do you still have bb? Or are you 100% cured?

One more thing, while looking at the polls, I couldn't help but notice that the majority of bb sufferers on this forum are Blood Type: O !!! As I am!!Is there a connection here? What's your say guys?

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