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I was cured, but i have it again

Tell us your story with bad breath
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I was cured, but i have it again

Post by sergio_00 »

Hi, I'm from mexico, sorry for my english, this is my story. I'm in my early 30s, i have suffered halitosis since highschool, and of course I became very introverted, i had very few friends, and then I decided to put an end to this. I went to a dentist, then to an otolaryngologist because i have post nasal drip, and they said i had nothing, it was all ok. My dentist recommended better oral hygiene and gave me bicarbonate because i had gingivitis, and as usual I saw no improvement at all, I became obsessed with my oral hygiene but the bad breath remained. I was resigned to have this condition for the rest of my life. Years later, one day I saw a dental clinic and I decided to go, only to have a normal cleaning, the dr. that saw me that day, said to me I had some teeth with caries, and she did go ahead with the cleaning, but it was a little different from the previous cleanings I had in the past, she went a little more deep under the gums, and after that, my bad breath went away. But then it reappeared because my bad oral hygiene. Like 2 years after that I decided to finally get rid of the bad breath, I went to a different dentist because the dr who did cure my bad breath i wasn´t able to found her, i had a normal cleaning, and my breath improved but I still had some bad breath. Then i have tried several dentists, two of them periodontologists, but they all said i was ok, I have no caries, no gingivitis, no tartar, so I was like, this could not be possible, so I´m stuck right now, i don´t now what to do, if i go to another dentist it is very likely they will say my mouth is fine, I found in the google a halitosis clinic from Barcelona, Spain but it is expensive, but i might give it a try. So guys what do you think, the cause of my bead breath is coming from my mouth, or it could be from the esophagus(because i also have ge refllux)???

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Post by Grunge »

Hello Sergio, if you've tried everything to keep your mouth clean (regular dentist visits, Dr. visits and excellent oral hygiene), then I am more than sure that your bad breath is coming from your esophagus/stomach.
I posted my story somewhere here in the forums...try looking for it...anyway, after years of bad breath and post nasal drip since my teenage years i finally cured it for a while. I say a while because i went back to my old eating habits and gained weight as well, so the bad breath came back.
But, i came to realize that not everyone's bb comes from the mouth. I too kept an excellent oral hygiene routine, but no avail. So, i started reading up on acid relfux, cause i too have suffered from it for many years. Acid reflux does indeed cause bb. It's been proven. So, i changed my diet. I started with a detox, then changed my diet and also began to exercise. I lost weight and noticed a big improvement in my health and breath, and my post nasal drip improved a lot. But, the bb was still there....along with the post nasal drip. It was until i read up on aloe vera water that i found my breakthrough. You see, the aloe vera was helping in neutralizing too much stomach acid...while i kept my healthy eating habits. But, eventually i got lazy and went back to junk food, and my bb came back. The aloe vera wasn't doing a thing to help anymore. So, i've come to realize that my bb comes from my acid reflux. I've been reading up on acidosis. It's basically when your body becomes too acidic due to the junk that we eat. In time our bodies perform poorly because of the excess acid in our bodies. You'll experience brain fog, weakness, allergy symptoms, inflamation, headaches and many other symptoms all due to acid reflux or acidosis. I'm curious, are you over weight? What kind of foods are in your daily diet? Hope to hear from you soon. Bendiciones!
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Post by ttylxman »

Grunge, does your bad breath manifest in a bad taste in the mouth? Or do you not taste/smell your own breath?

I have pretty bad acid reflux but don't see how it could overpopulate my mouth with bacteria that smells and tastes like dog crap.
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Post by Grunge »

Ttylxman, actually I do get a bad taste in my mouth. Sometimes, it's a metallic taste, and other times it's a horrible taste that makes me thirsty. My sense of smell is pretty much non-existant. Can't smell anything to save my life.
I read an article that said acid reflux causes acid to stay in our esophagus and therefore cause a stench to come out of our mouths. The smell comes from the acid, not our mouth. There are certain foods that trigger acid reflux episodes, so we must carefully monitor which ones are the cause.
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Post by tieuvodanh »


I think reflux could cause BB by :

- Reflux damages the back of your tongue and your tongue harbors smelly bacteria ( when the bacteria harbor teeth , tongue... ppl may smell/taste what they eat all day long).

- Weak lower esophageal sphincter exposes your stomach to outside world

- or food sensitivity could cause reflux and BB, so reflux may not be the cause but a symptom

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