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Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by Ana »

Dr.murat has helped with classyfing the type of bb, but yet you see people who cant find anything.

Type one should be tested with bleach rinse or visit to the dentist
type 2 can be tested with nasal rinse ,or a visit to the ent
Type 3 can be tested with a gastroscopy
type 4 , go to internist doctor

so all we need to do to find our cause is to make 4 tests
why are we still here?

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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by gotshot26 »

Lol, we are still here because it's not that easy. For people with bad breath coming from the tongue, this is the reason I believe you have bad breath:

Do you have bad breath, really bad breath?

It might not be the garlic or onions, coffee or alcohol.

Rather, a new study links it to the types of bacteria that dominate the back portion of the top of your tongue.

Some bacteria protect against halitosis, the formal name for really bad breath, while others cause the pungent odor, says a team of researchers from The Forsyth Institute in Boston and the University of Michigan School of Dentistry.

"I think there's a definite smoking gun here -- that it's a strong association," says lead researcher Bruce Paster, a senior staff member at Forsyth. "There are the good bacteria and the bad ones. Normal bacteria keep out bacteria from the bad guys."

The study, reported in the February issue of the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, relied on gene sequencing to compare bacteria found on the tongues of those with halitosis and those with fresh breath.

Researchers reported species of the same three bacteria were prevalent among five people with fresh breath. The most common of these germs found on these subjects' tongues, Streptococcus salivarius, appeared in only one of six people with halitosis -- and at extremely low levels.

About 65 million Americans suffer from halitosis at some point in their lives, the National Institute of Dental Research has estimated. Halitosis differs from the temporary mouth odors caused by foods or drinks.

Six species of bacteria were linked to halitosis, and several of those germs were not found in those with fresh breath.

The study is part of an ongoing effort to determine genetic sequences for all species of bacteria in the oral cavity. Paster says that the results have been confirmed by still-unreported research involving a larger group of people and adds that forthcoming research will look into possible treatment for halitosis.

Differences in bacteria in people's mouths -- and, in turn, why stinky sulphurous bacteria is so prevalent in halitosis sufferers -- could be the result of a variety of factors, including blood type, Paster says.

"I think it's a case where it's clear that with these people who have halitosis, something makes these types of bacteria more likely to colonize than ones that colonize normal tongues," he says.

However, uncovering all the bugs responsible for good and bad breath could be a daunting task.

About 75 to 100 different kinds of germs live in each person's mouth -- of a total of 700 that collectively populate all human mouths, Paster says. Of these, scientists know the names of only about 300.

You have more bacteria in your mouth than cells in your body, says Paster, and a toothpick plaque sample would hold 10 million to 100 million cells.

The researchers reported finding just 92 species of bacteria, 29 of which had never before been described in scientific literature. So other bugs could be responsible for good breath and bad, Paster says.

He suggests you could help reduce halitosis by brushing not only the teeth, but also the tongue, twice daily, along with scraping the tongue and using oral care products containing zinc.

Dr. Israel Kleinberg, chairman of the oral biology and pathology department at the State University of New York at Stony Brook's dental school, says the study shows how different bacteria in the mouth help determine whether bugs conducive to good or bad breath thrive.

He likened these variations to differences in climates where different types of vegetation grow. "There are environmental differences that can be selective" in the mouth, too, Israel says. "It's the environment that ends up selecting the bacteria. So if you want to do something about it, you want to try to shift that environment."

And what of mouthwashes that promise to kill bacteria that cause bad breath?

"You can try to kill bacteria, but by and large, the bacteria grow back," Kleinberg says. "Most of the effort is toward killing bacteria, and killing bacteria is not terribly effective in most cases."

I am attempting to change my microbiome next year. I have the worlds' leader in fecal matter transplants just 30 minutes from my house. I am hoping to repopulate my body with the correct mix of bacteria. I am ordering Oral Bliss K12 (containing Strep. Salivarus) today - if it cures my bad breath then I know I am probably on the right track.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by Sadlife »

Does anyone of u heard of National Breath Centre in Washington, Virginia before? Is tongue rejuvenation a cure for us? I'm planning to make an appointment with Dr. Richard A. Miller soon. That is my last hope. [-o<
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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by winter »

Because people don't want to help us or are too polite to help us. We don't have good feedback on what makes us worse.
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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by Sadlife »

Hi, pls help me. Does anyone of u heard of National Breath Centre in Washington, Virginia? Is Dr Richard A. Miller's tongue rejuvenation a cure for us? Pls, if u ever been there or knew anything about it, PLS let me know. Thx in advance~
Jimi Stein
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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by Jimi Stein »

Sadlife wrote:Hi, pls help me. Does anyone of u heard of National Breath Centre in Washington, Virginia? Is Dr Richard A. Miller's tongue rejuvenation a cure for us? Pls, if u ever been there or knew anything about it, PLS let me know. Thx in advance~
These BB so called #doctors# are the worse scum, they charge 1000 usd or more per office visit and sell you their garbage chemical stuff.....tongue must be kidding is just another loophole to make money......
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by Smilingagain »

Sadlife wrote:Does anyone of u heard of National Breath Centre in Washington, Virginia before? Is tongue rejuvenation a cure for us? I'm planning to make an appointment with Dr. Richard A. Miller soon. That is my last hope. [-o<

@Sadlife, from your username and comment above you seem to be depress or given up.

Pls, don't do this because if, you do you've close door to chance of getting cure. You need to stir up hope & courage =D>


In the past, i've seen people who actually faint(by this i mean could not take further step or gave up) just 5 minutes to their promise land.

I live with a friend who is also suffering from bb just like me.
Mine, seem to be more severe (chronic) than his bb but, he told me he is depress about the whole issue, about the difficulty of not being able to engage in discussion effectively with other's.

I adviced him not to take this personal (allow this problem to get into his head or lose focus) because he will never leave to find the right solution if, he do lose hope.

Contrary to him, i'm quite aware that i'm having same problem, but, before leaving home, i try my best to do indept mouth cleasing majority of the product's has not been helpful when it comes to addressing this issue but, recently, i'm trying other product which can actually keep my mouth fresh for atleast 4 hour's prior application.

I enjoy engaging in conversation whenever, there is need for me to do so because doing this actually makes me to forget about the problem or not to focus on my bb. Also, conversation with other's gives me the opportunity to know the level of my bb (either increase or decreasing)

☞Thanks and i hope this few word's of encouragement could go a long to admonish other's as well.
Chuck (Smilingagain =D> =D> )
☑ FRESHMINT => Xylitol gum keep's my breath fresh during hot summer
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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by Sadlife »

Thank u smilingagain for ur encouragement! I even had tears in my eyes when I read ur kind words. Only God knows what I hv been through for the past 27 years! It's really hard to live like this! I hate my life! Why I can't enjoy my life just like others? Oh Lord, pls help me! What I'm asking is just a normal breath!
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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by Smilingagain »

Sadlife wrote:Thank u smilingagain for ur encouragement! I even had tears in my eyes when I read ur kind words. Only God knows what I hv been through for the past 27 years! It's really hard to live like this! I hate my life! Why I can't enjoy my life just like others? Oh Lord, pls help me! What I'm asking is just a normal breath!

@Sadlife, My dear you are welcome. pls, could you add me as your friend and get in contact with me. I live in rome. what i about you? we could work out something.

Currently, i'm trying one product. i can ship one small package to you if, you are interested. it's a natural product.

This is ONE of my achieve which i can boost of this year. It's gradually restoring my hope & put a smile on my face :lol: There is nothing as bad as living a restricted life in a free world.

Perhap's you could try it & decide if, this is the right product for you. i know most of us here have one thing in common (bb) but, the symstom (cause) behind this attack differ's.

Note : i prefer referring to bb as attack since, consistent mentioning of the name might end-up rememering most people like me the pain/embarrasment associated to it

Smilingagain :lol:
☑ FRESHMINT => Xylitol gum keep's my breath fresh during hot summer
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Re: Why its so hard to find the source of bad breath for most of us here_

Post by Smilingagain »

Jimi Stein wrote:
Sadlife wrote:Hi, pls help me. Does anyone of u heard of National Breath Centre in Washington, Virginia? Is Dr Richard A. Miller's tongue rejuvenation a cure for us? Pls, if u ever been there or knew anything about it, PLS let me know. Thx in advance~
These BB so called #doctors# are the worse scum, they charge 1000 usd or more per office visit and sell you their garbage chemical stuff.....tongue must be kidding is just another loophole to make money......

I think Jimi Stein, is right. for now i suggest we stay away from doctor and their fee's

I can't remember how many times i gone to private studio for teeth cleaning,book appointment (stayed away from work) ..ecc

but, this was the early stage when i start getting the attack.

I've tried, mouth flush,spray, expensive & medicated toothpaste parodontax....ecc none of these worked for me

Ebay product: activated charcoal, super flush, sodiumbicarbonate (stay away from this product, could be harmful use domestic salt mix with water instead) ..ecc

Natural product's which i have tested up-to-date : bitter kolanut (work slight, will keep yr mouth fresh for atleast 1-2 hour's provide you are having some in your pocket)

Salt mix with hot water could help disinfect bacteria (but,it will only last for 1-2 hour's. you can fill bottle with hot h20 + salt but, this becomes ineffective when the water get's cool)

***Currently, trying another 3-1 natural product's seem to be effective for atleast 4 hour's but, unfornately i donot know the name in english I just named it root bB for the benefit of identification.

Be Strong & Courageous =D>
SmilingAgain :lol:
☑ FRESHMINT => Xylitol gum keep's my breath fresh during hot summer
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