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How I cured my 20 years of Bad Breath

Tell us your story with bad breath
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How I cured my 20 years of Bad Breath

Post by aDude »

Hi everyone, I'd like to share my story, and you may ask me anything you want, in this thread or in private.

I am 28 years old, slim-athletic figure , used to be fit most of my life and did plenty of sports. Diet was pretty good all along. I am a very analytical-minded guy, but I'm also very interested in emotional and spiritual practices. I study Chinese medicine nowadays, and very interested in all forms of health lately. Struggled BB since the age of 7, and constant awful sour taste in my mouth. Suffered with bloating since the age of 3-4, not even kidding. Also suffered chronic constipation - once every 3 days or so. Sweaty-palms as well.

Today I noticed something odd. It's been a while since I had BB, and it was very normal and nothing thrilling.
I was struggling for over 20 years with bad breath, and now that it's gone, it feels so natural, like I never suffered from it. This had kind of disturbed me, how so much suffering is barely remembered once it's gone! Therefore, I'd like to share my experience with you, so perhaps one or two of you you can feel that way too.

My first memory of BB was at the age of 7 more or less. I was sitting in my mother's car, exhaled at her for some reason which I can't remember, and she ask me what I was eating because my breath smelled bad.

Later on I especially struggled and suffered in intimate relationships and social events, and had some really unpleasant situations to deal with. I HATED having bad breath and I know my life would be much different if I hadn't have it. I wanted to die every other day, cause by life sucked.

When I was 16 I went to a gastro specialist and was diagnosed with acid reflux, even though I don't have reflux. Most doctors are crap really (sorry for being out loud). Know nothing of cures, and only label you with diseases. Some of them are nice, though.
He puts me on PPIs which didn't help (duh...).
He also told me I have Hiatal Hernia, and since then I walked around with the belief that something is broken in my body. That I'm damaged on the inside and there's nothing I can do about it.

Years went by, and I was still afraid of getting close to people, physically and emotionally.

Anyway, today I am 28 y/o and I am bad breath free. I explored and tried every conventional method, and some really risky ones including MMS.

I've tried:
  • PPIs
    Changing my diet
    About 30 different supplements (about $500-$600 worth).
    All sorts of gums and mouthwashes
    Tongue Scraper
    Checked my teeth and tonsils
    MMS - aka chlorine dioxide - very powerful and somewhat dangerous substance.
What worked best for me was a good tongue scraper, and chewing gums. It wasn't a cure, but a good scrape a few times a day + plenty of gum, really saved me.

The MMS helped me to clean the mouth of bacteria for 4-5 hours, but it was time consuming and didn't feel right.

Then I heard some smart doctor saying:
"It's nearly impossible to get rid of bacteria. The bacteria is chosen by the environment. If you change the environment you can change the bacteria".
Bacteria will come back because you can't kill 100% of them. You just can't - even with MMS which shutters their bio-films. Bacteria is multiplying like crazy and you get back to where you started really quickly.

So I was thinking, how the hell could I change the environment?

I started digging about low and high pH levels. Alkaline vs Acidic environment and what it really meant.

I watched hundreds of hours of videos on health, and BB in particular. This led me to some guy who's making fresh juice to heal chronic diseases. He introduced me to the world of juicing, and let me tell you - these juices are miracle.

Juicing is probably the best way to alkaline your body, nurturing it with:
  • Enzymes
    Fresh hydrating water
    Good sugars
    and much more... and I meant it!
Moreover, juice are absorbed entirely within 10-15 minutes! That's because there's no fiber in it and your digestive system doesn't have to process it in the small intestines. It's so good I can't even emphasize!

They cure cancer with juices, and other chronic diseases (Google: Gerson Therapy). So bad breath is a walk in the park HAHA :) It's nothing like curing cancer. It's much easier and less stressful.

So... I decided to buy a standard centrifugal $100 juicer, and started juicing. At first carrots and apples. I knew it's important to start with something easy (not advanced juices), so I can do it. After about a week or two I started adding beets, celery, lemons and ginger.

Along with the juices, I started eating more raw foods:
  • apples
    plenty of fruits and vegs.
I took off diary almost completely (some ice-cream about once a week), I eat about 4-6 eggs a week, about 1-2 chicken meals (200-300g) and one red meat (300g).

Now back to the juice miracle - these started taking me to the toilet on a daily basis. My system could get rid of toxins! I was going every day instead of once in 3 days.
This gave my liver a chance to clean my blood and do it's work.

In Chinese medicine, we learn about how to get our body into balance. All our organs are closely connected and related to each other, and the liver is the key organ. Heal the liver, and be disease free (BB is a disease).

Anyway, I know it's really hard to give up on all the junk foods, and I eat some junk here and there, but my liver can take it, since I'm a very healthy dude now. But you really need to give it up. Being healthy could be hard, because you have to give up your comfort food, and face the emotional issues that underlie your cravings. But when you are ready to make a change, your life will change and you'll thank god for being alive.

So this is my recipe:
  • Juicing a lot!
    Eating more raw foods
    eliminating processed, junk foods and diary
These are the results:
  • Bad breath free.
    Clean pink tongue.
    No more sour taste.
    No more sweaty palms.
    Much less bloat after meals.
    Sweaty-palms - GONE! my hands are so softs and not so cold anymore
    Mind clarity
    Almost no depression (reduced by 98% or so)
    Many emotional and physiological benefits which are endless and hard to metion.

This thread is getting a little longer than expected, so I'll end it and answer your questions here or in private.

Ask me anything,


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Post by somethinstinks »

how long have you been bb free?
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Post by ThinkPositive »

What was bb like? Mouth or nasal? Do u have any idea what it smelled like?
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Post by aDude »

I'm BB free for about 3 months now. It got better and better for about a month until not even a bit is left.

I am almost 100% positive my BB was mouth only and it tasted sour and rotten. I suppose the smell was the same. I believe the smell was fecal (the taste was anyway), since I got an occasional "who farted?" remark.

It's importnat want to mention that I'm a very clean dude and I keep scraping my tongue every morning. I brush my teeth twice a day.

Moreover, I used to chew plenty of gum, about 5-10 a day, but now I chew maybe 2-3 gums a week, just when I want to feel extra fresh.
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Post by Trunks99 »

aDude, thanks for sharing. How was your diet like when you were a kid? Did you eat a lot of crap (fast food, sugar etc) ?
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Post by olechka »

Adude, do you drink coffee? When did you start noticing results?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I agreee, each of us should juice, I just bought a juicer and I will start juicing this week. I think wheatgrass, kale, etc can help us a lot and at the same time cleaning your diet with no milk, animal products.......

I suggest high raw and some cooked vegan food And juicing a lot.....

I have been growing wheatgrass for 2 months now. I just chew it and I think it helps, dunno how bcause I do it only occasionally, but still, it is easy to grow whatgrass indoors and cheap
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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I have started eating a lactose free diet today. I had abdominal pain and severe diarrhea after eating ice cream last night. Maybe it is my recent surgery or perhaps I realy do have some sort of allergy. I will try juicing as well since I am on a liquid diet. It can only make your breath better right?

Jimmie, since you started eating better, has it improved your breath a great deal? percentage wise how much would you say?

To the OP, do you have an online resource for juicing recipes that you use?

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Post by aDude »

Trunks99 wrote:aDude, thanks for sharing. How was your diet like when you were a kid? Did you eat a lot of crap (fast food, sugar etc) ?
As a kid I didn't consume much junk at all. My mom used to cook and I pretty much ate everything. The food quality was pretty high, and perhaps an occasional 1 junk meal a week.

So I had a pretty good diet. However, I wasnt blessed with the best digestive system to say the least.
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Post by aDude »

olechka wrote:Adude, do you drink coffee? When did you start noticing results?
I dont drink much coffee at all.
IMO coffee is just another tgpe of junk food. I know its a hard addiction to get rid of, but I gave up on ciggarettes. Coffee is easier to give up on.

I started noticing results after about 3 days. My bowel movement changed. I had really good poops, very releasing, and my stomach felt so much better after each movement. When my system was less loaded with shit, my mouth got cleaner too..

What a weird body we have
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Post by aDude »

Jimi Stein wrote:I agreee, each of us should juice, I just bought a juicer and I will start juicing this week. I think wheatgrass, kale, etc can help us a lot and at the same time cleaning your diet with no milk, animal products.......

I suggest high raw and some cooked vegan food And juicing a lot.....

I have been growing wheatgrass for 2 months now. I just chew it and I think it helps, dunno how bcause I do it only occasionally, but still, it is easy to grow whatgrass indoors and cheap
Jimi i agree. Most people think there is a magic cure. However, you would expect your car to run on whisky, even if u added some high quality gasoline here and there.
Cars run on gas.
Humans run on healthy and living foods.
Junk food stagnates your system …

It has taken me so long to understand how it works, and i still know very little really. But i do know now all diseases are of the same 2 sources:
Deficieny - lack of nurturing
Toxicity - overload of toxins

juices are THE BEST in getting tons of nutrients and living enzymes, while helping in toxin elimination through bowel movement.
Posts: 18
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Post by aDude »

NOTANYMORE wrote:I have started eating a lactose free diet today. I had abdominal pain and severe diarrhea after eating ice cream last night. Maybe it is my recent surgery or perhaps I realy do have some sort of allergy. I will try juicing as well since I am on a liquid diet. It can only make your breath better right?

Jimmie, since you started eating better, has it improved your breath a great deal? percentage wise how much would you say?

To the OP, do you have an online resource for juicing recipes that you use?

keep the recipes simple. Its not magic, its nurturing your body. Juice lots and lots of fresh juices. Dont mix veggies and fruit. Watch youtube for juicing videos and youll get it soon enough.

I suggest any mix of these:

You dont need many more really. Perhaps an orange or grapefruit juice here and there.


Also eliminate junk like like dairy and gluten, and let me know how it went.
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Post by Trunks99 »


How does your typical day looks like diet-wise?

Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner
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Post by aDude »

Trunks99 wrote:aDude,

How does your typical day looks like diet-wise?

Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner
My usual breakfast is about a pint of carrot juice, followed by a handful amount of almonds, about 5 dates and an apple or a banana or 2.

My favorite snacks are fruit. I can eat a whole melon for example. Just slice it in the middle and eat the whole thing with a spoon. I could also grab a high quality sandwich, low in gluten and yeast. I love avocados, high in energy and fat, alkalizing and very tasty.

I snack some juice when available. I prefer fresh, so I rather buy some juice when im not home. But im about to buy a masticating juicer, so i can store the juice longer without thd oxigenation effect.

For lunch I eat something cooked perhaps rice, soup, potatos, sweet potatos. Sometimes pasta. Cooked vegetables. I try not to load my stomach with food, and if i do, it better not contain gluten.
I eat about 4 to 6 eggs a week. About 1 to 2 chicken meals. About 1 red meat meal, keeping the toxins low, yet getting essential protein and iron yada yada.

More juice when i get home from work.

Dinner is similar to breakfast, perhaps bigger if im really hungry. Somtimes i crave sugar so once a week i eat junk like ice cream or chocolate. Not the best for me but i rather not fight my cravings. The craving reduce over time, and i maintain my diet on the long run, while keeping in my that sugar can slow my health goals down.

Bad breath is gone though.
Morning breath will pay a visit if i ate just before sleep some gluten foods.

I dont eat 3 hours before sleep. That really helps in everything and a really really good tip.
I drink about 2 to 3 pints of juice a day. Thats 1 to 1.5 litters.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I made my first juice today. I was deep into raw food, but never had juicer back then. Now they are available.

How strong was your bb, you said you could control it with mms, so it was not that bad right?

How far could people smell you?
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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