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Green is the only answer ???

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Green is the only answer ???

Post by billie »

Hi everybody,

This is so depressing!!! The last few weeks i've tried everything to get rid of BB, and guess what-I still have BB :lol:
I tried rifaximine antibiotics and i did nothing. The only thing i noticed was that my feces stopped smelling so bad. My feces still don't smell that bad anymore.
I bought urea powder to get rid of my hairy tongue and it did not work.
I then bought salicylic acid and put it on my tongue Yesterday. The hairyness is kind of gone, but my tongue looks awful and white and i still have BB. This morning i ate ricecakes with cheese and ofcourse my tongue looks gross after eating it. Me being so depressed about it, I decited to make chickensoup and eat it with raw veggies (green beans). I didn't know what else to do. I tried everything to make my tongue look normal after the salicylic acid but nothing worked. I can't believe that my tongue now look alot better after eating those green beans. I mean I can scrape like crazy and it doesn't work, but i can eat grean beans and it kind of does work :? ?!? I have noticed this alot of times, but everytime I stop eating raw and go back searching for this magic pill.
I'm at home right now, but i'm suposed to be in school. School started 2 weeks ago, but i just could not do it so i called in sick.
I called the teacher and lied to him about being sick. I have a big problem now because i stopped working to go to school and life of my student grant. I can't go to school smelling like this so they are going to stop my student grant because i'm not present. Now i have to go and find a job again.

Anyway, what i really wanted to say is that greens out of everything that i have tried really is the anwer I guess :cry:
after taking rifaximine, I really believe that the problem lies just in the mouth. I think it's an oral bacterial imbalance. Raw works cause you just starve those bacteria in the mouth. I dunno I'm just trying to come up with something.
This is so depressing. I've tried going raw so many times, but i keep failing. Today was my first time eating raw again after a long time of just eating crap.

I will keep you guys updated about my tongue.

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Post by Archimonde »

Billie, i've come to the same conclusion about greens being the only thing that helps.

imo, ignore every posts about raw food or any other diet on this forum except the 2 posts by 'Bimms' in this thread: viewtopic.php?t=3394&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0

he says he's had fresh breath for over a year thanks to green smoothies. Everything he said, word for word, is true, i've tested it myself but you gotta be extremely disciplined for it to work.

His way is the right way to have fresh breath via dieting, not even 100% raw food diets are as effective as his green smoothie method. I've tried 100% raw and tried the green smoothie way, the latter is much better.
Last edited by Archimonde on Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:34 am, edited 4 times in total.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Archimonde »

Billie, i'm trying the Bimms' method again. If you're serious about it, we can exchange tips. I've PM'd him a while ago but he never replied, i think he left the forum for good a while ago so we're on our own.

It really does work 100%, i'm not making that statement lightly, i've truly tested it but keeping weight on is a huge problem. My weight drops to 125 lbs on that diet, way too low for a 5'9" male like me. I haven't been able to stay on that diet but maybe you or somebody else can. I've decided to try again.
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Post by billie »

Hey Archimonde,

Thank you for replying to my post.
I think that we can do this together you know.
I've never really seen people on this site trying raw diet together.
It's a good idea to exchance tips because that really makes a difference.
Today I ate soup again with green beans and I think I would not have done that if you didn't mention Bimm. I kinda feel inspired again. So many people eat raw just because they like it. They stay on the diet. We have BB and it has taken over our lives, but still we can't stay on the diet. These people i see on youtube really have discipline and that is why they are happy right know.
Archimonde I'm telling you, I swear this time i won't give up.
I could have been cured a long time ago, but i just lack discipline. And feeling sorry for yourself doesn't really help either. Archimonde we really need to do this together and tell eachother what we ate and give tips. We can see results in just a few weeks.
We just gotta find a way to put on weight , but there is enough information online so doing this is not impossible. Lets just do it!!!! We have so much to lose.
I'm almost 30 and lost 12 years of my life. I've been on this site for 6 years or something.
Enough is enough =;
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Post by elliott »

If you guys Arch and Billie are planning on exchanging emails as a green diet 'checks and balance', it sounds like a great idea. I'd do that.

Unfortunately raw kale seems to have a rotting smell effect (you can smell it when they are cooking anyways) when I eat too much of it, so I'm looking to try other things that are available here. I like spinach but it lacks the full feeling that more substantial meaty greens offer. You can eat a whole 4 serving of spinach and it melts down to a small side dish ... I need help with feeling full enough that I don't get the idea that I need to actually eat food.... because if I feel hungry, I am human and I will want to eat food. There's no way around it

I also need to make sure I have the energy I need to get my day job done, my issue has been not feeling 100% satisfied by only eating greens, not able to maintain mental capacity, and going off to eat something else, not a 'bad' meal, but something like vegan granola. Feeling abnormal under a diet... I don't think that works for me, so I do need help.
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Post by MrChips »

I agree totally. Going on the raw food diet was the only thing that worked for me. It is so so hard though to keep it up. Im taking about 2 green smoothies a day. I still cant help myself with beer and wine, and southern fried chicken. It definitely helps though going raw. Especially if you have nasal odour too.
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Post by Archimonde »

Billie, I'm 36 and lost 2 decades of my life. Like you said, enough is enough, i can no longer wait for a permanent cure that may or may not come so i must make this green diet work now. I wish Bimms was still around. i PM'd him more than a year ago and he never replied, seems like he's gone forever.

We need to figure out how much greens we need daily for this to work, what's the maximum amount of meat and fruit we can eat daily before the smell comes back. Can we eat cooked veggies too? etc, etc. I'm a detail-oriented person so i'd like to how much of what we can eat, in grams.

What i've tested before: 3 small smoothies a day + half a pound of lean meat = no bb. Problem with that: not enough calories. We need to figure out how to consume around 1800-2200 calories a day. How the **** is that even possible on smoothies, meat, veggies, fruit.

Eating too much fruit made my bb come back, same with meat (obviously).

It seems to work like this: the more chlorophyll/greens you consume, the more meat/fruit/other veggies you can eat without the smell coming back. Grains and dairy are a big no no.

So our priority should be to figure out the best and easiest way to consume and digest as much chlorophyll as possible: is it by juicing or blending greens, or eating salads or taking chlorophyll supplements?
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Post by Archimonde »


We'll use this thread to exchange tips so future members can benefit but let's make sure people stay on topic: the green diet. No theorizing on causes of bb and the like.

Like i said in this thread, I too had problem with hunger and lack of calories but if Bimms managed to stay healthy for a year, we can too. We just need to figure out how. Once we are free of BB, can maintain a healthy weight and not feel hungry, we will have won and we won't want to get off the diet, i think. Btw, raw kale in large quantity shouldn't affect your breath, quite the opposite, it is the key. Did you eat it cooked?

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Archimonde »

Stankie wrote:Who is the legendary Bimms? Got a link to a thread where this diet is discussed/explained?

Sorry, i don't want to discuss your other topics in this thread, i'd rather stick to the topic of green diet to reduce noise but nuts/seeds might be worth looking into to see how they affect bb, i'm not at that point yet.
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Post by MrChips »

Although im on the green smoothies,,, i will not touch 'spinach'. For some reason spinach makes my breath stink really bad. Lettuce, celery, tomato and carrots are the best for me

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by deebo »

member have done 100% raw before . Claire ,myself and Jimi did . I will say it was much easier after 1 month . I was on high fruit diet and it did reduce the range and intensity of my odor from what I could tell . Yep , you lose lots of weight . I was down to 155 lbs , and actually started jogging a bit ,which i've never done ,ever. My body just didn't like being so gaunt and needing new calories every 2 hours was tough .
I swear when i stopped the raw diet ,bb came back worse than ever . I don't know why and can only speculate but it seemed to get worse with the 1st cooked meal . I remember the 1st comment like yesterday . :(

on a high fat/low carb diet now . i'm sure i smell bad but i havent been hungry in 2 months and not getting fat, plus feel much less anxiety . We've posted lots about the raw diet on here
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Post by seanlee1980 »

I think diet is the only way but its just difficult like everyone says here. You also have to worry about eating truly organic food. Everything has to be in their natural state. You may still be consuming crap if you are eating unnaturally grown fruits and vegetables. We should all keep a food diary everyday and be really be detailed about what we ate and rate our breath a few times a day. Maybe compare our results and we can see what sort of food and nutrients are helping. But yeah who in here is not lazy and motivated to do this. Someone start a food diary thread. I don't know. Just offering suggestions.
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