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***** CURE REPORTS ***** 11 so far. Last update March 8th

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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***** CURE REPORTS ***** 11 so far. Last update March 8th

Post by Archimonde »

If you see anywhere on the internet a story about someone curing their BB, please reply to this thread and link the URL or copy/paste the story. If the story is not in English, still link it but also provide a summary in English.


#1 Gargle with Lugol's iodine
From a thread.

There is no way to link directly to the post so i'll just copy it:

" This whole time, I think my problem was tonsil stones. Now that I gargle w/ Lugol's Solution diluted in water (3 drops in 2 oz.), I have no more problems. The Lugol's clears up mucus from my nasal passages and clears any sort of bad breath/odor that I brought onto myself w/ the GSE flip-turn. I just wanted to give that update (after about 2.5 years of misery). "

Taken from the super long thread here: ... inus-Flush


#2 Deviated septum, septoplasty & concha bullosa surgeries
from forum member 'compor'.



Tonsilectomy surgeries



"Oh and when the doctor removed my tonsils -- he indicated that one side was FULL of tonsil curds -- the size of a golf ball and that no amount of antibiotic, gargling, etc. would've ever taken care of it the infection was so deep."

(adenoidectomy too)




#9 lingual tonsils removal

It's not clear whether she had chronic BB, it sounds to me like she did: "i got rid from the stinky smell of the swallen lingual tonsills."

She only made 2 posts, the other one talks about the removal of her palatine tonsils and adenoids. That is crazy!


#10 PND, turbinate hypertrophy, laser nasal surgery/cauterization

That report deserves its own thread, it's nothing i have seen before.



#11 Wisdom tooth removal

I was browsing Reddit and randomly found this post:

"My husband hasn't had his wisdom teeth pulled (40 yr old). About 8 years ago he had HORRIBLE breath. He went in for his regular cleaning and the dentist discovered a HUGE hole in one of his wisdom teeth. He never felt any pain it just smelled because it was decaying. Gross."

"Did he get them pulled?"

"No, not all of them just the one. He's too much of a baby to get it all done." ... he/ca16u07

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Post by mike987 »

I'll definitely be trying this flip-turn thing when I get a hold of some good salt... I don't know about that Lugol's solution, but if I'm in the US this year, I'll try to find some.
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Post by jc »

I remember in the TMAU site that about 3 members with severe odor problems had success by taking high dosage of chinese chlorella. They said its chlorophyll is 5x better than the normal chlorella. Unfortunately, there were very little interest by the other members. I don`t even know if they tried it or not. I tried the normal chlorella available in my area but it didn`t work. I tried ordering online but it doesn`t deliver to my country due to BFAD regulations. I am curious about it cuz every year someone comes back & say they can control their odor with this.
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Post by mike987 »

Still need salt for the flip turn.

I'd try the Chinese snake oil if it was easy to get too. Supposing it worked, would I continually buy a huge stock and have it shipped to me, despite it's probably high cost and the small amount you probably get?

If someone does try it, and it does work, they need to document that and experiment with it by trying to be as odorous as possible.
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Post by jc »


The strange thing is that no one said that it did not work for them like in usual cases of the products used by other cured members.
Those people that controlled their odor posted a year apart & they did not mention any particular brand so they don`t seem like spammers to me plus one of them was an old member who stopped posting after having success.

If anything works I`m prepared to take it for a lifetime. I`ve been taking probiotics for 4 years straight now & I don`t think I can stop.
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Post by mike987 »

How many people tried it?

Most people probably couldn't get a hold of it, like yourself.

"Chinese chlorella is a single-celled fresh-water algae, sold as a powdered dietary supplement. It is rich in chlorophyll, protein, antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Many herbalists, naturopaths and ayurvedic practitioners recommend it for treatment and prevention of many diseases, including cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, there is no evidence that chlorella is effective in cancer against humans, however, animal studies suggest that it may have anti-cancer properties. Chlorella is classified as a food, and--in the absence of allergic reactions--is considered safe." ... &prodid=64 ... ets-003592 ... g-120-tabs

Is there a difference between what is listed as Chinese, and those that are just listed as Chlorella?

I don't have time to investigate now.. Really have to go to bed, but the product seems quite available. Perhaps you should give it a shot?
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Post by jc »

As I`ve said before, 3 people were able to control their odor taking high dosage of CC. There were a few members who inquired about it but did not post back if they tried it or not.
The guys who tried it said that chinese chlorella have a lot more chlorophyll content than the regular one.

I tried to buy online but they don`t ship to my country. I can buy garden of life probiotics from that site but not other brands due to some strange BFAD law in my country.

In chinatown pharmacy they don`t even know what it is.
Last edited by jc on Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jc »

I`ll try to find the post about CC from my old yahoo account. I hope it still not deleted by yahoo. I haven`t opened it in a long time.
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Post by Archimonde »

By the way, Lugol's solution has nothing to do with chlorophyll. Haven't been able to find Lugol's locally yet.
Last edited by Archimonde on Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by snoopsister »

How and where do we get this special iodine?
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Post by mike987 »

Tried the flip turn flush last night.

Water immediately got into my ears (I always had ear problems and had tubes in my ears, could be the reason). I went ahead and continued the flush anyway because I didn't want to waste my ****ing time, and if I was going to get an ear infection, it would be too late anyway.

I slept rather upright last night to keep from water laying around where it shouldn't in my ears. Had some funny dreams. I didn't feel like I was sleeping.. just that I had my eyes shut. But I felt the building lean waaay forward, and some rumbling, as if there was an earthquake.

One thing I notice by sleeping upright, say, by falling asleep in a chair while watching a movie, is that in the morning, my shit isn't as loose.

I had a skanky taste in my throat last night and now, and I'm not sure why. I think it was doing that before the flush. My nose also feels as congested as before, and I'm draining down the back.

I also think I've got a new tongue brush routine I've bee doing a couple days now. Pour sea salt onto the tongue brush and just work it all in. Tongue isn't completely clear, but it's clearer than it has been in months.

Oh guys.
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Post by compor »

Cure Report #2

I am summarizing a post of some guy who got cured via septoplasty (it's not in English):
31 years old, suffered from bb for a very long time. The smell was always there, in the mornings, in the evenings, hungry or full. It ruined my life. I was unable to speak to my friends or colleagues...

I had septoplasty plus concha bullosa surgery. Soon after I realized that I didn't have that metallic taste in my mouth any more. One side of my nose was mostly blocked, I could barely breathe through it. My other symptoms were pharyngitis, snoring, waking up tired, dry mouth in the mornings, tinnitus, burning sensation in my throat...

I heard about septoplasty from a friend who told me that his life changed after the operation. I went to a doctor to have it checked. Doctor told me that I had significant septum deviation and it should be operated...

How come I haven't realized it so far? It's genetic in our family. If you have a condition for as long as you know, it's not easy to realize...

How did I notice the relation between my bb and deviation? Whenever my PND was gone, I got rid of bb for short while. When my pharyngeal area was clean, like after taking a hot bath or especially after swimming in the sea I got rid of bb. This all pointed out to nasopharyngeal problems...

You should consider septoplasty not just for bad breath, but also for your health. However, doctor choice is extremely important. Stay away from doctors who operate 10 patients every day just for the money. Find the right doctor...

I might even get married, what do you think?
He made this post only 10 days after his surgery. We have seen this kind "I am cured" posts. They all come back in few months saying bb is back. He made this post in 2010. Fortuntely, he has a unique surname so I managed to find him through facebook. I contacted him last year and asked about his condition. He kindly answered my questions, stating that he no longer has bb problems. For another good news, read his last sentence. In his facebook page I saw his marriage pictures and congratulated him. I felt really happy for him.

After contacting him, I was full of hope. I had a nasal CT scan right away. I showed it to Dr. Murat Aydin during examination. He expressed his concerns about my deviated septum and concha bullosa. According to him, anaerobic bacteria might be in there which might be the main cause for bb. If that is the case, my bb will never disappear unless I have a concha bullosa operation. He also strongly stated that I should find a doctor who knows what he is doing or else nothing will change.

Then the search began. I managed to find a very respectable doctor, got examined by him, showed him my CT scan. Unfortunately, he thought bad breath is not related to deviated septum or concha bullosa. He wanted to go with the operation anyways just to improve my breathing, however that did not convince me. I want to have this operation only once and make sure that everything necessary is done. Then I encountered a cocky female doctor who went through my CT scan in 10 seconds and said "yeah yeah you have deviated septum, let's have the blood tests and we can have the operation tomorrow. It costs this much money." Thanks, but no thanks.

It's been months since I last thought about this. Archimonde's post about cure reports rang a bell. I really need to find a decent doctor and cross it off my list.
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OMG!!! I googled pictures on septumdeviation, and took a flashlight and checked in my nose.Exactly the same.....Thanks Compor.
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Post by Archimonde »

compor wrote:Cure Report #2
Thank you for that report! VERY informative. What language was it in? It's great we have people all over the world on this forum who can pass on information. Please report other cure story if you see any.

I too have nostrils that are often (not always) partially blocked, it's never both nostrils that are blocked, it's one or the other, it alternates randomly.
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Post by emotional rescue »

Archimonde wrote:
compor wrote:Cure Report #2
I too have nostrils that are often (not always) partially blocked, it's never both nostrils that are blocked, it's one or the other, it alternates randomly.
Same thing for me.
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