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CURED after suffering from bad breath for over 30 years !!

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CURED after suffering from bad breath for over 30 years !!

Post by kakaroto »

I never thought I was ever going to write this .

– My Fecal BB probably has been here since I was born , I started noticing it in school by peoples reactions , I've been suffering for all my life during my childhood my mom gave me a lot of antibiotics and my Dad use to have rants every once in a while complaining how horrible I smell …

– I have experienced the same things most of the people on this forum. The who farted comments, the it smells like shit comments, people opening windows, covering noses, walking away from me etc.

--had very humiliating experiences, One of them was giving a ride to a girl I use to like a lot she threw up in my car and said sorry can't stand the smell the horrific smell in this car .

On a public bus people started complaining that somebody died in here and asked what is that ****ing smell , people started coughing and staring at me among many other countless embarrassing situations.

My bad breath was Fecal or like putrefied eggs according to peoples comments, I was never able to smell it , but it was so bad that it could fill a big house or a basketball court easily. The symptoms I have are
Post nasal drip , white tongue etc. things that even non bad breath sufferers have.
The smell use to come out from my nose and mouth even with when I stopped breathing with my mouth closed .

-Odd things I noticed about my BB
My bad breath was 24*7, but if I did not swallow my saliva for 5 minutes and kept my mouth closed people would uncover their noses, but as soon as I swallowed they would cough and cover their noses again , I even used to do it for fun .

Here is some of the things I tried that I remember.
BTW none of them worked for me not even a bit .

-Peroxide + Baking Soda
-Zinc mouth wash
-nasal irrigation
-neti pot
-Got treated for H-pylory
-removed tonsils surgery
-Raw food diet for 6 months
-Paleolitic diet
-Candida diet
-TMAU diet
-Eliminated dairy
-Colon Cleanse
-Liver Cleanse
-Tried a whole bunch of herbs that some of them I can't even pronounce
-Got treated for acid reflux
- Bunch of antibiotics
went to numerous doctors spent a fortune and nothing seemed to even help

-How things got better
Tired , depressed and on the border of committing s*****e, I lost all hope on getting cured and decided a few years ago that I would try extremely hard to ignore this problem and to live with it.

So I started to exercise and to work out like if I was getting prepared for Mr Olympia ,
all this endorphins help me so much and basically it eliminated all the negative feelings of depression that was caused this horrible condition,
it also improved my sleep and boosted my self-esteem and even helped find the cure by thinking straight .

-How I got cured .
I did not know where my bad breath was coming from this was a huge handicap to get cured but since every time I drank coffee or anything with caffeine my BB was worst, I use to think it was from my mouth or stomach .

I started reading about 5 of weeks ago a post from a Doctor this website that ZINC directly neutralizes sulfur compounds by making bacteria not capable of making this volatile sulfur .
So he basically said that zinc does not kill the bacteria it just changes the way they behave because zinc ions bind to the precursor compounds that anaerobic bacteria require to make VSC's.
With that said and being somebody that eats a lot of raw food and probiotics I started thinking mmm

"Probably my bad breath is not because of the type bacteria I have its because of the way the bacteria I have behaves due to some unbalance environment"

So I started to use Zinc as a tool to narrow down the source of my bad breath by making bacteria behave differently by not making VSC’s.

First thing I did was to use zinc base mouthwash but again no positive results bad breath was as bad as ever .
But common sense says that if it did not work is because the main source of bad breath is not my mouth .
So I discarded my mouth as my main source of bb .

On this next step I did something completely stupid, but this actually will change my life forever

I made a saline nasal wash consisting of
some zinc with salt and warm water

OK , now before I proceed .
********Any nasal solution containing any type of zinc is EXTREMELY
DANGEROUS . you will lose your sence of smell forever if you
***k with this !! Even on the first rinse , reason why some nasal spray companies got sued out of existence like Zicam who left hundreds of people without smelling ever again , this people were just looking for a relief for a simple cold .
If the nasal nerve that provides the sense of smell absorbs zinc you will never ever ever smell a thing in your life. Google it !
So please do not try this !*******

So before I used this dangerous solution I dried up my sinuses .
The reason is simple mucus will wash up any antiseptic you put in there plus the thick film will protect any bacteria that is underneath making it all worthless.

So by using a combination of Pseudoephedrine and Guarana pills to enhance this drying effect I was able to reach all this Bacteria that other wise would've been impossible to reach in my nose .
BTW Pseudoephedrine also dries the shit out of your mouth even worsening the situation if your bb is from the mouth .

Once my nostrils were dried up and my post nasal drip gone I started flushing both of my nostrils with this rinse very carefully not flooding them and being careful not get it near my nasal nerve receptors .
Once finished , I head to work not expecting anything since I tried so many things with so many negative results.

I noticed that in the first time in my life people did not have there hands on there faces , nobody was coughing , staring, covering noses or walking away from me .
I was so skeptic that I started looking at peoples reaction all day, like a paranoid psychopath to see if anybody would cough cover their noses or anything.

Got home feeling BB free but also knowing that I could not hit this stunt again. I rather be a stinky bad breath offender for life then losing my sense of smell for ever.

But, I had this huge satisfaction that now at least I knew the source of my BB and I even narrowed it down to my right side of the nose.

Next Day !
Used some pseudoephedrine and guarana combination .
I mixed some lemon juice with a bit of sea salt.
The amount I used was just enough for it to go through my nasal passage, part of my throat and and back of my tongue, l did the same 3 times that day and repeated this for 2 more days.

On the 4th day , I just used the lemon juice and sea salt mix .
I stopped using the pseudo ephedrine plus guarana mix since I felt that my post nasal drip was gone and I already attacked all the bacteria that was below all that mucus.

Went to work on the next day and also carried the lemon juice to put some more at work Just in case .

Did not see any reaction on people , even some girl that was sitting next to me on the food court talked to me really close, so close that I even got nervous because as a BB sufferer am used to talk to people so far away .

Got home, I had the best night sleep probably in my life by not wasting energy thinking on this problem.

So far am been BB free for a month now and still putting lemon juice
up my nose 3 times a day.

In a few months will get a CT scan done
now that I know were the smell is coming from .

Conclusion – My conclusion is that my nasal septum deviation was the main cause of my Fecal BB. While I do not know exactly how or why it causes this problem, I believe the mucus from the right side of my nose gets caught in somehow somewhere along the nasal passage feeding on the mucus bacteria that produce this volatile sulfur compounds, which was giving me this terrible fecal smell. A TC scan should clear that up.
*Will update this post once I have it done and post some pics in a couple of months.

Definitely the only way to fight , resolve or cure this problem is by finding out the source of the bad breath and yes finding out the source is even more difficult than finding out the cure .

There is still hope out there for every single one of us , am already 37 years old it took me this long to find out what was causing my bad breath . Keep believing, Keep trying ,Keep fighting ALWAYS and never ever give up .

Special thanks to Jimi Stein , Dr. Aydinmur and all the bad breath community that contributes on this site .
Last edited by kakaroto on Sun May 18, 2014 2:12 am, edited 12 times in total.

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Post by MrChips »

Interesting post. I have a nasal deviated septum. I have nasal odour.
Kakaroto; You say zinc is dangerous to the sense of smell. So tell us exactly how much zinc, in what form, concentration, volume of solution etc etc, so no one, if anyone that does try it doesn't suffer negative consequences....

You then say mixed some lemon juice with a bit of sea salt. Could we have exact quantities please?

Plus, Do you think it would be possible to skip all that zinc pseudo etc and just go straight to the lemon juice?
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Post by kakaroto »

MrChips wrote:Interesting post. I have a nasal deviated septum. I have nasal odour.
Kakaroto; You say zinc is dangerous to the sense of smell. So tell us exactly how much zinc, in what form, concentration, volume of solution etc etc, so no one, if anyone that does try it doesn't suffer negative consequences....

You then say mixed some lemon juice with a bit of sea salt. Could we have exact quantities please?

Plus, Do you think it would be possible to skip all that zinc pseudo etc and just go straight to the lemon juice?
Am not going to talk about the zinc solution. As I already said its dangerous at any effective dosages if your olfatory nerve absorves it.
there is more then enough info on the internet about it.
So Yes , skip the zinc.

As I mention on this post it will not work with out pseudoephedra and caffeine its like trying to shine a dirty car without washing it first if that makes any sense.

You need to get rid of all the thick layers of mucus first with some nasal irrigation and take some Pseudoephedrine 60mg or 1 pill and 2 Guarana pills the Guarana I took had around 200mg of caffeine or any other caffeine pill that adds that same amount (do not drink coffee) this combination will dry up your sinuses and eliminate any post nasal drip you have for around 8 to 10 hours , I took this twice per day during 3 days.

BTW the PseudoEphedra Caffeine mix does not work individually
needs to be combined .

Once your sinuses passages are dried with out any mucus or post nasal drip then use the lemon mix or just plain lemon to kill the bacteria you never had a chance to reach because of all those thick layers of mucus were protecting them ,

The amount of lemon juice is very small around 12 drops or
the amount necessary for it to go through your nasal passages all the way down to the back of the tongue. I use a pinch of salt but you can also do it with no salt .
Salt just makes it feel more comfortable.
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Post by MrChips »

Thanks for sharing your cure. Once I have everything I will definitely give it a try, and I'll report back on this thread. \:D/
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Post by mindyb »

So in your first post you thought zinc was what cured you. I agree don't want to lose my sense of smell by using it, so I'm confused

Why now lemon only? Can you explain. Congrats to you!!
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Post by HS »

Ok, I was going to post this after few more weeks of testing, but I'l just post here in hopes of helping other people.

I also got relief from halitosis by using nasal irrigation.
I saw this while browsing the internet and thought this could never work. However, it DOES!

basically, warm water nasal irrigation with grapefruit seed extract, however I use this WITH the saline solution (I hear it stings a lot if you just use gse + warm water), I use a simple 1x neilmed sinus rinse + 4-5 drops of GSE in warm water, ( and use the neilmed pump (irrigator is probably better).
White/yellow coating is very small now, just at the back; but no halitosis (though if I have dry mouth or something then I'l have it, but no where near the level it was previously). The days I don't use irrigation the bad taste comes back with more coating on my tongue.

I think for myself, my problem is that my tongue has deeper grooves than most normal people so a lot of bacteria gets stuck in the tongue (as with many people here in the forum), and most of it was coming down from the nose. I don't think I had nasal odor, not sure why it's working so well, just use it once a day and through out the whole day I won't have a bad taste in my mouth.

Things I tried
removing tonsils
removing wisdom teeth
operation on deviated septum

non worked. Didn't have H pylori (I wished I had), I have fructose and lactose malaborbancy (found out from hydrogen breath testing) but it didn't help (changing my diet).

Things that worked:
metronidazole (cured around 70-80% of my bb, but the effectiveness went down the more I used it, so DON'T keep using this, you DON'T want bacteria immune to this drug) + had slight white coating
Triple therapy (cured 100% of my bb, no more white coating (or very minimal). So I thought I had h pylori, but I didn't, I think these antibiotics just changed the oral ecology in the mouth and collapsed the bad bacteria or something. Either case this isn't a good way of solving your BB.

Please discuss with your doctor about bb, I know a lot here are ashamed of talking about bb problems, I was like that too. But I got over it and told my gp about my problems and he actively tried to help me (though unfortunatlely it didn't help, but he gave me prescriptions of ANY antibiotics I wanted to try or any other method such as vitamin b12 injections or candida antibiotics though had no affect).

I hope this helps atleast one person in the forum. This probably won't help if you have bb stemming from elsewhere, but it can help you tick off from your checklist, so you can be one step closer to finding your cure.

Post by jamesmcavoy »

I gave up on xtreme mental pain .
Gud bye to all
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Post by Archimonde »

Kakaroto and HS, thank you, your posts give me hope. Please update soon.

@Kakaroto The lemon juice that you insert up a nostril, does it come out of the other nostril similar to nasal irrigation with a neti pot OR does it go from a nostril to throat and then u swallow it? Do you tilt your head to one left/right or backward?

@HS Which GSE do you use, there is 2 types of GSE, the weaker one with just GSE and the strong stuff that also contains 'citricidal'.
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Post by ernieboronda111 »

Thank you for sharing your cure with us.

I can't find pseudoephedrine in our area, some said it was banned here. Do you have any substitute for that?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Thanks buddy, I am so happy for you. I take Zinc supplement too, it makes my eyes discharge some gunk but other than that I have no sideeffects. But THe coating really decreases and the bb too. I take only half of the tablet, becuase one full tablet makes my eyes burn, very strange. And get a lot of white discharge. Maybe the zinc is cleaning out my eyes or what. So who knows.

Zinc is the only thing that helps by ingesting it and have minor sideffects for me. So you should try it.
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Post by deebas »

I hate to be the nay-sayer but I have tried everything you mentioned and had no joy what-so-ever
HS wrote:Ok, I was going to post this after few more weeks of testing, but I'l just post here in hopes of helping other people.

I also got relief from halitosis by using nasal irrigation.
I saw this while browsing the internet and thought this could never work. However, it DOES!

basically, warm water nasal irrigation with grapefruit seed extract, however I use this WITH the saline solution (I hear it stings a lot if you just use gse + warm water), I use a simple 1x neilmed sinus rinse + 4-5 drops of GSE in warm water, ( and use the neilmed pump (irrigator is probably better).
White/yellow coating is very small now, just at the back; but no halitosis (though if I have dry mouth or something then I'l have it, but no where near the level it was previously). The days I don't use irrigation the bad taste comes back with more coating on my tongue.

I think for myself, my problem is that my tongue has deeper grooves than most normal people so a lot of bacteria gets stuck in the tongue (as with many people here in the forum), and most of it was coming down from the nose. I don't think I had nasal odor, not sure why it's working so well, just use it once a day and through out the whole day I won't have a bad taste in my mouth.

Things I tried
removing tonsils
removing wisdom teeth
operation on deviated septum

non worked. Didn't have H pylori (I wished I had), I have fructose and lactose malaborbancy (found out from hydrogen breath testing) but it didn't help (changing my diet).

Things that worked:
metronidazole (cured around 70-80% of my bb, but the effectiveness went down the more I used it, so DON'T keep using this, you DON'T want bacteria immune to this drug) + had slight white coating
Triple therapy (cured 100% of my bb, no more white coating (or very minimal). So I thought I had h pylori, but I didn't, I think these antibiotics just changed the oral ecology in the mouth and collapsed the bad bacteria or something. Either case this isn't a good way of solving your BB.

Please discuss with your doctor about bb, I know a lot here are ashamed of talking about bb problems, I was like that too. But I got over it and told my gp about my problems and he actively tried to help me (though unfortunatlely it didn't help, but he gave me prescriptions of ANY antibiotics I wanted to try or any other method such as vitamin b12 injections or candida antibiotics though had no affect).

I hope this helps atleast one person in the forum. This probably won't help if you have bb stemming from elsewhere, but it can help you tick off from your checklist, so you can be one step closer to finding your cure.
- - ------------ [ - i stink therefore i am - ] ------------ - -
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Post by HS »

deebas wrote:I hate to be the nay-sayer but I have tried everything you mentioned and had no joy what-so-ever
I'm sorry it didn't help you, as I mentioned in my post there are many other reasons that could be causing halitosis, so if this isn't it then at least it can help you look elsewhere to find the cause.
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Post by HS »

Archimonde wrote:Kakaroto and HS, thank you, your posts give me hope. Please update soon.

@Kakaroto The lemon juice that you insert up a nostril, does it come out of the other nostril similar to nasal irrigation with a neti pot OR does it go from a nostril to throat and then u swallow it? Do you tilt your head to one left/right or backward?

@HS Which GSE do you use, there is 2 types of GSE, the weaker one with just GSE and the strong stuff that also contains 'citricidal'.
this is the exact one I used ... =null&ic=2

I actually bought this because I thought my bb was coming from candida, but as Dr murat says, candida doesn't seem to be the cause for bb, I'm lucky I bought this though, because I would've Never tried nasal irrigation with gse if I hadn't bought it earlier.
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Post by Archimonde »

HS, what kind of BB did you have and what were your other symptoms? What kind of reactions did you get from people?
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Post by HS »

Archimonde wrote:HS, what kind of BB did you have and what were your other symptoms? What kind of reactions did you get from people?
like a fishy/sewer smell if I didn't brush my tongue.

I was able to get temporary relief by brushing the tongue and nasal irrigation and chewing gum.

reactions; sometimes it would be bad and friends would tell me outright, but most times I was able to mask it temporarily as I said, and no it's not psychological, I had it for over 20 years. Had a lot of comments about it when I was a child.

I use to have a lot of build up on my tongue, I still do have build up but not as much as I use to, smell is much much less, my saliva doesn't even smell anymore (and I know I shouldn't be doing the lick test, because people without halitosis also sometimes have a bad smell of saliva but no bb) and no more bad/sour taste in my mouth.

I don't think I can completely rid of build up on my tongue because we got deeper grooves, so we'll have to brush it daily twice a day.

I'm hoping other people test it out and see if it's working for them too (or not), as i linked, the gse is only like 10-15 bucks, and the neil med pump + saches are also around the same price, so there's no real reason not to try it. But if you have bb coming from multiple sources then it probably won't help. The best way to identify your problem would probably be to get a thorough testing done by Dr Murat. Thank god he's with the community.
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