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Maybe the problem is in the composition

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Maybe the problem is in the composition

Post by Ihatemybreath »

I've been reading A LOT of posts in this amazing website for BB sufferers, and realized that the horrible problem of halitosis may be caused not because your don't brush your teeth, but because you brush. Yes, that's it. Maybe the problem is in the formula of the toothpaste. For example: I've been reading my one formula, and it contains ''calcium carbonate'', maybe we are alergic to this, and when we brush it just make our breath AWFUL. We are all allergic. Why I had this conclusion? Because I've reading posts that people say no matter how they brush, the smell always come back, and SEE THIS: A guy who said that when he DOESN'T brush, his breath didn't smell anything, he even used to NOT brush for go out.......... Coincidence? Well, I really wanted a opinion from you guys, key? Like you, Im searching for a cure too, my bad breath is kind of level 4.

Sorry for my english, I'm not a native speaker javascript:emoticon('#-o')

Jehovah bless you, and good luck for all (of us)

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am not brushing with regular toothpaste for years, so that is rules out
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Post by mindspace »

I think that he is right at some point-i use parodium gel which contains chlorxedine and after 30 minutes there's the awful smell like feces in my mouth-with regular toothpaste is the same,but about 10 minutes after i brush people feel the smell stronger.Despite that even if I'm not brushing bad breath is the same-in my case-that's the anaerobic bacteria in the gums.
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Post by deebo »

give other things a try . tooth soaps, brush with salt , baking soda ..etc. There are tons of natural tooth creams and pastes and products out there . you can even make your own from recipes online . Many of us have tried pretty much everything under the sun . Good Luck and welcome to the forum .
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