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Has anyone ever used the Halimeter?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Has anyone ever used the Halimeter?

Post by NotSoStinky »

The most scientific way of measuring breath/bad breath?

Not all dentist offices have it because it's a $6,000 machine. My primary dentist doesn't have it, and I just had a cleaning less then 2 weeks ago. There is a dentist that has this machine and he is 10 minutes from me.

I don't want to switch dentists because I love the one I have, and I just had a cleaning. I wonder if it's possible, even if I pay out of pocket, to go to this other dentist JUST to have mine checked.

At this point, I'm not sure if I have bad breath, a problem at all, or if it's just psychological. The problem is, there is a beautiful woman interested in me, and I wish I could find out other then finding out what HER reaction will be.

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Post by MyhopeSomeday25 »

I have used the halimeter before. Well, I have been told over the last 6 month -8 months that my BB is psychological. But i'm sure I have had very BB... some how along the way I found a cure. I have no idea what it is so whatever i'm doing now I just keep on doing it. But it's frustrating because my mind won't let me believe I have no bb. It's not my fault. If a beautiful girl is interested in you. You have no bb, trust me. If you had bb it would find that girl and she would not be interested lol... Keep tabs on your breath by asking a close friend or your children throughout the day. Good luck..
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Post by deebo »

was just telling my terrible doctor that denies my odor that i need to get put on a machine called a halimeter so docs can finally stfu about there being no odor . I assume there will be an attachment for your smartphone very soon to gauge how strong breath odor is . There is already 1 for BO . We can petition for 1 to be made for BB ... 12d5fe774d

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

there is already one called mint, but they messed it up and it should be released while ago, but I presume somethig went teribly wrong. They tried to squeeze a halimeter in a tiny iphone adapter chip, which i think is impossible....

also there is a bb detector from china, I tried it, very simple but it works kind of, ebay it.... ... B00BI1HXE6

kind of sucks but if you want to be sure if you have bb you should try it...
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Post by somethinstinks »

Jimi Stein wrote:there is already one called mint, but they messed it up and it should be released while ago, but I presume somethig went teribly wrong. They tried to squeeze a halimeter in a tiny iphone adapter chip, which i think is impossible....

also there is a bb detector from china, I tried it, very simple but it works kind of, ebay it.... ... B00BI1HXE6

kind of sucks but if you want to be sure if you have bb you should try it...
do you think those things actually work? the one you linked has one review, which states that it doesnt. Hopefully one comes out that actually works, but at the same time I wonder if it would only measure a normal persons bad breath.

as far as the halimeter goes, ive tried it twice years ago. Very wonky IMO. they put like a straw in your mouth and you have to breathe awkwardly into it. Ended up not really trusting the thing, but idk. Cant hurt to give it a try (except for the $)
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Post by angst-ridden »

I have nasal and oral BB, and I find it odd that some girls still ask me out. Well my BB is tolerable according to them even if it's room filling since it doesn't smell like poo. So trust me, even if you have BB, people can still get interested in you.
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